Sunday, August 18, 2013

How to Delete Blank Pages in Excel

1. Click on the tab of the worksheet that you want to delete to select that sheet. The worksheet tabs are located at the bottom of the Excel workbook.
2. Click the 'Home' tab in the upper-left corner of the Office ribbon.
3. Click the drop-down menu next to the 'Delete' button in the 'Cells' section of the ribbon bar.
4. Select 'Delete Sheet' in the drop-down menu.
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How to Set Up a Memo Format

1. Create a memo using Microsoft Word 2010 by selecting from several template designs. Click 'File,' 'New.' Select 'Memos' under Templates, and double-click on the memo style you want to use. You can edit the format, if necessary, and add information to it.
2. Create a memo using Microsoft Excel 2010. Click 'File,' 'New.' Select 'Memos' under Templates. Double-click on the memo style you want to use. Edit the memo format by deleting rows and columns or renaming the headings for the table.
3. An email may also serve as a memo and there is less formatting involved. Many fields correspond to the headings on a memo, including 'To,' 'From,' 'Date' and 'Subject.' The email message field contains the memo's body content.
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How to Use Autofill in Excel 2007

1. Position the cursor in the first cell of the series and type in the data. For our example using days of the week, type 'Monday' into the first cell and press 'Enter' on your keyboard.
2. Click on the cell and move your mouse so that the pointer is positioned over the small black box in the lower right corner of the cell. The pointer will change from a white cross to a black cross when you have it positioned correctly.
3. Use your mouse to drag the black cross, known as the AutoFill handle, across the range of cells which you wish to fill with the rest of the series.
4. Release your mouse button and AutoFill will complete the rest of the data entry in the series. In our example, if you were to drag the AutoFill handle across 6 more cells, it would fill in the days of the week - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
5. Make your own custom AutoFill series by clicking the Office button, clicking on 'Excel Options,' and then selecting the 'Popular' tab. Click on the 'Edit Custom Lists' button, then 'Add.' Type your custom list into the 'List Entries' text box. Click 'OK' twice to finish.
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Saturday, August 17, 2013

How to Change the Author of an Excel Spreadsheet

1. Open the Excel document that you want to change the author.
2. Click on the 'File' tab in the top-left corner of the Excel window. Then select 'Info' from the list of options on the left side of the 'File' screen.
3. Select 'Properties' on the right side of the 'Info' screen. Then select 'Show Document Panel' from the drop-down menu. You will automatically taken back to the 'Home' tab and your Excel worksheet will appear on the screen, with the document panel positioned just above it.
4. Select the text box next to 'Author.' Delete the data in that box and enter your desired author name. Click the 'X' in the upper-right corner of the document panel to close it.
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How to Make a Multiple Baseline Graph in Excel

1. Type in your data into an Excel worksheet in which each column represents a separate baseline condition.
2. Label the first row of each column with the condition name.
3. Highlight the data you wish to include in the graph. Click on the 'Chart Wizard' icon in the toolbar and select the standard line graph. Press 'Next'.
4. Click on the vertical axis , then select the 'Scale' tab to change the scaling on the y axis so that vertical axis hangs over the horizontal axis.
5. Input the same minimum value for the 'x' and 'y' axes. Click 'OK.'
6. Draw phase changes using the line tool in the toolbar. Add text boxes as well to label each condition.
7. Click on one of the axes and modify the font size to make room for your additional baseline graphs.
8. Input the data for the second graph on the same data sheet you used for your first graph.
9. Highlight only the data you would like to include in the second graph.
10. Open the chart wizard. Save the new graph as an object in your first graph.
11. Repeat steps 1 through 6.
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How to Combine Columns of Data in MS Excel

