Thursday, July 28, 2011

How to Publish Excel Web Pages

1. Double-click the spreadsheet you want to publish to open Excel. Make sure that you select the spreadsheet that contains the data you want published to the Web.
2. Click the 'File' button and then click the 'Save As' option. The Save As window displays on screen.
3. Select the 'Web Page' option for the file you're saving from the drop-down menu. Click the 'Publish' button. The Publish as Web Page dialog box displays on screen.
4. Click the 'Open published Web page in browser' check box and then click the 'Publish' button to open the data as a Web page in your browser.
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How to Move the Excel 2007 PivotTable Field List

1. Open the Excel workbook and navigate to the worksheet containing your PivotTable.
2. If the Field List is not visible on the screen, click the “Field List” button in the Show/Hide group. The Field List appears on the right side of the Excel window. Click “Field List” or the “X” at the far right of the title bar to hide the Field List.
3. Move the Field List by moving the mouse pointer to the title bar of the Field List, clicking and holding down the left-side mouse button and dragging the mouse across the screen. You may also left-click on the down arrow on the Field List title bar, click “Move” from the resulting menu and drag the mouse across the screen. Note that the Field List changes from a box as tall as the spreadsheet display to a shorter box when you drag it away from the right side of the window.
4. Moving the Field List or any task pane or toolbar to its original location with a set of toolbars or attached to one side of the screen is called “docking” it. Double click the PivotTable Field List title bar to return it to its previous docked position in the Excel window.
5. To dock the Field List on the left side of the window, click and drag the title bar across the screen until the box again becomes as tall as the spreadsheet display, and release the mouse button.
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How Do I Link to Cells That Move in an Excel Spreadsheet?

Merge Cells in Excel 2003
1. Open the Excel 2003 document that contains the cells that you want to link together. Highlight the cell that you want to keep together and stop from moving. You must make sure that the data is in the upper-left cell of a range of the selected sells to merge them together.
2. Click on the “Copy” option from the “Standard” toolbar menu, then click on the upper-left cell that is part of the range of cells you want to merge. Click on the “Paste” option.
3. Select the cells that you want to link together again. Go to the “Formatting” tool bar and click on the “Merge and Center” option. The cells will then be automatically linked together.
4. Change the text alignment in the merged cells by clicking on the “Align Left” or the “Alight Right” option from the “Formatting” tool bar menu.
5. Click on the merged cells and then click on the “Merge and Center” option at any time to split the merged cells. The data will still appear in the upper-left cell of the range.
Merge Cells in Excel 2007
6. Open the Excel 2007 that contains the cells that you want to link. Make sure that data you want to show is in the upper-left corner of the data range.
7. Click on the “Home” tab and then click on the “Merge and Center” option from the “Alignment Group.” The cells will then be automatically centered and linked.
8. Merge the cells without centering by clicking on the “Merge Across” or “Merge Cells” option from the “Alignment Group.” Click on the “Alignment” buttons in the “Alignment Group” section to change the alignment of the data in the cells.
9. Click on the “Merge and Center” button in the “Alignment Group” area at any time to split the linked cell back to the way it was before.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How to Use the Tangent Function in Excel

1. Open up the Excel worksheet where you want to use Excel's tangent function.
2. Select the cell where you want to determine the tangent of an angle.
3. Enter in the following formula:=TAN(X)where 'X' equals the angle you want the tangent for, in radians. If 'X' is listed in another cell, you can instead use a cell reference, like A1 or B12 for 'X.' If your angle information is in degrees, use this formula instead:=TAN(RADIANS(X))as the RADIANS formula will convert the angle to radians.
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How to Fix Excel 2007

