Thursday, June 21, 2012

How to Use Conditional Statements in Excel

The Three Parameters of IF() Statements
1. The first parameter in an IF() statement is an equation or logical operator. For example, A1>A2.
2. The second parameter of an IF() statement is separated from the first by a comma, and is what is displayed if the IF statement is true. For example, 'Passing Grade'.
3. The third parameter of an IF() statement is separated from the second by a comma, and is what is displayed if the IF statement is false. For example, 'Failing Grade.'
4. Finally, here's a completed IF() statement: =IF(A1>A2,'Passing Grade','Failing Grade'). This statement compares the value of a number in cell A1 to a value in cell A2, and if it's larger, displays 'Passing Grade', and if equal to or less than, displays 'Failing Grade'.

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