Monday, March 11, 2013

How to Learn the Basics of Microsoft Excel Free Without a Class

1. Open a new Excel 2010 spreadsheet window. Then open a Web browser window. Click and hold on the top of the Excel window and drag it to the left side of your Windows 7 desktop. The window will automatically adjust its size to fill exactly half the screen. Do the same thing with your browser on the right side of your desktop.
2. Direct your browser to the 'Get to know Excel 2010: Create Your First Spreadsheet' course at the Microsoft Office website ( Click the 'Start this course' button.
3. Watch the video that plays in your browser. During the video, click the 'Pause' button in the lower-left corner of the video player to stop the video and test out what you have learned in your spreadsheet window. After the six-minute introductory video is done, select another video from the list on the left side of the browser window. Each of the next six videos will give you information about one basic aspect of Excel 2010.
4. Select 'Practice' from the left side to bring up a practice spreadsheet that will walk you through a few practice routines. Once you feel comfortable, click 'Test yourself' on the left side to bring up a multiple-choice test regarding basic Excel commands. Finally, select 'Quick Reference Card' to open up a printable page that contains a number of basic Excel tasks and instructions to complete them.
5. Visit the Microsoft Excel 2010 Help and How-to page at the Microsoft Office website ( This page gives you a long list of selectable Excel commands and concepts. Select your desired entry to go to a help page surrounding that topic. You can also use the search box at the top of the screen to search the Microsoft Office website for a specific item. Be sure to include 'Excel 2010' in your search query, as the Office website holds articles for all Office products dating back to Office 2000.
6. Use the built-in help system in Microsoft Excel 2010 to address specific areas where you need assistance. Click the blue question mark at the top-right corner of the screen to open up the help window. Select the item from the list on the left, or enter in a search query into the box at the top of the window and press 'Enter,' then select the article you want to look at.
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Thursday, February 28, 2013

How to Remove All Hyperlinks Except One in Excel 2003

1. Open on your computer the Microsoft Excel 2003 file that contains the hyperlinks you want to remove.
2. Click any blank cell in your worksheet and type '1' into the cell. Click your mouse outside the cell.
3. Right-click the cell with the '1' in it, and then select the 'Copy' option from the shortcut menu.
4. Hold down the 'CTRL' key on your keyboard while selecting each hyperlink you want to remove. Make sure to not click the one link you want to keep.
5. Select the 'Edit' menu option from the top toolbar, and then click the 'Paste Special' option. Select the 'Multiply' option and then click the 'OK' button. All the hyperlinks you selected will be removed.
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How to Change the Chart Axis Using the Graph Standard Toolbar in MS Word

1. Double-click the chart you want to modify in MS Word to make the 'Chart' toolbar visible.
2. Click the 'Category Axis Gridlines' button in the Standard toolbar to make gridlines on the X axis visible.
3. Click the 'Value Axis Gridlines' button in the standard toolbar to make gridlines on the Y axis visible.
4. Select 'Chart' and 'Chart Options' from the menu. The 'Chart Options' dialog box appears.
5. Select the 'Titles' tab to add or modify the titles for the axes on your chart.
6. Go to the text field for the axis' title you want to modify, such as 'Category (X) axis,' 'Series (Y) axis,' and 'Value (Z) axis' and type a title.
7. Select the 'Axes' tab to modify the axis on your chart.
8. Go to the axis you want to modify, such as 'Category (X) axis.' Deselect any axes you want to hide. Select 'Automatic,' 'Category' or 'Time-scale' option for how you want the axis displayed. Click 'OK.'
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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How to Make a Crossword Puzzle Using Excel

