Saturday, April 27, 2013

How to Format Cells to Make Negative Numbers Appear Like 0000.00 in Excel

1. Open the Excel 2010 spreadsheet where you want to adjust the number format.
2. Click on the top-left cell in the area where you want to adjust the number format. Hold the mouse button down and drag your mouse pointer to the bottom-right cell, then release the button to select the entire area. Alternatively, you can select the column letter, or row number, to select an entire column or row.
3. Right-click your mouse while your pointer is located anywhere within your selection. Choose “Format Cells” from the small menu that appears and the Format Cells window will appear.
4. Click on “Custom” from the list on the left side of the window. Then place your cursor into the “Type” field on the right side of the window and use “Backspace” to erase whatever format is currently in there.
5. Enter the following code into the “Type” box:#,##0;'0000.00'The characters before the semicolon will control how positive numbers appear, while the characters after the semicolon will replace any negative number with “0000.00.” Click “OK” to close the window and complete your format change.

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