Monday, January 17, 2011

How to Calculate the Quartile Value in Excel

1. Open up a new Excel 2010 spreadsheet, or an existing spreadsheet that contains the numbers set you want to work with. If you opened a new spreadsheet, type the numbers of your number set into the first column of cells, with each number in its own cell.
2. Select an empty cell somewhere else on the spreadsheet, with two additional empty cells directly below it.
3. Type the following formula into the cell, without quotes: '=QUARTILE.EXC(A1:A10,1)'. Change 'A1:A10' to whatever range of cells holds your number set. Press 'Enter' and you will see the first quartile value.
4. Select the cell directly beneath your formula. Enter the exact same formula, except change the '1' at the end to a '2.' Press 'Enter' and you will get the second quartile value. Do this one more time in another cell and change the last number to a '3.' This will give you the third quartile value.

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