1. Open a blank work sheet in Excel.
2. Enter 'Ctrl A' to select all cells. While all cells are selected, place the cursor on the border between two columns of cells and drag them until the cells show a width of 3.75 (35 pixels). Place the cursor between two rows of cells and drag until the row height is 24.75 (35 pixels). This will give you a printable grid with squares that are about 0.3' by 0.3', large enough to write in comfortably.
3. Define the grid area you want to print out. For a 20 cell by 20 cell crossword, select 20 columns by 20 rows. Select all of the cells you want to assign grid lines to. Click on the 'Cell Borders' drop-down (located on the Font area of the tab, with a stylized picture of a grid on it).
4. Enter your first clue in a clear area and give it a number. Type in the answer to the clue on the grid you made earlier. Repeat until you've entered all of your clues and answers in the crossword puzzle.
5. Select all of the cells that don't have letters in them and change their fill color to black. The drop-down for selecting the fill color for a cell is on the Home tab, in the area labeled 'Font.' It is immediately to the right of the drop-down used to select 'Cell Borders' in Step 3. Clicking on it will allow you to select the color.
6. Save the file and print a copy as your answer key, typically as Crossword_Subject_Key.xls. For example, a crossword about Frog Anatomy might be named Crossword_FrogAnatomy_Key.
7. Select all of the cells in the grid (but not your questions) and hit the 'Delete' key. This will delete all of the letters in the cells.
8. Set the font size to 3 points and set the vertical justification to 'top.' (Vertical justifications are the icons next to the font size drop-down in Excel 2007.) Enter the numbers corresponding with each clue in the boxes where each word starts.
9. Save the file (under a different file name, such as Crossword_Subject_Blank) and print out copies. Continuing the example naming convention above, the crossword would be called Crossword_FrogAnatomy_Blank.
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How to Locate a Path to MS Excel 2003

1. Click the circular Windows 'Start' button in the bottom-left corner of the desktop. Type 'Excel.exe' in the search box at the bottom of the Start menu. Right-click on the Excel file after it appears at the top of the menu under Programs. Select 'Properties' from the pop-up menu, which opens another dialog box.
2. Select the 'General' tab.
3. Find the 'Location' section in the middle of the tab. The path to the location of Excel 2003 displays similar to the following string of text: 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11.' The Excel 2003 file is within the Office11 folder on the 'C' drive.
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How to Extract the Last Word in a String of Text in Microsoft Excel

1. Open the Microsoft Excel worksheet that has the column of text from which you want to extract the last word. As an example, you want to extract the last name from a list of names in column A and insert it into column C.
2. Click in cell “C2.” Enter the following formula and press the “Enter” key:=MID(SUBSTITUTE(A2,' ','^',LEN(A2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2,' ',''))),FIND('^',SUBSTITUTE(A2,' ','^',LEN(A2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2,' ','')))) 1,256)You can copy and paste this formula, adjusting the C2 cell reference as necessary. The entire formula goes into one cell.
3. Once you have entered the formula, you can quickly fill the formula down through subsequent cells. To do that, hover your mouse over the black square in the lower right corner of the cell. When the mouse pointer changes to a “ ” symbol, click your mouse and drag down.
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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How to Split Text in Excel 2007

1. Highlight the data you want to separate.
2. Click the 'Data' tab at the top of the page, then 'Text to Columns.'
3. Select 'Delimited.' Click 'Next.'
4. Choose your delimiter, such as a space or comma. This is where Excel separates the data. Click 'Next.'
5. Select the 'Column data format' that is appropriate for your data. Click 'Next.'
6. Select where you want the split data to go to and click 'Finish.'
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How to Remove Capital Letters in Excel 2007

1. Confirm that you have a block of adjacent empty cells, preferably to the right of your data, that you can use for the reformatted cells. If you don't have room on your spreadsheet, highlight the column of cells directly to the right of your original cells, click 'Insert' on the Ribbon -- not the 'Insert' tab -- and select 'Insert Cells' to add a column of empty cells.
2. Click the cell directly to the right of the cell you want to change. For example, if the text you want to change is in cell A1, click cell B1. Enter '=PROPER(A1)' in cell B1 and hit the 'Enter' key. This will change the text from all caps to initial caps, meaning the text 'CHANGE THE CASE' in cell A1 will appear as 'Change The Case' in cell B1. To convert the text to all lowercase, enter '=LOWER(A1)' in cell B1 and hit 'Enter.' This will convert 'CHANGE THE CASE' to 'change the case.'
Microsoft identifies the version of the software by the year it was released.
Copy the formula. Highlight the cell where you input the formula and click 'Copy' in the 'Clipboard' group on the 'Home' tab. Click the cell to which you want to copy the formula and click 'Paste,' also in the 'Clipboard' group. If you're converting a large number of cells, such as an entire column of text, highlight the formula and any cells to which you want to copy it, and click 'Fill' from the 'Editing' group on the 'Home' tab. Click the corresponding direction to which you want to copy the formula.
4. Highlight the converted cell (or cells) and click 'Copy.' Then highlight the cells where you want to paste the newly formatted data and select 'Paste.' Click 'Paste Special' and then click 'Formulas.' Your correctly formatted text will now be in place.
5. Click the 'Office' button and 'Save' to save your work.
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How to Encrypt an Excel 2007 File

