Sunday, April 14, 2013

How to Subtract Using Excel 2007

1. Double-click the Excel 2007 icon on your desktop or in your 'Programs' list to open the program to a blank worksheet.
2. Enter the numbers you want to subtract in separate cells in the spreadsheet.You can select any cells you would like, but it's usually convenient to place the numbers next to one another either horizontally, in two separate columns, or vertically, in two separate rows.If you want to work with data from an existing spreadsheet, open that file to begin working on it.
3. Enter a subtraction formula in a blank cell. The formula is an equal sign, followed by the first cell reference minus the second cell reference.For example, if your two numbers are in cells A1 and A2, then use a blank cell to enter the formula:=A1-A2
4. Click on another blank cell to activate the formula you just entered. The text for the formula will disappear, and the subtraction amount will appear in its place.For example, if cell A1 contains 100 and A2 contains 25, then the cell with the formula will display 75, since 100 - 25 = 75.

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