Monday, July 16, 2012

How to Unhide Columns in Microsoft Project

Unhide Columns in Microsoft Project
'Click' the column header to the right of the position in which the new column should appear, as in Image 1. This action will select and darken the entire column.
'Click' the 'Insert' option from the menu bar, as displayed in Image 2. This will cause a drop-down menu to appear.
Click 'Column' from the drop-down menu. This will bring up a dialogue box entitled 'Column Definition,' as in Image 3. This feature allows you to select the column to be displayed.
Click the down arrow to the right of the 'Field Name' text box. This will cause a list of fields to display, as in Image 4. Select the name of the column you wish to unhide from the list.
Click the 'Best Fit' button at the bottom of the Column Definition dialogue box to display the hidden column as in Image 5. You may also add a column by clicking 'OK,' but that will require manual column-width adjustment.
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How to Crop Images in Excel

1. Start Microsoft Excel 2007 and open a workbook from your files that contains an image that you want to crop.
2. Select the image you want to crop by clicking on it. The image will be surrounded by a thin, black border and light blue sizing handles once it is selected.
3. Choose the 'Format' tab at the top of the Excel 2007 screen to display the Format ribbon. Locate the 'Size' section of the Format ribbon. This section is on the right side of the Format ribbon.
4. Click the 'Crop' button and thick, black lines should appear on the corners and sides of the selected image.
5. Hover your mouse over one of the black borders on a corner or a side and your cursor will change to two borders overlapping each other.
6. Crop the image by clicking your mouse on the border and dragging inwards while holding the mouse button down. The part of the image you are moving over will disappear.
7. Release your mouse button and view the effects. Continue to use this same process to crop other parts of the image.
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How to Remove Fractions in Excel

1. Launch Microsoft Excel 2010 and open the spreadsheet that contains or will contain the numbers that need to be displayed without fractions.
2. Click a cell or highlight (Select) a range of cells by clicking on one cell and holding the mouse button down while dragging the cursor across a range of cells. Release the mouse button to select the highlighted range. You can also click directly on a column letter or row number to select the entire column or row. Add or remove from the current selection by holding down the 'CTRL' key while selecting the cells you do not want changed.
3. Right-click any of the selected cells and click 'Format Cells' from the context menu.
4. Click the 'Number' tab in the 'Format Cells' dialog box.
5. Click the desired format for the display and storage of the numbers in the selected cells. Make preference adjustments on the right side of the dialog box using the instructions at the bottom of the dialog box. The 'Sample' box will display a preview of the format for any data in the selected cell.
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How to Change Interval of Category Axis in an Excel Chart

1. Start Microsoft Excel 2007 and open a spreadsheet from your files that contains a chart to which you want to change the interval of the category axis.
2. Click in the white area of the chart so the whole chart is selected. You can tell the entire chart is selected because a light blue outline will surround the entire chart.
3. Select the 'Format' tab at the top of the Excel screen to display the 'Format' ribbon. Locate the 'Current Selection' group-it is the first group in the 'Format' ribbon.
4. Click the 'Chart Elements' arrow to display the drop-down list. This is the top option in the 'Current Selection' section of the 'Format' ribbon. Choose '(Category) Axis' from the drop-down list.
5. Press the 'Format Selection' button right underneath the 'Chart Elements' drop-down list. The 'Format Axis' dialog box will appear on the screen. Click 'Axis Options' if necessary to display the options for changing the interval of the category axis.
6. Type the number of units you have to use in the 'Interval between tick marks' text box at the top of the 'Format Axis' dialog box.
7. Click the 'Close' button to close the 'Format Axis' dialog box and return to your Excel chart. You will now see that the interval for the category axis has changed.
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How to Create a Bar Chart in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Make a table that contains all of the data you want represented in your bar chart. Be sure to include column and row labels and numerical quantities when making your table.
2. Highlight all of the data in your table--including the column and row labels--and click the “Chart Wizard” button on the toolbar. The “Chart Wizard” button looks like a tiny column chart.
3. When the Chart Wizard appears, select “Bar” from the “Chart Type” menu, then select the subcategory of bar chart you would like to create. Click the “Next” button.
4. Use the “Data Range” box if you need to modify the data set. Select “Rows” from the “Series In” option to sort your data by row or “Columns” to sort your data by column. Click “Next.”
5. Enter titles and labels for your chart to make it easy to read. Excel will offer you a preview of how the chart will appear while you work.
6. Use the “Axes,” “Gridlines,” “Legend,” “Data Labels,” and “Data Table” tabs as additional tools for modifying the appearance of your bar chart. Each tab modifies a specific part of your bar chart. Click “Next” when you are finished modifying the appearance of your chart.
7. Select “As New Sheet” to place your bar chart in a new Excel spreadsheet or select “As Object In” to place the bar chart in the same spreadsheet that you built your data table. Click “Finish” to complete the creation of your chart and place it on a spreadsheet.
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How to Synchronize Spreadsheets in Excel

