Saturday, January 28, 2012

How to Compare Two Lists in Excel 2007

1. Open a new workbook (click the 'Office' button, 'New' and 'Blank Workbook') as well as the two lists you intend to compare. In the new spreadsheet, make headers across the top: 'Original List,' 'Comparison List' and 'Missing?'
2. Copy and paste the original list into the new spreadsheet. Move over a column and paste the comparison list into the spreadsheet.
3. Move your cursor to cell C2, the first empty cell in the 'Missing?' column. Type the function into this cell. Type in '=isna(match(' then either click the first cell in the 'Comparison' list or type B2 (if that's the cell number). Type a comma, then either click and drag to select the whole 'Original List' or type the range in--this might be something like 'A2:A18.' Type in another comma, then the word 'FALSE.' Finally, type two closed parentheses. The whole function should look like =isna(match(B2,A2:A18,false)).
4. Press 'Enter.' The function should return a 'TRUE' if the item in cell B2 does not appear in the list under column A, and 'FALSE' if it does.
5. Click to select the cell with the function in it. Change the cell range of the 'Original List' so there are two dollar signs in it. It should now read A$2:A:$18. These dollar signs will prevent Excel from changing that range in the next step.
6. Press 'Enter' again, then click and select the function again. Click the small black fill handle on the bottom-right corner of the cell and drag that cell down to the last row in the 'Comparison List.''
7. Look at the list you just created. If the lists are similar, most of the items under 'Missing?' should say FALSE.' Any items marked 'TRUE' don't appear in the 'Original' list.

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