Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How to Create Labels From Excel

Open a blank Excel worksheet. Go to the 'Page Layout' tab of Excel 2007 and select 'Margins.' In Excel 2003 or earlier, go to the 'File' menu, select 'Page Setup' and go to the 'Margins' tab.
Change the 'Top' box to '0' and leave the header at '0.5.' Change both the left and right margins to '0.19.' Change the bottom margin to '0' and leave the footer at '0.5.' Select 'Horizontally' and 'Vertically' under 'Center on Page.' Click 'OK' to apply these changes.
Select cells A1 through A10. If you are using Excel 2007, click the 'Format' dropdown of the Home tab and select 'Row Height.' In version 2003 or earlier, go to the 'Format' menu, point to 'Row' and click on 'Height.' Change the row height to '72' and click 'OK.' Repeat this step, selecting 'Column Width' instead of row height. Change the width to '35.' Apply these changes to cells C1 through C10 and E1 through E10, also.
Select cells B1 through B10. Following the instructions in Step 3, change the column width to '1.29.' Change D1 through D10 to '1.29' also.
Select cells A1 through E10. Click the 'Borders' dropdown arrow, which is in the Font section of the Home tab in Excel 2007 and is on the Format toolbar in Excel 2003 or earlier. Select 'All Borders.'
6. Enter addresses into the cells in columns A, C and E. B and D will be margins between the columns.

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