Linking Separate Excel Workbooks Together
1. Open the workbook with the data you expect to be shared in Excel. This is the source workbook.
2. Open the workbook you want the data to be replicated in. This is the destination workbook.
3. Select the cell in the source workbook you want the data to come from, and enter 'Ctrl C' to copy it.
4. Switch to the target workbook, and select the cell you want the data to appear in.
5. Enter 'Ctrl V' to paste the reference in. If you examine the formula, you'll see that prior to the row and column entry, there will be a reference to the drive location (or network location) and the file name of the source workbook. An example would look like this: [C:\Book1.xlsx]Sheet1!A1. This means that Excel will pull the value from the linked file.
Synchronizing Worksheets In The Same Workbook
6. Open your workbook in Excel.
7. Hold down the 'Ctrl' key while clicking on multiple worksheet tabs. Be sure to leave one tab unselected when you do this. This will ensure that any edits you make on one tab will be replicated across all selected tabs, with data entered in the corresponding cells.
8. Click the tab that's not part of the group to undo the tab group selection. This will get Excel to revert to 'normal mode,' where changes in one tab only affect that tab.
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How to Add an Analysis Toolpack in Excel 2003 GPO

1. Launch Excel 2003. To install the Analysis Toolpak on a version of Excel that was installed through a GPO (Group Policy Organization), you need a privileged account, or you must talk to your network administrator to unlock the procedure.
2. Click on the 'Tools' menu item. Navigate through the drop-down menu and select 'Add-Ins'. A dialog box will appear; this will show all the add-ons currently available.
3. Check the check box that says 'Analysis Toolpak.' You may need to click on the 'Browse' button to load it; it will be listed as Analysis.xla in the Add Ons folder for Excel. If you do not see it, you may need to reinstall Excel 2003 from your installation media. If prompted 'Do you want to install the Analysis Toolpak?', click 'Yes' to install it.
4. Click the 'Tools' menu item; there will now be a 'Data Analysis' entry added to the drop-down menu.
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How to Insert a Dynamic Date in Excel

1. Start Microsoft Excel 2007, and open a spreadsheet from your files into which you want to insert a dynamic date. Or, you can start a new, blank spreadsheet.
2. Select the cell you want to insert the dynamic date into by clicking on it. The cell will be surrounded by a thick, black outline once it is selected.
3. Type the formula '=today()' (without the quotation marks) into the selected cell. This formula will instruct Excel to insert the current date into the cell where the formula is entered.
4. Press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard or the green check mark on the formula bar to input the formula into Excel. Excel will then accept the formula and display the current date into the cell where you typed the formula. The date will be updated every time the 'Enter' key is pressed when you are working in the workbook where the formula has been inserted.
5. Use the procedure above to insert the dynamic date into any other cells in the open spreadsheet that you would like to display the current date.
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Sunday, July 15, 2012

How to Adjust the Color of Excel Bars in a Bar Chart

1. Open the formatted workbook and double-click the specific bar element you wish to change.
2. On the 'Patterns' tab in the 'Area' section of the 'Format Data Series' dialogue box, click your preferred color. You can preview it in the 'Sample' box in the lower left corner.
3. Click the 'OK' button. The chart will show the new color choice.
4. Save the changes to the chart and workbook.
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How to Import a Word Doc Into an Excel Spreadsheet

1. Open Excel and click the 'Insert' tab in the toolbar at the top of the page. You can import a picture, chart or file here.
2. Click the 'Object' button and then click the 'Create from File' tab.
3. Click 'Browse.' A list of your folders and files will open. Select the Word document you want to import and click 'Insert.'
4. Click 'OK.' The Word document will now appear in your Excel spreadsheet. Click on the newly created object to move it to the desired position in the spreadsheet.
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How To Use the List Feature In Excel

