Saturday, July 13, 2013

How to Do Macros in Excel 2003

1. Open up the Excel 2003 file in which you want to create a macro. Select the 'Tools' menu at the top of the screen, then move your mouse to the 'Macro' option and select 'Security' from the pop-up menu. Select either medium or low in order for macros to operate correctly in the worksheet. Low will always prompt you if you want to run the macro, while medium will not. Click 'OK' to continue.
2. Click on the cell where you want the macro to start. You will be given the option later to use relative references, and if you are then you will need to have selected the starting macro location beforehand.
3. Click on the 'Tools' menu again and move your mouse over 'Macro.' Choose 'Record New Macro' from the list of options. A small record macro window will appear.
4. Enter in the name of your macro into the 'Name' field. The name must begin with a letter and cannot be a cell reference, like 'A1' or 'Z12.' Type in a shortcut key in the required field so that Excel will run the macro when you press the key. This key must be a letter, and is case-sensitive. If you want this macro to be available on every workbook, change the 'Store macro in' box to read 'Personal Macro Workbook.' Finally, type in a description of the macro, so that you will remember what it does. Click 'OK' when you are done.
5. Decide whether you will be using relative references in your macro. When you use relative references, any movement around the spreadsheet will be relative to whatever cell is selected when you run the macro. For example, if you are starting at cell A1 and you select cell A2 in the macro, if you are using relative references, Excel will simply select the cell below the selected cell when someone runs the macro. Without relative references, the macro will always select cell A2 regardless of what cell the user has selected. Relative references are set 'off' be default, so if you want to turn them on, click on the small button to the right of the square 'Stop' button in the macro window. Relative references will stay on until you click the button again to turn them off.
6. Perform the macro actions on your spreadsheet. The macro will record every move that you make. Click the square 'Stop' button when you are done making the macro.
7. Hold 'Ctrl' and press the letter key you assigned to the macro when you want to run it.
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How to Use Descriptive Statistics in Excel

1. Type your data into the spreadsheet. For example, you might type a list of heights into column A or a list of egg prices in column F.
2. Click on a blank cell in a spreadsheet.
3. Click on the 'Formulas' tab on the Excel toolbar, then click on 'More Functions' in the Function Library. Click on 'Statistical' and then mouse over the function for a description, and if it is the function you need, click on it to open a dialog box for the function. For example, 'Median' returns the median, or the middle number in the data set.
4. Type the location of your data into the text box. For example, if your data is in cells A1 to A3, type 'A1:A3' into the 'Number 1' text box.
5. Click on the 'OK' button. Excel will perform the calculation and return the answer in your chosen cell.
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How to Graph Two Datas Scatter Plot in Excel

1. Open the Excel spreadsheet containing the two columns of data you want to turn into a scatter plot. Scroll down to the bottom of the column and click the lowest cell containing the data. Drag up and across until both columns are highlighted.
2. Navigate to the 'Insert' tab at the top of the spreadsheet, which is positioned to the left of the 'Home' tab. Click the 'Scatter' button in the 'Charts' heading near the top of the screen.
3. Click the icon in the drop-down menu for the specific type of scatter plot you want to use, such as 'Scatter With Only Markers,' 'Scatter With Smooth Lines and Markers' or 'Scatter With Straight Lines.'
4. Click the scatter plot and drag it to any location on the spreadsheet. Click either of the plot's four corners and drag in any direction to resize the plot, making it larger or smaller to fit into any collection of cells.
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How to Use Excel to Calculate Beta Coefficient

1. Create a new spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel. Type the historical data for the stock in question and the benchmark in two separate columns.
2. Find the percent change of the data for the benchmark and the stock using the following formula:=((Cell2-Cell1)/Cell1)*100Cell 1 indicates the previous period data point, and cell 2 indicates a current period data point. Drag the formula with the mouse down the two columns.For example, if the stock's daily stock price was $100 per share in June 2010 and is $125 in June 2011, the $125 is cell 2 and the $100 is cell 1. Subtract 100 from 125 to get 25. Divide 25 by 100, which equals .25. Multiple this by cell 1 or 100. The percent change for this particular stock is 25 percent.Complete this formula for the SP 500 as well, which is the benchmark. When finished, you will have a percent of change for your stock and the SP 500.
3. Figure out the beta coefficient by using the 'SLOPE' function in Excel. The slope function is '=SLOPE(range of % change of equity, range of % change of index).' For example, if there were daily changes to Apple's stock price in cells A1:A260, and the daily changes to the SP 500 were in column B1:260, the function would be '=SLOPE(A1:A260,B1:B260).'
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Friday, July 12, 2013