1. Double-click the Excel 2007 program icon on your desktop to open it or select its name from the list of programs in the Start menu's 'All Programs' list. Click the Excel Office button and select 'Excel Options.' Click 'Advanced' and scroll down to the 'General' section. Click the checkbox to remove the checkmark from 'Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE).' Close Microsoft Excel. Double-click on any saved Excel file to open it and see that the 'There Was a Problem Sending the Command to the Program' error message no longer appears.
2. Open the Excel program. Click the Office button and select 'Excel Options.' Click 'Advanced' and scroll down to the 'Display options for this workbook' section.' Click the 'All' radio button under 'For objects, show' to get rid of the 'Cannot shift objects off sheet' error message when you try to insert or hide rows or columns. Click 'OK.'
3. Open Windows Explorer. Double-click the 'C:' drive to expand its directory. Double-click 'Program Files' or 'Program Files (x86).' Expand the 'Microsoft Office' directory. Expand either the 'Office,' 'Office10' or 'Office12' folders. Double-click the 'Startup' folder to open it. Right-click on '' and click 'Cut.' Navigate to your 'My Documents' folder. Right-click the folder and select 'Paste.'Repeat the process to remove the 'pdfmaker.xla' file from the 'Xlstart' folder---located in the 'Office' folder under the 'Microsoft Office' directory---and place it into the 'My Documents' folder. Moving these Adobe Acrobat files gets rid of the 'Compile error in hidden module: Autoexec' and 'DistMon' error messages when opening Excel 2007.
4. Open the Control Panel. Go to the 'Add or Remove Programs' section in Windows XP and the 'Uninstall a Program' section in Vista and Windows 7. Click Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Office from the list of programs. Click 'Change.' Select 'Repair' and click 'Continue' to run the 'Detect and Repair' tool to automatically have Microsoft find and repair problems with your Excel program.
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What Are Some Practical Uses for Excel?

1. Manage your finances with Excel. Create a personal or family budget and track your income and expenses by month or year. Create a spreadsheet that helps you plan and track your savings for retirement, or for your child's college education. Use Excel's built-in mathematical functions to automatically calculate routine or complex equations.
2. Create a calendar or schedule with Excel. Whether it's a weekly, monthly or yearly calendar for your family; a personal daily appointment planner; or a schedule for managing homework, bill payments, or your favorite sport team's games, Excel makes it easy to organize, filter and search through large amounts of data.
3. Plan and manage a project or event with Excel. Whether you are planning a large work project or a wedding or holiday party, use Excel to keep track of multiple tasks and deadlines, and the schedules of other participants or collaborators--and as a central database of all information and files you need to execute the project or event.
4. Create lists through Excel. Excel's convenient tabular layout makes it easy to format many different types of lists. Create checklists to make traveling and packing easier. Create an emergency phone list for your babysitter. Manage your book, wine or DVD collections via lists. Run your household better by using Excel lists to manage your groceries, chores and holiday gift-giving.
5. Create an address book to manage your mailing labels. Excel's extensive 'filter,' 'sort' and 'search' functions make it easy to create and manage a large contact database. You will be able to find and sort contacts by city, state, street, last name or birthday, or by whatever other criteria and detail you enter. When you need to create mailing labels to send greeting cards or announcements, use Excel's mail-merge feature to quickly format and print out the names and addresses of your contacts.
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How to Lock Cells in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel 2007
1. Open the Microsoft Excel 2007 application on your computer. Make sure you have the worksheet with the cells you want to lock open.
2. Select the cells that you want to lock on your worksheet using your mouse. You can also select an entire column or row.
3. Click on the “Home” tab and then click on the “Format” option from the “Cells” group. Click on the “Format Cells” option.
4. Click on the “Protection” tab and then click on the box next to the “Locked” field so that it’s selected. Click on the “OK” button.
5. Click on the “Review” tab and then click on the “Protect Sheet” option from the “Changes” group.
6. Enter a password for your worksheet in the “Password to unprotect sheet” field. Click on the “OK” button, and your cells will be locked.
Microsoft Excel 2003
7. Open the Microsoft Excel 2003 application on your computer. Make sure you have the worksheet with the cells you want to lock open.
8. Use your mouse to select all of the cells in the worksheet that you want locked. Make sure the cells are highlighted.
9. Click on the “Format” option from the top toolbar menu and then click on the “Cells” option.
10. Click on the “Protection” tab and then click on the box next to the “Locked” field so that it’s selected. Click on the “OK” button.
11. Click on the “Tools” option from the top toolbar menu and scroll over the “Protection” option. Click on the “Protect Sheet” option and then click on the “OK” button.
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How to Make Merged Cells in Excel 2003 Grow With Wrapped Text

