Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How to Auto Fill Rows in Excel

1. Launch Microsoft Excel or create a new, blank worksheet to experiment with.
2. Click the first cell in the first column (Cell 'A1').
3. Type the number '1' in the cell and press 'Enter' to store the cell contents and move to the next cell in the column (Cell 'A2').
4. Type the number '2' in the cell and press 'Enter' to store the cell contents and move to the next cell in the column (Cell 'A3').
5. Type the number '3' in the cell and press 'Enter' to store the cell contents and move to the next cell in the column (Cell 'A4').
6. Click cell 'A1' and hold down the mouse button while dragging the mouse pointer down to cell 'A3.' Release the mouse pointer to select the first three cells.
7. Move the mouse to the lower-right corner of cell 'A3' while the three cells are selected until the mouse pointer changes to a small black cross with no arrows.
8. Click and hold the mouse button and drag the mouse pointer down the column for a few cells and release it. Notice that Excel automatically continued the sequence of numbers in the column based upon the selected numbers. The same feature also works with dates.
9. Launch Microsoft Excel or create a new, blank worksheet to experiment with.
10. Click in the first cell in the second column (Cell 'B1') and type the word 'Rent' in the cell. Press the 'Tab' key to store the cell contents and move to the next cell in the row.
11. Type the word 'Power' and press 'Tab.' Repeat this process for the words 'Food' and 'Phones.'
12. Click in the second cell in the first column (Cell 'A2').
13. Type 'January, 2012' in the cell and press 'Enter' to store the value and move to the next cell down the column.
14. Click the cell 'A2' and point at the lower-right corner of the cell until the mouse pointer turns into a small black cross with no arrows.
15. Click and hold the mouse button and drag the mouse pointer down to cell 'A13' to fill in the date sequence automatically.
16. Type the number '750' in cell 'B2' to represent the rent for January of 2012. Press 'Tab' and type the number '75' to represent the power bill, and press 'Tab.' Repeat using '200' for food and '120' for phones.
17. Click cell 'B2' and hold down the mouse button. Drag the mouse pointer across to cell 'E2' and release the button.
18. Point the mouse pointer at the lower-right corner of cell 'E2' until the mouse pointer turns into a small black cross with no arrows.
19. Click and hold the mouse button down and drag the mouse pointer down to cell 'E13' to copy the values of all four columns to each of the months in the list.
20. Click cell 'F2' and click the 'AutoSum' button in the 'Editing' group on the home tab. Press 'Enter' to store the formula.
21. Point the mouse pointer at the lower-right corner of cell 'F2' until the mouse pointer turns into a small black cross with no arrows. Click and hold the mouse button down and drag the mouse pointer down to cell 'F13' to copy the formula for the sums of the rows.
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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How to Format Text As All Capitals in Excel 2007

Converting the Lower-Case Text to Upper-Case Text
1. Open your workbook in Excel 2007.
2. Click in the cell immediately below the cell containing lower-case text.
3. Type, without the quotation marks, '=UPPER(' and click the cell containing the text you want to capitalize, then type ')' and then press 'Enter.'
Replacing the Lower-Case Text with Upper-Case Text
4. Click the cell containing the new capital letters to select it.
5. Right-click, then choose 'Copy.'
6. Click the cell containing the original lower-case text, right-click again, then choose 'Paste Special....' Under 'Paste,' choose 'Values,' then click 'OK.'
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How to Edit a URL in Excel With Macros