Excel 2003
1. Open Excel 2003. Create a new spreadsheet or open an existing spreadsheet.
2. Enter data headers in the first row. Enter the data below them.
3. Click and drag to select your data including the headers.
4. Open the 'Data' menu. Point to the 'List' menu and click 'Create List.'
5. Check the 'My list has headers' check box. Click 'OK.'
6. Click a header to sort the data based on that column.
7. Type in the bottom row containing an asterisk to add a row to your list.
8. Click and drag the handle at the bottom right corner of your list to expand the range.
9. Click outside the list cells to deselect the list.
Excel 2007 and 2010
10. Open Excel 2007 or 2010. Create a new spreadsheet or open an existing spreadsheet.
11. Enter data headers in the first row. Enter the data below them.
12. Click and drag to select your data including the headers.
13. Click the 'Home' ribbon and click 'Format as Table.' Select a table style from the drop-down menu.
14. Check the 'My table has headers' check box. Click 'OK.'
15. Click a header to sort the data based on that column.
16. Select the bottom right corner and press 'Tab' to insert a new row.
17. Click and drag the handle at the bottom right corner of your list to expand the range.
18. Click outside the list cells to deselect the list.
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Saturday, July 14, 2012

How to Make a Time Sheet

Microsoft Excel 2010
1. Select a Microsoft Excel 2010 template. Open Excel 2010 and select the 'File' tab. Click 'New.' Select the 'Time Sheets' category. Review the available time sheets. Preview the time sheet by clicking the image. A small preview and description appears in the right task pane. Download the template by clicking the 'Download' icon beneath the image and preview.
2. Customize the template by adding personal details. These details include the time worked, your company name, address, manager name and the current date.
3. Save the changes to the time sheet by clicking the 'Save' icon on the Quick Access Toolbar.
4. Select an OpenOffice template. Access the OpenOffice website. Type 'Time Sheets' in the search box. Review the available time sheets that appear. Click 'Use This' to download the template to your computer.
5. Open the downloaded file in OpenOffice Calc. Customize the template by adding personal details. These details include the time worked, your company name, address, manager name and the current date.
6. Save the changes to the time sheet by clicking the 'Save' icon.
Google Documents
7. Select a Google Documents template. Access the Google Documents website. Type 'Time Sheets' in the search box. Click 'Search Templates.' Review the available time sheets that appear. Click 'Use This Template' to download the template to your computer.
8. Open the downloaded file in Google Documents. Customize the template by adding personal details. These details include the time worked, your company name, address, manager name and the current date.
9. Save the changes to the time sheet by clicking the 'Save' icon.
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How to Open a Wb3 File in Excel 2003

1. Open Excel 2003, and select 'Open' from the 'File' menu.
2. Locate the WB3 file that you wish to open in the 'Look in' list.
3. Click the name of the file, and click 'Open.'
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How to Send Email Using Excel 2007 VBA

1. Start Microsoft Office 2007 and select the 'Developer' tab. Click on 'Visual Basic' and select 'Tools.' Click on 'References' check 'Microsoft Outlook 12.0 Object Library' and select 'OK.'
2. Type the following to create a new sub:Sub sendEmail()Press 'Enter.'
3. Type the following to create your variables:Dim oLookApp As Outlook.ApplicationDim oLookMail As Outlook.MailItem
4. Type the following to assign the outlook object and create a new email:Set oLookApp = New Outlook.ApplicationSet oLookMail = oLookApp.CreateItem(0)
5. Type the following to define the variables for your email:With oLookMail.To = ''.Subject = 'My Workbook'.Body = 'I'm e-mailing this workbook..'.Attachments.Add ActiveWorkbook.FullName.sendEnd With
6. Execute your sub to email the current Excel workbook.
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How to Insert Hatching in Microsoft Excel Shapes

1. Right-click on the Excel 2010 spreadsheet shape in which you want to insert hatching.
2. Click 'Format Shape' to display an options box.
3. Click 'Fill' to display fill options.
4. Click 'Pattern Fill' from the list to display available fill patterns.
5. Click the hatching pattern you want to insert in the shape and then click 'Close.'
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