Sunday, April 17, 2011

How to Return to Normal View in Excel 2007

1. Right-click anywhere on the Excel 2007 screen. A menu will pop up.
2. Use the cursor to highlight the 'Close Full Screen' option.
3. Click on the 'Close Full Screen' option. Excel 2007 will immediately return to normal view.
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How to Disable Scientific Notation in Excel 2003

1. Highlight the column into which your list will go.
2. Right-click anywhere in the highlighted column.
3. Choose 'Format Cells...: from the drop-down menu.
4. In the 'Number' tab, choose 'Text' from the 'Category' list. Import your data.
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How to Create a Pivot Table From Multiple Sheets

1. Open the Excel workbook that has the worksheets you want to use to create a Pivot Table. Click a blank cell that you aren't using in the Pivot Table report.
2. Start the Pivot Table and Pivot Chart Wizard by pressing the following keys 'ALT' 'D' 'P.' The Pivot Table and Pivot Chart Wizard box will open.
3. Check the box next to 'Multiple consolidation ranges' under the question that asks 'What is the data that you want to analyze?'
4. Check the box next to 'Pivot Table' when asked what type of report you want to create; click 'Next.'
5. Check the box next to 'I will create the page fields' and click 'Next.'
6. Select the ranges of data you want to use to create the Pivot Table. For example, click 'Sheet 1' and use your mouse to highlight the data you want to use from that sheet. After you select a range of data, click 'Add.' Select the next sheet you want to use data from and highlight the data and click 'Add.' Repeat this for each sheet that has data you want to use.
7. Check the box next to the number of page fields you want when you are asked how many page fields you want on the Pivot Table.
8. Enter an item label for each page field you chose to add and click 'Next.'
9. Decide whether you want to add the Pivot Table to a new or existing worksheet and click 'Finish.' The Pivot Table will open and you can begin manipulating the data.
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How to Hide the Standard Toolbars in Office

1. Click 'Start' > 'All Programs' > 'Microsoft Office,' and then click on the MS Office program you want to use.
2. Right-click on the blue question mark icon in the upper right-hand corner of the program window. The icon is on the same line as the 'Home' and 'Insert' tabs.
3. Choose 'Minimize the Ribbon.' The ribbon disappears.
4. Show the ribbon again by right-clicking the question mark icon and choosing 'Minimize the Ribbon.' (See the check mark next to 'Minimize the Ribbon' when minimize is active.)
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Saturday, April 16, 2011

How to Recover an Excel File from Autosave

1. Open Microsoft Excel to enable the recovery features available in the Office 2010 suite.
2. Recover a file you haven't yet saved. Select 'File,' and then 'Recent.' Choose 'Recover Unsaved Workbooks.' From the saved drafts folder that displays, choose your file and click 'Open.' Select the 'Save' icon and name your file to save it properly.
3. Recover a previous version of a file to which you forgot to save changes. Open the file upon which you were working. From the File tab, select 'Info.' From the versions listed, select the one labeled '(when I closed without saving).' Click 'Restore' to overwrite any previously-saved versions to this last autosaved version of your workbook.
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How to Move Excel Macros to Another PC

Copying the Workbook
1. Determine where your macros are saved. You can save the macros you create in the workbook you are currently using or in your personal workbook. If you want to use your macros across different workbooks, you are most likely saving them to the personal.xls workbook.
2. Copy the workbook where the macros are saved to your chosen storage medium.
3. Copy the workbook to the new computer and start using your macros.
Using the VBA Editor
4. Copy the actual macros themselves from the Visual Basic editor.
5. Go to Tools–Macro–Visual Basic Editor.
6. Go to the Modules folder in the Project window in the left-hand corner of the screen.
7. Open Module 1 and copy the code for the macros you wish to copy. Paste this into the notepad and copy to your chosen storage medium.
8. Repeat Step 2 on another computer and go to Tools–Macros.
9. Name your macro and paste the code from the notepad into the macro window. Press Create and close out of the Visual Basic Editor.
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Friday, April 15, 2011

How Can I Get Rid of Page Breaks in Excel?

