Monday, January 24, 2011

How to Hide Empty Data in Excel Graphs

Line and Scatter Graphs
1. Open the Excel 2010 file that contains the graph you need to alter.
2. Right-click in the graph itself and choose 'Select Data' from the pop-up menu. Once the 'Select Data Source' window appears, click the 'Hidden and Empty Cells' button.
3. Click the radio button next to 'Connect data points with line.' Click 'OK' to close the small window, and then 'OK' again to go back to your graph. The empty cells now get skipped and your line continues uninterrupted to the next data point.
Column, Bar and Area Charts
4. Open the Excel file that holds the chart you want to alter.
5. Right-click on the chart and choose 'Select Data' from the menu that pops-up. Click the 'Switch Row/Column' button to send the X-axis labels to the left side of the screen.
6. Select any label that has a blank entry and click the 'Remove' button. Continue until you have deleted all the labels with blank data entries. Click the 'Switch Row/Column' button again to send the labels back to the X-axis.
7. Click 'OK' to close the window. Your chart will now have the offending results removed.

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