Thursday, June 28, 2012

How to Round Up in Excel 2007

1. Open the spreadsheet that contains the data that you want to round up.
2. Right-click the column heading of the column directly to the right of the column that contains the data that you want to round.
3. Click 'Insert' in the pop-up menu to insert a new column to the right of the data column. You'll use this column to store the rounded version of your original data.
4. Click the cell that is directly to the right of the first value that you want to round up.
5. Type the following function in the cell: =ROUNDUP(B1,1)Substitute the address of the first to-be-rounded data cell in place of 'B1' in the above example. The integer after the comma represents the number of decimal points to which you want to round. In the example, the value 3.60 in cell B1 would be rounded to 3.6, while the value 3.65 in cell B1 would be rounded to 3.7.
6. Right-click the cell that contains your roundup function and click 'Copy' in the pop-up menu.
7. Highlight all cells in your function column that are adjacent to the to-be-rounded data. Right-click the highlighted area and click 'Paste' in the pop-up menu. The rounded values will appear in the pasted cells.

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