Sunday, March 13, 2011

How to Highlight Changes in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Access the highlight menu. To access this menu, scroll to the “Tools” tab and select “Track Changes.”
2. Open the Highlight Changes Options menu. Under the submenu that opens scroll to “Highlight Changes” and left-click to access the 'Highlight Changes' menu. Make sure to check the box labeled “Track Changes While Editing.”
3. Set up the “When” attributes. By checking this box, you can access a dropdown menu where you can choose from the following: All (which will track changes by everybody), Since I Last Saved (which will track changes from your last save), Not Yet Reviewed (which will track all changes that have yet to be reviewed by you) and Since Date (which will track changes since a certain date you enter.)
4. Set up the “Who” attributes. Under this box you can choose to track changes by Everyone or by Everyone But Me (which will track all other user changes but yours) by selecting the desired attribute from the dropdown menu.
5. Set up the “Where” attributes. Under this selection, you can enter a span of cells, rows, columns, or all three, by entering their corresponding data into the field provide, which will track all changes made to the specified cells, rows or columns.
6. Set the screen options. If you wish to see the changes tracked on-screen and highlighted, check the box labeled “Highlight Changes on Screen.”
7. Implement the changes. To implement your changes click on the “Okay” button.

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