1. Open a new Excel 2010 spreadsheet window. Then open a Web browser window. Click and hold on the top of the Excel window and drag it to the left side of your Windows 7 desktop. The window will automatically adjust its size to fill exactly half the screen. Do the same thing with your browser on the right side of your desktop.
2. Direct your browser to the 'Get to know Excel 2010: Create Your First Spreadsheet' course at the Microsoft Office website (http://office.Microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/get-to-know-excel-2010-create-your-first-spreadsheet-RZ101773335.aspx). Click the 'Start this course' button.
3. Watch the video that plays in your browser. During the video, click the 'Pause' button in the lower-left corner of the video player to stop the video and test out what you have learned in your spreadsheet window. After the six-minute introductory video is done, select another video from the list on the left side of the browser window. Each of the next six videos will give you information about one basic aspect of Excel 2010.
4. Select 'Practice' from the left side to bring up a practice spreadsheet that will walk you through a few practice routines. Once you feel comfortable, click 'Test yourself' on the left side to bring up a multiple-choice test regarding basic Excel commands. Finally, select 'Quick Reference Card' to open up a printable page that contains a number of basic Excel tasks and instructions to complete them.
5. Visit the Microsoft Excel 2010 Help and How-to page at the Microsoft Office website (http://office.Microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/CL010253675.aspx?CTT=97). This page gives you a long list of selectable Excel commands and concepts. Select your desired entry to go to a help page surrounding that topic. You can also use the search box at the top of the screen to search the Microsoft Office website for a specific item. Be sure to include 'Excel 2010' in your search query, as the Office website holds articles for all Office products dating back to Office 2000.
6. Use the built-in help system in Microsoft Excel 2010 to address specific areas where you need assistance. Click the blue question mark at the top-right corner of the screen to open up the help window. Select the item from the list on the left, or enter in a search query into the box at the top of the window and press 'Enter,' then select the article you want to look at.