Combining Values Through Arithmetic
1. Launch Excel on your computer and open the spreadsheet for which you want to combine columns of data through arithmetic.
2. Click on the first row of an empty column and type the following formula into the cell:=$A1 $B1.Replace 'A' with the column holding the first value to be combined and 'B' with the column holding the second value to be combined. Replace the ' ' (sum) operator with whatever Excel operator you need to compute the combination.
3. Press 'Ctrl-C' to copy the formula. Select all entries in the column that you want defined. Excel will display the cells in a darker shade to indicate that they are selected.
4. Press 'Ctrl-V' to paste the formula into all selected cells. Excel will compute the remaining entries of the column. The entries in the corresponding rows of pre-existing columns are combined.
Concatenating Cell Values
5. Launch Excel on your computer and open the spreadsheet for which you want to concatenate columns of data.
6. Click on the first row of an empty column and type the following formula into the cell:=$A1$B1.Replace 'A' with the column holding the first value to be combined and 'B' with the column holding the second value to be combined.
7. Press 'Ctrl-C' to copy the formula. Select all entries in the column that you want defined. Excel will display the cells in a darker shade to indicate that they are selected.
8. Press 'Ctrl-C' to copy the formula. Select all entries in the column that you want defined. Excel will display the cells in a darker shade to indicate that they are selected.
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How to Enable Macros in Excel 2003

The XLStart Folder
1. Open the folder that contains the workbook file with the macros you want to enable.
2. Right-click on that file and click \'Cut\' from the drop-down menu that appears.
3. Open the folder \'C:\\Documents and Settings\\[User Name]\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Excel.\' Note: in this example, \'[User Name]\' is a generic placeholder for your actual user name on your computer. So, if you're logged on as \'JohnSmith\', the folder you would open is \'C:\\Documents and Settings\\JohnSmith\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Excel.\'
4. Look for a folder titled \'XLStart.\' If you can't find that folder here, search for it in \'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office11.\'
5. Open the XLStart folder. Right-click on the folder's window and click \'Paste\' from the drop-down menu. This will cause the workbook file from Step 2 to move into this folder.
6. Run Excel 2003. This will cause the workbook file you moved in Step 5 to automatically open. Its macros are now enabled.
Adjusting Security Settings
7. Run Excel 2003 and open the workbook file.
8. Click on \'Tools\' in the main toolbar, causing a drop-down menu to appear.
9. Select \'Macros\' from this menu and then click \'Security.\' This will cause a new window to appear.
10. Click on the \'Trusted Publishers\' tab in the window and check the box next to \'Trust all installed add-ins and templates.\'
11. Click \'OK.\' The macros within your workbook file are now enabled.
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How to Apply Shading to the Whole Page

Apply Shading to a Word Document
1. Open the Word document.
2. Click the 'Page Layout' tab on the command ribbon.
3. Click the 'Page Color' button in the 'Page Background' group. A gallery of color samples appears.
4. Hover over a color sample to preview the effect on the document.
5. Click the color sample. The page color converts to the selected color.
Apply Shading to an Excel Worksheet
6. Open the Excel workbook.
7. Click the 'Select All' button in the upper left corner of the worksheet. The rectangular 'Select All' button displays a triangle adjacent to the 'A' and '1' headers. This button selects and highlights the whole worksheet.
8. Click the 'Home' tab on the command ribbon.
9. Click the arrow next to the 'Fill Color' button in the 'Font' group. This button displays a paint can tipped at an angle. A gallery of color samples appears.
10. Point over a color sample to preview the effect on the worksheet.
11. Click the preferred color sample. The worksheet converts to the selected color when you click in the worksheet.
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Friday, August 16, 2013

How to Use Autofit in Excel

Autofit a Single Column in Excel
1. Start Microsoft Excel and open up an existing spreadsheet that contains one column that you would like to apply autofit to. You can also start a new spreadsheet so you can practice using Excel's autofit.
2. Position your mouse over the right border of the column that you would like to autofit the contents. Your mouse pointer will change into a double-headed arrow when you are directly over the border.
3. Double-click with your mouse on top of the border, only when you see the double-headed arrow.
4. Notice that your longest entry will now fit within the column in which you have applied the autofit setting.
Autofit Multiple Columns in Excel
5. Open Microsoft Excel. Start a new spreadsheet or open an existing one that contains multiple columns that you would like to apply autofit to so the contents will fit inside of the columns without being cut off.
6. Press the CTRL key down on your keyboard. Hold it down.
7. Click on the columns which you want to apply autofit.
8. Release the CTRL button. The columns that you selected will now be highlighted.
9. Hover your mouse over the right border of the first column you have selected until you see a double-headed arrow.
10. Double-click with your mouse on top of the border. Once you do this, all of the columns you have selected will now apply autofit to their contents.
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How to Make Labels Through Microsoft Excel