Replace Characters
1. Click the 'File' menu, click 'Options,' then click 'Customize ribbon.' Click the 'Developer' check box, then click 'OK' to close the 'Options' window. Word will display the 'Developer' tab.
2. Type the following formula into any cell in the current workbook. This formula creates a hyperlinked URL in the active cell.=HYPERLINK('', 'White House')
3. Click the 'Developer' tab's 'Visual Basic' button to enter the VBA programming environment, then paste the following program into the window. This program edits a URL by using the VBA 'Replace' function. The first argument of this function is the string in which you want to make a replacement. The second argument is the text you want to replace and the third argument is the replacement text itself.Public Sub editURL()Dim URL, url2URL = ActiveCell.Formulaurl2 = Replace(URL, 'White House', 'Oval Office')ActiveCell.Formula = url2End Sub
4. Click any statement in the program, then click the 'Run' menu's 'Run' command to execute the program.
5. Click the 'Excel' icon on the taskbar to return to Excel. Notice that the 'Oval Office' text now appears in place of the original 'White House' text, indicating your program's editing of the URL was successful.
Replace Entire URL
6. Click the 'Developer' tab's 'Visual Basic' button to enter the environment for creating VBA programs.
7. Use the instructions from Step 2 of the previous section to enter any URL in a worksheet cell. For example, type '=hyperlink('', 'The Oval Office')'.
8. Paste the following program into the window. This program creates a completely new URL in the active cell.Public Sub editURL()ActiveCell.Formula = '=hyperlink('''', ''National Endowment for the Arts'')'End Sub
9. Click a statement in the program to select the program.
10. Click the 'Run' menu's 'Run' command to execute the program. Return the Excel by pressing 'Alt F11.' The 'White House' URL you typed in Step 2 is now replaced by a link to the home page of the National Endowment for the Arts.
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How to Learn Excel Free

1. Enroll in Microsoft's Excel training courses. Microsoft offers free courses for Excel 2010 to Excel 2003. Courses are self-paced, and at the end of the course you will take a quiz to test your knowledge.
2. Subscribe to Excel training podcasts. On Apple's website, you can find many podcasts for Excel training. You will need iTunes installed on your computer before you can view and subscribe to the podcasts.
3. Sign up for HP Learning Center. The company Hewlett-Packard offers free courses on several software programs. They are in partnership with Microsoft and able to offer free courses in all Microsoft Office programs. Their Excel courses range from beginner to advanced.
4. Visit Baycon Group. Baycon Group's website is suited to people who prefer to print out their lessons. They offer four in-depth lessons in Excel 2007 and tutorials on Excel 2003 and Excel 97.
5. Get advanced training. If you're familiar with the basics of Excel, the website Excel Tip will take your knowledge of Excel to the next level. Excel Tip offers a free Excel 2007 course, plus hundreds of Excel tips and techniques.
6. Download Excel templates. These templates will not only show you what Excel can do but also are another free way to learn Excel features.
7. Visit a library. If you prefer books to computer screens and printouts, check your library to see if they have an Excel course book.
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How to Use Two Pointers for Excel's Vlookup Function

1. Input the data into the range of cells you want to reference. For the sake of this example, we'll assume the data is in cells D10 through G15. Make sure the data in cells D10 through D15 are your index values (names of clients, for example).
2. Enter the following formula in cell C1: '=VLOOKUP(A1,D10:G15,B1,FALSE)'
3. Input an index value, matching one of the entries in D10 through D15, in cell A1.
4. Input a number between 1 and 5 in cell B1. Cell C1 will use the index value from A1, and the column number from B1, as two pointers to pull the data from the range you specified in step 1.
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Monday, July 15, 2013

How to Calculate Days in Excel 2007

1. Open a new blank Excel spreadsheet.
2. Place a date in cell A1. Use the format mm/dd/yyyy and make sure the date is the year 1900 or later. For this example, you could use '07/04/2011.' In an existing spreadsheet, the format of the cell may not be 'Date.' To change the format to 'Date,' click 'Format/Cells...' and select the Number tab and then click 'Date' under 'Category:.'
3. Place a date in cell A2. For this example, you could use '07/24/2010.'
4. Type the following formula in cell A3: '=A1-A2' then click 'Enter.' Cell A3 will contain the number of days between the two dates. In this example, the answer will show 365. If cell A3 shows a date instead, change the cell format to 'Number' and select 'Format/Cells...' Click the Number tab and then select 'Number' under 'Category.'
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How to Make Blank Rows Between Populated Rows in Excel

1. Double-click the Excel file into which you want to insert a new row to open the file in Excel 2010.
2. Click the row heading at the left side of the window for the bottom row of the pair that you want to split. For example, if you want to insert a row between rows 1 and 2, click the number '2' at the left side of the window. After clicking the row heading, the entire row should be highlighted in blue.
3. Click the 'Home' tab at the top of the window.
4. Click the 'Insert' drop-down menu in the Cells section of the ribbon at the top of the window.
5. Click 'Insert Sheet Rows.'
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How to Create Forms Using Excel

