Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How to Add a Drop Down Calendar in Excel 2007

1. Make sure the Developer tab is showing in the ribbon (the toolbar at the top of the page). If it isn't, then click the 'Office' button at the top left, then choose 'Excel Options'. This will bring up a pop up window. Put a check mark in the 'Show Developer Tab in the Ribbon' option, then click 'OK'.
2. Click on the 'Developer' tab. Click on the small arrow below the 'Insert' tab and choose 'ActiveX Controls'. Click the last icon in the list ('More controls').
3. Choose 'Calendar Control' and press 'OK'.
4. Click on a cell in your worksheet where you would like to place the calendar. Click the 'Design Mode' button to turn off design mode and return to normal operation.

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