How to Add an Axis Title to an Excel Chart

1. Start Microsoft Excel 2007 and open a spreadsheet from your files that contains a chart to which you would like to add an axis title.
2. Select the entire Excel chart by clicking in the white area of the chart. A light blue line will surround the entire chart indicating it has been selected.
3. Choose the 'Layout' tab at the top of the Excel screen and locate the 'Labels' group within the 'Layout' ribbon.
4. Click the 'Axis Titles' button in the 'Labels' section of the 'Layout' ribbon to display a drop-down list.
5. Point to 'Primary Horizontal Axis Title' to create a title for your 'X'-axis or point to 'Primary Vertical Axis Title' to create a title for your 'Y'-axis.
6. Click to choose where you want the selected title to be displayed in relation to the rest of the chart. The selections you see will depend on how your chart is formatted. A default title for the chart will appear the in the location you have chosen.
7. Add your own title by clicking on the default title and typing your new title with your keyboard. Press the 'Enter' key when you are finished typing the title.
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How to Open .Xlsx Files in .Xls

1. Download the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack to your computer.
2. Launch the older version of Excel.
3. Click the 'File' menu and select 'Open.' Use the 'Look in' menu to find the folder in which the XLSX file is saved. Highlight the XLSX file name and click 'Open.'
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How to Create a Stacked Column Chart With the Data Plotted in Rows Using Excel

1. Open the Excel 2010 file that hold the data that you want to use in a chart.
2. Check the data to ensure that you have headers in the first column. If you don't, right-click on the letter above the first column and choose 'Insert.' Type in a header for each row into the column you just created.
3. Click on any cell that is part of your data field. Excel will automatically expand the selection to all adjacent cells when you create the chart. If you need to chart a specific area of your data, click on the top left cell of the area you want to chart, then hold 'Shift' and click on the bottom right cell.
4. Select the 'Insert' tab at the top of the screen. Locate the 'Charts' area, and click on the 'Column' button to bring up a pop-up menu that includes all of the column chart options. Select the 'Stacked Column' option to create your chart.
5. Right-click anywhere on the chart, and choose 'Select Data.' A small window appears on the screen. Click the 'Switch Row/Column' button in the middle of the screen, and then click 'OK.' Your graph changes to show each row of data as a stacked column.
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Thursday, July 11, 2013

How to Put a Command Button on a Spreadsheet in Excel

1. Open the spreadsheet in Excel that you want to add a command button to. Click the 'Office File' button on the main ribbon and click 'Excel Options.' Enable 'Show Developer tab in the ribbon' if it isn't already checked and click 'OK.'
2. Click the 'Developer' tab, then click 'Insert.' This brings up the list of controls that you can insert. Click the 'Button' link from the list of options.
3. Click in the spreadsheet where you want the command button to be placed.
4. Choose a macro from the list to assign to your command button, then click 'OK.'
5. Right-click the button and click 'Format Control' to format how the button looks.
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How to Make Ledgers on Excel

1. Open a new Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Type 'Opening Balance' into Cell A1. Type the opening balance into cell D1.
2. Type the name of the first credit or deduction into cell A2. Type the amount -- positive for additions, negative for deductions -- into cell C2. Type the formula =(A1 C2) into cell D2.
3. Input the names of amounts additional additions and credits as you become aware of them. Each time click cell D2 and drag the black border around it down into the 'D' column of the row where you notate the new transaction to display the new running balance in the 'D' cell of that row.
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How to Password Protect an Excel 2007 File

1. Open the Excel 2007 file. Click the 'Office Button' located in the top-left corner.
2. Select 'Prepare' from the list. Click the option to 'Encrypt Document.' Enter a password. Click 'OK.' Re-enter the password. Click 'OK.'
3. Select 'Save As' from the list. Click 'Tools' located in the lower-left corner of the 'Save As' box. Select 'General Options' from the list. Set a password to open or modify the file. Click 'OK.' Re-enter the password. Click 'OK.'
4. Click the Microsoft Office Button and select 'Save.'
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How to Insert a Tick Mark in Excel