1. Open a workbook in Excel. If you know which workbook you want your form to belong to, then now is the time to open it. Use the File menu to access the workbook.
2. Click on the 'Tools' menu, select 'Macro' and click on 'Visual Basic Editor.'
3. Click 'Insert,' and then select 'UserForm.'
4. Drag a command button onto the form. You need at least three of these for this example.
5. Put names on your command buttons and labels. Click 'View' and 'Properties Window.' Click on one of the command buttons that you placed on the form.
6. Name the command button that will read 'OK' by clicking on the name setting in the Properties window and typing 'cmdOK'. Click on the 'Caption' setting in the Properties window and type 'OK'.
7. Click on another command button. Name this one 'cmdCancel,' and set the caption to read 'Cancel' in the Properties window.
8. Click on the third command button, name it 'cmdClearForm' and change the caption setting to read 'Clear Form.'
9. Hit the 'F7' function key on your keyboard to bring up the code window.
10. Click on the drop-down lists at the top of the code window. Click on the top-left list to open the subprocedure named 'User Form' and click on the other drop-down list to select 'Initialize.'
11. Delete the subprocedure listed above that reads: UserForm_Click() procedure.
12. Type the following code into the code window (do not type over the blue text; just add the black text):
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
txtName.Value = ''
txtPhone.Value = ''
With cboDepartment
.AddItem 'Employees'
.AddItem 'Managers'
End WithYourCourse.Value = ''
optIntroduction = True
chkWork = False
chkVacation = False
End Sub
13. Enter your code into the Cancel button. Double-click the Cancel button to open the code window. Type your code so that the code window reads: Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
14. Open the code window for the Clear Form button. Remember to double-click the 'Clear Form' button.
15. Type your code into the code window so that it reads:
Private Sub cmdClearForm_Click()
Call UserForm_Initialize
End Sub
16. Double-click the 'OK' button to add the following code in the code window:Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
If IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = FalseThen
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = True
ActiveCell.Value = txtName.Value
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = txtPhone.Value
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2) = cboDepartment.Value
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3) = cboCourse.Value
If optIntroduction = True Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value = 'Intro'
ElseIf optIntermediate = True Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value = 'Intermed'
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value = 'Adv'
End If
If chkLunch = True Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value = 'Yes'
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value = 'No'
End If
If chkWork = True Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 6).Value = 'Yes'
If chkVacation = False Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 6).Value = ''
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 6).Value = 'No'
End If
End If
End Sub
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How to Use Excel for an Inventory Accounting System

1. Click the 'Microsoft Office' button, and then click 'New.'
2. Click 'Inventories' from the list in the left-hand column.
3. Double-click the inventory sheet you would like to use. For example, you could choose 'Book Inventory' or 'Parts Inventory.' The inventory will download and open automatically in Excel. There are dozens of templates you can choose from, including inventories for home and business. The actual number of templates you can access will depend upon your version of Excel and if you have downloaded any templates from the Internet.
4. Click on any items contained within brackets to customize the spreadsheet. For example, you might click [Company Name] to enter your company name.
5. Follow the instructions on the template to fill in the inventory list. Once you have populated the template with your items, Excel will use built-in template formulas to calculate the number of items in your inventory. For example, a home inventory template may have an auto-summation formula in the 'Total Items' box of your worksheet, which updates automatically with each entry you make into the spreadsheet.
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How to View Headers and Footers in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Scroll to the “View” tab on the command bar; the “View” submenu will open.
2. Under the “View” submenu, select “Header and Footer” to open the Header and Footer Properties box.
3. View the headers and footers by looking at the “Header” preview box at the top and the “Footer” preview box at the bottom. If you find that you wish to make any changes, simply click on the “Custom Header” or “Custom Footer” buttons to amend them.
4. If you have made any changes, click on the 'OK' button to implement them. You can also click on this button to close the box if you have not made any changes.
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Sunday, July 14, 2013

