Saturday, February 25, 2012

How to Create a Bar Graph in Excel 2003

1. Log on to your computer and pull up your Excel worksheet. You should be able to locate the program by using your 'Start' button. When you cannot find it there, use your 'Search' or 'Find' function.
2. Arrange desired data in columns or rows. You only need to enter the numbers at this time.
3. Highlight the cells containing desired data. To select separated data, highlight the first piece. Then hold 'Ctrl' while clicking on the remaining data.
4. Select 'Chart' from the 'Insert' menu or click on the 'Chart Wizard' icon on the toolbar.
5. Choose your chart type. Click 'Next'. Confirm the data range mentally and select if you want your series in rows or columns. Select 'Next'.
6. Enter titles for your chart and axis. Choose the location of your chart. Select 'Finish'.

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