1. Open a blank worksheet in Microsoft Excel.
2. Begin by entering column headers for each field of data in your list of addresses. Click in cell A1 and type 'First Name.' Press 'Tab' to go to the next column. Enter 'Last Name.' Continue tabbing over and entering the column headers for street address 1, street address 2, city, state and ZIP code.
3. Click cell A2. Enter the first name of the first person in your address list. Tab over to add the rest of their address information in the corresponding column. Each row will be one individual address record.
4. Press 'Enter' to move to the next row down. Continue adding address information in each cell until you have completed the address list.
5. Save the document. Give it a file name and location you will remember, as you'll need to use the document later.
6. Open a blank document in Microsoft Word.
7. Click the 'Mailings' tab. Click 'Start Mail Merge,' then 'Labels.'
8. Choose the type of printer you'll be using to print the labels. Select the vendor for the label sheets you're going to use. Select the product number listed on the packaging of the label sheets. Click 'OK.' The labels will be set up as a table in your Word document.
9. Click 'Select Recipients' on the 'Mailings' tab. Click 'Use Existing List.' Select the Excel file you just saved to connect to it.
10. Click 'Edit Recipient List' on the 'Mailings' tab if you only want to create labels for some of the addresses in your list. In the dialog box, choose individual records by checking the ones you want to include. Uncheck the ones you don't want to include.
11. Set up the mail merge fields, which serve as placeholders on the labels. Each label will connect to an address record in your address list, including all of the address elements you need. Click 'Match Fields' in the 'Write Insert Fields' group on the 'Mailings' tab. This will bring up a new dialog box, showing elements of an address on the left and the column headers from your address list on the right side.
12. Click a drop-down menu on the right to properly match the correct address field you want to use for each element. Only select the elements you want to include on your labels. For instance, don't match 'Courtesy Title' if you don't have a column for title in your address list.
13. Click the first label on the Word document. If you want to include any content that you want to display on each label, insert it now. For example, you could add a company logo to each label. To do so, click the 'Insert' tab and choose 'Picture' to insert the image file.
14. Click the same label where you want to insert the placeholder mail merge field. Click 'Address Block' in the 'Write Insert Fields' group. Select the address elements you want to include and click 'OK.'
15. Click 'Update Labels' in the 'Write Insert Fields' group. This will apply the content of the first label to all the labels on the page.
16. Preview the mail merge after you've finished setting up the first label. This will allow to see the results of the mail merge before completing it. Click 'Preview Results' in the 'Preview Results' group.
17. Connect your printer to the computer and feed it with the sheets of labels before finishing the merge.
18. Click 'Finish Merge' in the 'Finish' group on the 'Mailings' tab. Click 'Print Documents' to print the labels.
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How to Make a Pipe Delimited File in Excel

1. Click the Windows 'Start' button in the computer's taskbar, and then click 'Control Panel' in the resulting menu. This opens a window.
2. Click 'Region and Language' in the window that appears. The Region and Language window opens.
3. Click the 'Additional Settings' button in the Region and Language window. The Customize Format window appears.
4. Highlight the comma in the 'List separator' field. Press the 'Shift' key and the backslash key simultaneously on your keyboard. This will create a pipe (|).
5. Press the 'Apply' button, then 'OK' to close the Customize Format window. Press 'OK' to close the Region and Language window.
6. Double-click the Excel spreadsheet file you want to change to pipe delimited. This will open the file in Excel.
7. Click the 'File' tab and then click 'Save As' if you're using Word 2010. Click the 'Office' button and then click 'Save As' if you're using Word 2007. Click 'File' and then 'Save As' in the resulting window if you're using Word 2003. This opens the Save As window.
8. Type a name for your file in the 'File name' field, and then select 'CSV (comma delimited)' in the 'Save as type' drop-down menu. Click the 'Save' button when done. Since you set the machine's default to a pipe, it will save the delimited file with pipes instead of commas.
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How to Add Borders to Cells in Microsoft Excel