How to Change the Margin in a Header in Excel 2007

1. Click the 'Office' button in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
2. Click 'Print,' then 'Print Preview.'
3. Select 'Show Margins.'
4. Click on the header margin, and drag the mouse to where you want your new margins.
5. Click 'Exit Print Preview.'
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How to Filter a List in Microsoft Excel With Limits on the Number of Rows

1. Open the workbook in Excel and click the arrow beside the column header row in the list. Next, proceed to Step 5. Alternately, if you have not yet applied AutoFilter to your list, proceed to Step 2.
2. Select the data you would like to filter. Left-click the mouse and drag it to cover the range of cells.
3. Select 'Data' from the toolbar menu. Next, select 'List' and then click 'Create List.'
4. Check the box 'My list has headers' if applicable. Next, click 'OK.' (Note: If you select this option and your list does not have a header, the first cell in the list will be assigned as the column header cell. If this option is unchecked, the default name 'Column1' will be assigned as the header row.)
5. Right-click the arrow next to the column header row, and then select '(Top 10...).'
6. Click the list box in the middle of the Show region located in the Top 10 AutoFilter dialog box.
7. Type in a number from 1 to 10. Alternately, use the down arrow next to the list box in the middle of the Show region, and scroll to pick your desired number.
8. Select 'Items' in the far right side of the Show region of the Top 10 AutoFilter dialog box, and then click 'OK.' (Note: You can alternatively select 'Percent' instead of 'Items.')
9. Test your AutoFilter list. To do this, click on the arrow next to the column header row, and then click '(Top 10...).'
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How to Unshare a Workbook

How to Unshare a Workbook in Microsoft Excel 2003
1. Open the Microsoft Excel 2003 application on your computer and then click the “File” option from the top toolbar menu. Click on the “Open” option.
2. Locate the Excel 2003 file that has the workbook you want to stop sharing. Click on the file and then click the “Open” button.
3. Click the “Tools” option from the top toolbar menu and then click the “Share Workbook” option.
4. Click the “Editing” tab from the “Share Workbook” dialog box. Click on the box next to the “Allow changes by more than one user at the same time” option so that it is deselected.
5. Click the “Yes” button to stop sharing the workbook. Click the “File” option and then click the “Save” option to save all of your changes.
How to Unshare a Workbook in Microsoft Excel 2007
6. Open the Microsoft Excel 2007 application on your computer. Click the “Microsoft Office” button and then click the “Open” option.
7. Locate the Excel 2007 file that contains the workbook you want to stop sharing. Select the file and then click the “Open” button.
8. Click the “Review” tab and then click on the “Share Workbook” option from the “Changes” group.
9. Click the “Editing” tab from the “Share Workbook” dialog box. Click on the box next to the “Allow changes by more than one user at the same time” field so that it is deselected.
10. Click the “OK” button and the workbook will no longer be shared. Click the “Microsoft Office” button and then click the “Save” option to save your changes.
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Saturday, July 13, 2013

How to Import a Word 2007 File to Excel 2007

1. Open the Microsoft Excel 2007 spreadsheet file that you want to import a Word 2007 file into.
2. Click on the 'Microsoft Office' button, and then click on the 'Open' option. The 'Open' dialog box will appear on your screen.
3. Select the 'Text Files' option, and then double-click on the Word 2007 file that you want to import. The text import wizard dialog box will appear.
4. Click on the 'Delimited' option if your Word 2007 text includes commas or tabs that separate the fields, or click on the 'Fixed width' option if the fields are aligned in columns.
5. Select the number of the row where you want the text to be placed, and then click on the 'Next' button. Click on the 'Next' button again.
6. Select an option below the 'Column data format' heading, such as the 'General,' 'Text,' 'Date' or 'Do not import column' option. Click on the 'Finish' button.
7. Click on the 'Existing worksheet' option, and click on the 'Collapse' button to select a cell range where you want the text to be placed. Click on the 'OK' button, and your text will be imported.
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How to Disable Add

1. Open Microsoft Excel 2003.
2. Click 'Tools' on the top navigation bar and then click the 'Add-ins' option.
3. Un-check the check box next to the add-in you want to disable.
4. Click the 'OK' button.
5. Close and restart Excel. The add-in is disabled.
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