Monday, March 21, 2011

How to Break Hours Minutes Down into Increments for Excel

1. Open a new Microsoft Excel 2010 spreadsheet. Click on cell 'A1' and type in the time that you want to break down. Enter the time as 'hh:mm.'
2. Click on cell 'B1' and enter the following formula into the cell:=ROUND(A1*(1440/x),0)/(1440/x)Change each 'x' to be a number equal to the number of minutes in your desired time increments. If your increments are in seconds, change both instances of '1440' to '86400' and enter the number of seconds in each increment for 'x.' Press 'Enter' to complete the formula and a small number will appear in the cell.
3. Right-click cell 'B1 and choose 'Format Cells' from the drop-down menu. Click on 'Time' on the left side of the window that appears. Then choose the '37:30:55' option on the right side of the window. This format will allow you to view amounts over 24 hours correctly. Click 'OK' and the small number in cell 'B1' will be changed into your rounded time.
4. Click on cell 'C1' and enter the following formula:=B1/(0.00069444*x)Change 'x' to be the number of minutes in your increments. If your increments are in seconds, change the formula to read:=B1/(0.000011574*x)Change 'x' to be the number of seconds in your increments. Press 'Enter' to complete the formula and cell 'C1' will break your hours and minutes in cell 'A1' down into a number of increments.

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