1. Open the Excel workbook you want to encrypt.
2. Click the 'Microsoft Office' button in the top-left corner of the screen.
3. Place your mouse cursor over the 'Prepare' entry on the left side of the menu to bring up its options. Click 'Encrypt Document' on the right side of the menu. A password pop-up window will open.
4. Enter a password for the document. Make sure you can remember it since you will not be able to recover the spreadsheet if you forget it.
5. Click 'OK,' re-enter the password and click 'OK' to close the window.
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Monday, February 25, 2013

How to Merge Cell Contents in Excel 2007

1. Open the Excel worksheet.
2. Click the 'Home' tab on the command Ribbon.
3. Click and drag on the two or more cells to merge. A heavy black outline will form around the selected cells. The column headers above the outlined cells will turn a different color.
4. Click the down-arrow for the 'Merge Center' command in the 'Alignment' group. The drop-down menu offers three merge formats: Merge Center, Merge Across, Merge Cells. 'Merge Center' centers the text within the larger cell. 'Merge Across' retains the left-aligned text in the row. 'Merge Cells' unites the cells and keeps the data from the upper-left cell.
5. Click on one merge format. The cells will merge to appear as one larger cell. The heavy black outline will disappear.
6. Save this worksheet.
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Sunday, February 24, 2013

How to Convert a Workbook in Excel 2007 to a PowerPoint Slide

1. Open the Excel workbook you want to copy to PowerPoint. On the first worksheet press 'Ctrl A' then 'Ctrl C' on the keyboard.
2. Open a PowerPoint presentation. Click on the slide where you want to insert the worksheet. Don't click in a text box, but just a blank area on the slide. Press 'Ctrl V' to paste the table into PowerPoint. Press 'Ctrl M' to create a new slide.
3. Switch back to Excel then click the tab for the next worksheet in the workbook.
4. Select and copy the contents of that sheet and paste them into the new slide in PowerPoint. Repeat this process for each worksheet in the workbook to convert the entire workbook into a PowerPoint presentation.
5. Paste a chart or graph into PowerPoint from Excel by clicking the chart in Excel and pressing 'Ctrl C' to copy it.
6. Switch back to PowerPoint and create a new slide.
7. Press 'Ctrl V' to paste in the chart.
8. Click the 'Paste Options' link next to the chart and choose to link the data or to link to the entire Excel workbook.
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How to Convert Excel Macro to Open Office

1. Find a suitable utility program to convert macros in the Excel Visual Basic language to the CalcBasic code necessary for Open Office. A free option is the online conversion program offered by Business Spreadsheets (see link in 'References'). This convenient web page allows the user to paste existing Visual Basic code into a text box and automatically convert it into CalcBasic. While no automatic conversion between the two programming languages will be thorough, this process is a good primer for the tweaking that is inevitably necessary to ensure full functionality in Open Office. This utility is good for programmers looking to quickly jump start the conversion process so all Open Office users will have access to their macro programs.
2. Install a Visual Basic compatibility package into Open Office. This option is particularly convenient as it allows Open Office to run a Visual Basic program without any conversion. However, this is not ideal for any spreadsheet designed for a mass audience as each user would need to make the update to their Open Office software. There are two options for making this change. The Go-oo program extends Open Office software to a variety of file types allowing users to easily integrate many applications.An additional solution along these lines is a full reconfiguration of the Open Office installation package running on a network. Novell has created a new design of Open Office that supports Visual Basic code, but the installation is complicated. This process also relies on the OOo updates offered by Go-oo but integrates them from the ground up. This is better suited to network environments where many individuals will need this functionality.
3. Acquire a version of Open Office that already has Visual Basic compatibility built in. As of 2006 there are at least 10 versions of Open Office supporting Visual Basic. This obviates the process for more robust Excel macro conversion, but is not suitable for programmers looking to reach a wide audience. Open Office in its native format does not recognize Visual Basic code, so this option is only suitable for programmers making the switch for themselves or a controlled user base.
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How to Graph Linear Equations Using Excel

