Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How to Construct a Categorical Frequency Table in Excel 2007

1. Enter your data into one column. For example, if you have a list of 10 house prices that you want to categorize, enter them into cells A1 to A10.
2. Enter your bin values into the next column. In our example, you would enter your bin values (for example, 100,000, 200,000, 300,000) into column 2. Bin values are optional: If you do not enter values for bins, Excel will choose bins for you.
3. Click on 'Data Analysis' from the 'Data' tab.
4. Click on 'histogram' from the list box.
5. Enter the range for your chart data into the 'Input Range' box. For example, enter 'A1:A10.'
6. Enter the range for the bin values into the 'Bin Range' box. For example, if you have four bins in cells B1 to B4, enter 'B1:B4.' If you also want to display a histogram, check the 'Chart Output' box.
7. Press 'OK.' Excel will enter the frequency table into the Excel worksheet.

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