1. Select the worksheet that you would like to print. Select 'Page Break Preview,' in the View tab.
2. Click the page break that you would like to delete. Click breaks within the page setup menu. 'Click 'Remove page break.'
3. Click 'Select All' at the top left-hand corner of the worksheet. Scroll to the Insert menu Select 'Reset All Page Breaks.'
4. Remove page breaks in the Excel for Mac version by rolling the mouse over the page break -- which is a dotted line. Click on it then go to the Insert Drop-down menu.
5. Scroll down to and select 'Remove Page Break.' This removes the page break from the worksheet.
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How to Change Text Case in Microsoft Excel

How to Change Text Case in Excel 2007
1. Open the Excel spreadsheet.
2. Click on the cell that is next to the first data cell in the row of cells to be changed.
3. Type in =Lower (cell#) to change the text to lower case. Type in =Upper(cell#) to change the text to upper case. Type in =Proper(cell#) to change the text to proper case.Example: In cell B6 type in: =Proper(A6) to change the text in the A column to proper case.
4. Click 'Home' and then 'Fill>Down,' or click and drag down the row of adjacent cells to fill them with the text-case formula. The row should now contain the new text version of the original row of cells.
5. Click on the top cell of the newly filled row and drag down to highlight the entire row.
6. Click 'Home>Copy.'
7. Click on the first cell of the row containing the original data.
8. Click 'Paste>Paste Special>Values>OK.' The data with the new text case will appear in the original data row.
9. Delete the row adjacent to the data. Click 'Save' to save the changes you made to the spreadsheet.
How to Change Text Case in Older Versions of Excel
10. Open the Excel spreadsheet.
11. Click on the cell that is next to the first data cell in the row of cells to be changed.
12. Click 'Insert>Columns.'
13. Click on the first cell in the newly inserted column that is next to the first original data cell.
14. Type in =Lower (cell#) to change the text to lower case. Type in =Upper(cell#) to change the text to upper case. Type in =Proper(cell#) to change the text to proper case.Example: In cell B6, type in: =Proper(A6) to change the text in the A column to proper case.
15. Click on that cell again and drag down the row of adjacent cells to highlight the row.
16. Click 'Edit>Fill>Down.' Click 'Copy.'
17. Click on the first cell in the row containing the original data.
18. Click 'Edit>Paste Special>Values>OK.' The data with the new text case will appear in the original data row.
19. Delete the row adjacent to the data. Click 'Save' to save the changes you made to the spreadsheet.
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How to Include a Signature When Sending Excel Email As an Attachment Button

Create the Signature Line
1. Open the Excel worksheet.
2. Click on the worksheet where you wish to insert a signature line.
3. Click the 'Insert' tab on the command ribbon.
4. Click the down-arrow on the 'Signature Line' button in the 'Text' group. A drop-down list appears.
5. Click 'Microsoft Office Signature Line.' A 'Signature Setup' dialog box opens.
6. Type the information to appear under the signature line: suggested signer, suggested signer's title, suggested signer's email address and instructions.
7. Select the check box for 'Allow the signer to add comments in the Sign dialog.'
8. Select the check box for 'Show sign date in signature line.'
9. Click 'OK,' then the signature line appears on the worksheet.
Sign the Excel Signature Line
10. Open the Excel worksheet.
11. Right-click the signature line. A list of commands appears, including 'Sign.'
12. Click 'Sign.'
13. Type your name in the text box. You can opt to select an image file to open in the signature line.
14. Save this worksheet.
Email the Excel Attachment
15. Open the email program.
16. Click to open a new email message screen.
17. Attach the Excel file.
18. Type a message that refers to the attachment.
19. Send the email message with the attached Excel file.
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How to Reduce the Size of an Excel Spreadsheet

1. Make a backup copy of the file you want to reduce.
2. Open the Excel document and hit 'Ctrl' ' End' in each tab of the spreadsheet. You're looking for the last cell with data in it, in effect the lowest, right-most cell in the worksheet. For many sheets, this cell will be well outside of what you might have thought the spreadsheet contained.
3. Select unused columns by clicking on a column header, then holding down the 'Ctrl' 'Shift' 'Right Arrow' keys. This will select all columns to the right of the one you selected, including the one you selected. Press the 'Delete' key.
4. Select unused rows by clicking on a row header, then holding down the 'Ctrl' 'Shift' 'Down Arrow' keys. This will select all rows beneath of the one you selected, including the one you selected. Press the 'Delete' key.
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How to Ungroup Worksheets in Excel

