Monday, April 15, 2013

How to Convert Word to Excel 2003

1. Open the Word document with the data you want to convert to Excel 2003.
2. Highlight the data with your mouse. Choose 'Convert Text to Table' from the 'Insert' menu and convert the text into a table if it is not already.
3. Hover your mouse over the table until you see a ' ' appear in the upper-left corner. Click on the ' ' sign to select the entire table.
4. Click 'Edit' and then 'Copy.'
5. Launch Excel 2003 and click into a blank cell.
6. Click 'Edit' and then 'Paste.' Your data will appear within Excel.
7. Click 'File' 'Save As' and choose 'Excel Workbook (.xls)' from the 'Save as Type' drop-down field. Click 'Save.'

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