1. Reveal the Developer tab, if necessary. In Excel 2007, click the 'Office' button and choose 'Excel Options.' In the Popular options set, check the box labeled 'Show Developer tab in the Ribbon.' In Excel 2010, click 'File' then 'Options.' Choose 'Customize Ribbon' in the Categories pane and check 'Developer' in the list of tabs.
2. Click the 'Developer' tab. Choose 'Insert' and from the Form Controls group choose the small box with a check mark in it.
3. Draw a box with the cursor to define the location and size of tick mark and its label. These remain changeable.
4. Click on the text, marked 'Check Box 1,' delete that text and add your own.
5. Right-click anywhere in the form and choose 'Format Control...' to set the form's formatting properties, such as color and lines. Choose the 'Control' tab to determine whether the box begins with a tick or without one. Add 3-D shading if you like.
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How to Copy VLookup to Multiple Rows

1. Open the Excel 2010 file where you want to copy the VLookup function down to multiple rows.
2. Click on the cell that contains your VLookup formula. Place your cursor into the formula bar located just above the spreadsheet so that you can edit the formula.
3. Place dollar sign symbols in front of any ranges that you don't want to change when you copy your formula down. Excel uses relative references when copying formulas, so if your VLookup function referenced the range A1:D10 and you copy that formula down one cell, the range would change to A2:D11. By placing dollar signs in front of each reference element, such as $A$1:$D$10, you ensure that the reference will not change when you copy the formula. This is especially important when copying VLookup formulas, as the table range should remain constant. Press 'Enter' when you are done making changes.
4. Click the cell that contains the VLookup formula. Move your mouse to the small, black box, called a fill handle, in the lower right corner of the cell. Your mouse cursor will change into a plus sign when you are correctly positioned over the box.
5. Click and hold the mouse button on the fill handle. Drag the mouse down the spreadsheet until you reach the last row where you want the VLookup formula to reside. Release the mouse button, and the formula will be instantly copied to all the rows between the original cell and the cell where you released the button.
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How to Enable Scrolling in Excel 2007

1. Open the Microsoft Excel 2007 file on which you want to enable scrolling.
2. Click on the 'Microsoft Office' button from the top of the page and click on the 'Excel Options' button.
3. Click on the 'Advanced' button from the left side of the Excel Options dialog box.
4. Click on the box next to the 'Zoom on Roll with Intellimouse' option so it's deselected.
5. Click on the 'OK' button, and you should now be able to scroll throughout your worksheet.
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How to Change the Case in Microsoft Excel 2007

1. Open the Excel worksheet that has the case you want to change.
2. Decide which case you want to use. You can choose from uppercase, lowercase or proper case (the first letter is capitalized).
3. Use a blank cell, row or column next to the cell you want to change. If there is not a blank cell, row, or column, right-click next to the cell you want to change, select 'Insert' and choose whether you want to insert a new row or column. You can delete this later. If you need to change the entire spreadsheet, start with the column available at the end of the spreadsheet.
4. Enter '=' and the function for the case you want to change to in the blank cell. Use 'LOWER,' 'UPPER,' or 'PROPER.' For example, if you wanted to switch to lowercase, you would enter into the cell '=LOWER.'
5. Next to the case function enter a parenthesis. Inside the parenthesis, enter the cell reference for the first cell where you want to change the case. For example, if you are changing the case of the text in cell A1 to lowercase, you would have entered '=LOWER(A1)' at this point.
6. Highlight the cell you entered the function in and the rest of the row(s) or column(s).
7. Click the 'Home' tab located at the top of the screen and click the 'Fill' button. Select 'Down,' 'Right,' 'Up,' or 'Left' depending on the direction of the cells in which you're changing the case. If you need to change cells in more than one direction, then click 'Fill' again and select the next direction. The text with the case change will appear.
8. Highlight the cells with the case change, right-click, and select 'Copy.'
9. Click the first cell with the old case, which would be cell A1 in the example. Click the 'Paste' button and select 'Paste Special.' Select 'Values' in the box that opens and click 'OK' to paste the converted text. This will paste the new case into all the cells.
10. Delete the duplicate cells by highlighting them and pressing the 'Delete' button. If you had to insert a new row or column, select the row or column, right-click, and click 'Delete.'
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Friday, June 28, 2013

How to Use a Fill Handle for Numbers in Excel 2003

1. Open Excel 2003 and click in cell A1. Type '1' in cell A1 and '2' in cell A2. Highlight these two cells.
2. Notice the fill handle in the lower right hand corner of these highlighted cells. Point to the fill handle. Your mouse will become a thin black ' .' This is your indicator that the fill handle can be dragged to fill in the sequence.
3. Drag the fill handle down a few cells. Notice the rest of the sequence is automatically populated in the cells.
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