1. Start Microsoft Excel 2007 and open a workbook from your files that contains worksheets that are grouped together.
2. Locate the worksheet tabs at the bottom left of the opened workbook. The sheet tabs that are white are the ones that are grouped together.
3. Hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard and click on the sheet tab of the worksheet that you want to ungroup from the rest of the worksheet group. Once you do this, the worksheet will be turn back to its set color and become separated from the existing group.
4. Release the CTRL key on your keyboard after you have ungrouped the worksheet.
5. Continue to hold down the CTRL key and click to select sheet tabs of the worksheets you no longer want to be included in the group.
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How to Unprotect a Microsoft Excel Document

Microsoft Excel 2010
1. Click the 'File' tab and click 'Open.' Navigate to the file you want to unprotect, select the file and click 'Open.'
2. Select the “Review” tab on the ribbon at the top of the screen, and click “Unprotect Sheet” from the Review menu.
3. Enter the file’s password if prompted to do so.
Microsoft Excel 2003
4. Click “File” on the toolbar and then select “Open.” Navigate to folder that contains the protected spreadsheet. Select the file and click “Open.”
5. Select the “Tools” drop-down menu, select “Protection” and choose “Unprotect Worksheet.'
6. Enter the file’s password if prompted to do so.
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Thursday, April 14, 2011

How Do I View Two Excel Spreadsheets on Two Screens?

1. Open the first document you wish to view through Excel. This will open your document on one screen.
2. Click on the Start Menu at the bottom left of your computer screen, then open Microsoft Excel again. This will open Excel in a separate window.
3. Click 'File' then 'Open' from the toolbar at the top of the Excel window, then find and open the second file you wish to view. You now have two files open, in two separate Excel windows. This makes it easy to click back and forth between files, plus copy and delete information as needed.
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How to Make a Flowchart in Microsoft Office

1. Open Microsoft Word from the 'Microsoft Office' folder under 'All Programs' in the Start menu. Select a new document in Microsoft Word.
2. Click on 'Shapes' under the Insert tab to see a list of available shapes. The flowchart category has several shapes useful for creating flowcharts.
3. Select a shape you like, and then click on the document to add the shape in that position. You can move the shape by clicking on it and then dragging across the document while holding down the mouse button. Edit your shape using the options available in the menu at the top, and add a text box if you want to label the shape.
4. Repeat step 3 to create a full flowchart suited to your needs. You can use the shapes available under 'Lines' in the Shapes menu to create lines to connect your flowchart. Experiment to find a flowchart that fits your style.
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How to Make an Inventory Spreadsheet

1. Open your software. If you need automatic updates with SharePoint, use Excel 2010. If you are creating a simple list for insurance purposes, use a word processing program with tables or a spreadsheet program.
2. Determine the data labels to include in your inventory spreadsheet. If you are doing a home inventory, for example, include 'Value' as a column heading, in addition to labels such as 'Item' and 'Serial Number.' For a retail inventory, create headings such as 'Wholesale Cost' and 'Retail Price.'
3. Enter your column headings across the first row of your table. Set the first column as the index -- or unique identifier -- of the information for that row. For example, a SKU for business inventory, or an item's name for home use.
4. Enter the data in the rows and columns. Every item in a row provides further information related to its index. In a retail inventory, for example, enter the retail price, wholesale cost and item description for the same SKU. For a home inventory, enter information that further defines the item, such as size, value and cost.
5. Maintain your inventory manually by adding items as they are bought or otherwise acquired, and deleting items as they sold or otherwise removed.
6. Automatically update your inventory using SharePoint. SharePoint lists automatically update Excel spreadsheets provided you have read permission for the SharePoint list. In SharePoint, select the 'Export to Spreadsheet' option from the List tab, in the Connect Export group. Select 'File Download,' 'Open,' and then 'Enable' to synchronize the data with your computer. In Excel, select 'Refresh' in the External Table Data group on the Design tab to see the updated information.
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