Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How to Protect Cells in Excel 2003

1. Open Excel on your computer and select the spreadsheet that you want to protect.
2. Click the 'Select All' icon in the upper-left corner of the spreadsheet. The icon is a gray rectangle located adjacent to the A1 cell.
3. Select 'Cells' from the format menu and choose the 'Protection' tab. Uncheck the box next to 'Locked.'
4. Choose the cells that you want to protect. To select multiple cells, hold down the 'Control' key while you click on each cell. To select a large block of cells, hold down the 'Shift' key while you click on the first and last cells in the block to be protected.
5. Go to the Tool menu and select 'Protection.' Click on 'Protect Sheet' and then 'OK.' If you choose to password-protect the spreadsheet, select a password in the 'Protect Sheet' dialogue box before clicking 'OK.'

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