1. Launch Excel by double clicking the icon on the Desktop or by finding the application under the 'Start' menu.
2. Choose the file you wish to work with and open it.
3. Highlight the cells in the spreadsheet that you want to have a border. Place the mouse in the cell you wish the border to start, press and hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse over the cells you wish to change. Release the left button. The area you want to manipulate should be shaded.
4. Right click in the shaded area. A window of options appears, select 'Format Cells.' Choose the 'Border' tab. There are several options on this new window.
5. Change the color of your borders by selecting the color you want from the 'Color' drop down menu.
6. Choose the border design by clicking the line type you like in the 'Style' box. Play with the 'Border' buttons to see what suits your needs. Different borders can be placed in different areas of the spreadsheet. To keep information uniform among worksheets, try to use the same color for the same data.
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Thursday, August 15, 2013

How to Download Data From the Web to Excel

Download Data from the Web to Excel 2003
1. Open Microsoft Excel 2003.
2. Select the 'Data' option from the toolbar at the top of the screen, select 'Import External Data,' and then select 'New Web Query.'
3. Type the URL of your desired Web page into the text field next to 'Address' at the top of the window, then click the 'Go' button.
4. Click the yellow arrow(s) located next to the information that you wish to download into Excel.
5. Select the 'Import' button at the bottom of the window once all your required data has been downloaded.
6. Select the location on your worksheet into which the data will be downloaded, then click the 'OK' button.
Download Data from the Web to Excel 2007
7. Open Microsoft Excel 2007.
8. Click the 'Data' tab at the top of the screen, then select the 'From Web' button in the 'External Data' section.
9. Type the URL of your desired Web page into the text field next to 'Address' at the top of the window, then click the 'Go' button.
10. Click the yellow arrow(s) located next to the information that you wish to download into Excel, then select the 'Import' button at the bottom of the window once all your required data has been downloaded.
11. Select the location on your worksheet into which the data will be downloaded, then click the 'OK' button.
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How to Insert an Attachment Into an Excel Spreadsheet

1. Open your Excel spreadsheet. Choose the cell where you want to insert your attachment. Click inside this cell. Select 'Insert' from the menu bar, then click 'Object.'
2. Select 'Create New' if you will create a new file to attach to the spreadsheet. Select 'Create from File' if you will attach a file that you have already saved on your computer.
3. If you will create a new file to insert, select the type of file you will make. Check the 'Display as icon' box if you want to display the attachment as a representative icon rather than a full file display. Click 'OK.' Create the new file. The appropriate program will open in a new window.If you want to attach a file you have already created, browse for the file on your computer. Check the 'Link to file' box to include a link to your source document in the spreadsheet. Check the 'Display as icon' box if appropriate. Click 'Insert.' Click 'OK' to auto inject the file.
4. Save the Excel spreadsheet as normal.
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How to Make a Line Chart in Excel 2007

1. Enter data that will be charted into the spreadsheet. Line charts allow you the flexibility to present the information in rows or columns. Include text headers to identify what data is in the row or column.
2. Highlight the information that you want to chart. Click the first cell in the series that you want to highlight. While holding down the mouse button, drag the cursor highlighting all the data that will be inserted in chart.
3. Choose the type of chart you want to create. Click the Line button. This button is located under the Insert tab on the top ribbon. Choose the first option labeled 2D line.
4. Format the chart by adding a chart title, axis titles and legend. These labels assist the reader with identifying the data being represented. These options can be found under the Layout tab. The Design tab contains an option to switch the data on the X and Y axes and to select additional data cells. Another way to accomplish this is by right-clicking on the chart and selecting change data.
5. Enhance the visual appearance of your chart by using the Design and Format tabs. The Design tab has chart layouts for quick customization. You can also manually personalize your chart. The line color can be changed under the Design tab. The Format tab has options to apply text effects, shape effects and colored borders.
6. Move the chart to a separate worksheet. The chart will be embedded in the worksheet that contains the data upon creation. Select the chart and click on the Design tab. Click the last button named Move Chart. You will then have the option of moving the selected chart to a new worksheet.
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