Excel 2007
1. Highlight the data you want to graph by clicking at the top left of the data and dragging the mouse to the bottom right.
2. Click on the 'Insert' tab.
3. Select 'Line graph' and choose '2-D Line.' Excel will draw the graph for the linear equation based on the table of values you input.
Excel 2003
4. Highlight the data you want to graph by clicking at the top left of the data and dragging the mouse to the bottom right.
5. Click on the 'Chart Wizard' in the toolbar.
6. Choose 'Line.'
7. Check the 'Chart subtype' box and click 'Next' three times to move through the rest of the chart wizard.
8. Click on 'Finish.' Excel will graph your linear equation using the values from your table.
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How to Unlock a Cell in Excel If Information Is Entered into Another Cell

1. Open the Excel spreadsheet that you want to work with.
2. Select the cell that you want to allow someone to enter information into. Right-click the selected cell, and choose 'Format Cells.' Click the 'Protection' tab at the top of the window, and clear the 'Locked' check box. Click 'OK.'
3. Click the 'Review' tab at the top of the Excel window, and then click the 'Protect Sheet' button. Type in a password, if you need one, and click 'OK.' If you entered a password, you will have to type it in again. Be sure to write the password down so that you won't forget it. All of the cells except for the one you selected are now locked.
4. Press 'Alt' 'F11' to open the Visual Basic console. Select the sheet that you are working on from the list of worksheets.
5. Copy the following code into the open space on the right side of the Visual Basic window:Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)Dim KeyCells As RangeSet KeyCells = Range('A1')If Not Application.Intersect(KeyCells, Range(Target.Address)) _Is Nothing ThenWith Worksheets('Sheet1').Unprotect Password:='qqq'.Range('B1').Locked = False.Protect Password:='qqq'End WithEnd IfEnd Sub
6. Edit the code for your specific worksheet. Change 'A1' to the cell that you want users to be able to alter. Change 'B1' to the cell you that want to automatically unlock when users input data into the first cell. Change 'Sheet1' to the name of your worksheet. Change 'qqq' to whatever password you are using to lock the cells. If you are not using a password, delete both instances of 'Password:='qqq'.
7. Press 'Alt' 'F11' to close the Visual Basic window. Your worksheet will now unlock the specified cell when a user enters information into the original cell. Save your work now, because when you test the worksheet out, the target cell will be unlocked.
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Saturday, February 23, 2013

How to Troubleshoot Microsoft Excel

Start Excel from the main program. Sometimes a shortcut to a program can become corrupt and cause the application to have problems opening. Go to the 'Start' menu, click on 'All Programs' and find Microsoft Excel in the program list. If it opens properly, delete the problematic shortcut by right clicking it and selecting 'Delete.' You can make a new shortcut by right clicking the main application and choosing 'Send to Desktop.'
Disable add-ins. Sometimes these optional programs are problematic. In Excel 2007, click the 'Office' button. Click on 'Excel Options' and select 'Add-Ins.' In Excel 2000-2003, go to the 'Tools' menu and select 'Add-Ins.' If you disable them and the problem is solved, enable them one at a time to determine which is corrupted.
Let Excel find and fix the problem. If you are using Excel 2000-2003, go to the 'Help' menu, click on 'Detect and Repair' and then click 'Start.' In Excel 2007, click the 'Office' button, click 'Excel Options' and then click 'Resources.' Click 'Diagnose' and then click 'Continue.' Click the 'Start Diagnostics' button. Excel will look for potential problems and repair them, if possible.
Perform a 'System Restore' on your computer. This will restore your computer to an earlier date and time when Excel was working properly. Click 'Start' and then 'All Programs.' Point to 'Accessories,' and then 'System Tools.' Click 'System Restore,' and follow the wizard's instructions.
Uninstall Microsoft Office and then reinstall it . Go to the 'Start' menu and then to the 'Control Panel.' Select 'Microsoft Office' and uninstall it. Use the Office disk you used to install it originally and reinstall the software.
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