Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tutorial for Solving a System of Linear Equations With Excel

1. Type the equation into a cell, substituting another cell's reference for the equation's variable. For instance, if the equation is '6x 33 = -1,' type '=A2 * 6 33' into cell A1.
2. Click on 'Data' from the menu bar. Click 'Solver' from the 'Analysis' tab.
3. Type the formula's cell reference into the 'Set Objective:' box. With this example, type 'A1.'
4. Enter the equation's target value in the 'Value Of:' box. With this example, type '-1.'
5. Type the cell reference that you substituted in Step 1 into the 'By Changing Variable Cells:' box. With this example, type 'A2.'
6. Click 'Solve.' Excel will change the cells' values to solve the equation. With this example, cell A1 will become '33,' and cell A2 will become '-5.667.'
7. Repeat the process for all your linear equations.

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