1. Select the cell in which you want the merged text to appear by clicking it.
2. Open the 'Format' menu, select cells from the shortcut menu and when the Format Cells dialog box opens, click on the 'Alignment' tab. The alignment page opens. Go to the Controls section and click the 'wrapped text selection' button. Click 'OK' to close the Format Cells dialog box.
3. Adjust the cell width to the desired size using the 'select and drag' method or the Format Cells dialog box.
4. Begin the merge formula by typing '(=' without quotes in that cell.
5. Click the first cell that contains the wrapped text you want to combine and type ' ' -- be sure to include a space between the two quotation marks if you want the text to be separated by a space.
6. Click the next cell that contains the wrapped text you want to combine with the first cell contents and type ')' to complete the merge formula.
7. Press 'Enter' to view the merged contents in the cell. Make any cell width adjustments desired. Note that the wrapped text positioning will adjust the cell height automatically as you make any column width adjustments.
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How to Manually Change the Margins in Excel 2010

1. Open 'Microsoft Excel 2010.'
2. Press 'Ctrl' plus the letter 'O.' Locate and open an Excel spreadsheet that you want to print.
3. Click 'Page Layout' at the top.
4. Click the 'Margins' icon and click 'Custom Margins' at the bottom of the menu. Set custom margin sizes depending on your requirements. Click 'OK.'
5. Press 'Ctrl' and the letter 'P' to open the Print window, which will also show a print preview. If you want to adjust the margins on the page visually, click the 'Show Margins' icon, which is the left-most of two small icons in the bottom-right corner of the Print window. Click and drag the margins on the page to change the page layout. Click 'Print.'
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How to Size All Columns to Fit

1. Hold down the Shift key and click on each column you want to size to fit, or click 'Select All' to highlight all columns.
2. Go to 'Format' and select 'Column.'
3. Click 'AutoFit Selection.'
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How to Connect Excel Spreadsheets

1. Open the two spreadsheets that you want linked (you should have two open windows).
2. Go to the worksheet you want to import data to and click on a cell that you want the imported data displayed.
3. Type an '=' sign into the formula window (the blank line at the bottom of the toolbar.
4. Navigate to the sheet you want to import the data from and click on the cell with the data. For example, click on cell A1.
5. Go back to the spreadsheet that you want the data imported to. Excel will paste the name of the worksheet and the cell reference into the formula line. Press 'Enter' and the imported total will show in the specified cell.
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How to Disable Auto Backup in Excel

1. Click the 'File' tab and then 'Save As.'
2. Click the down arrow next to Tools and click 'General Options.'
3. Un-check the 'Always create backup' box to stop Excel from automatically backing up your files.
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Microsoft Excel Visual Basic Tutorial

1. Click on the 'Alt' and 'F11' keys from within any Excel worksheet or workbook to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE). You can also access the VBE by clicking on the 'Developer' tab and then clicking on 'Visual Basic.'
2. Click on the 'Insert' tab, and then click on 'Module' to open a blank window for your program.
3. Type the word 'Sub' (for subroutine) or 'Function' into the window, followed by the name of your program. For example, 'Sub italics()' is the first line of a subroutine called 'Italics.' If the VBA returns a result such as a number, it's a function. If it performs a task without returning anything, it's a subroutine.
4. Type an apostrophe on a new line, followed by a description of what the program is for. For example: ''this macro italicizes a highlighted cell.'
5. Type the body of your code starting on a new line. For example, to italicize a cell, type:'Selection.Font.Italic = True.'
6. Type 'End Sub' or 'End Function' on a new line, depending on if you defined a Sub or Function in Step 3.
7. Run the code by pressing the 'F5' key.
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Monday, July 25, 2011

How to Merge Cells on an Excel Spreadsheet

1. Click the 'Home' tab on the command ribbon.
2. Click and drag to select two or more adjacent cells. A black border surrounds the range of cells. The highlighted cells display one white cell in the upper-left corner and one or more blue cells. Only this white cell retains its data.
3. Click the down-arrow in the 'Merge Center' command in the 'Alignment' group. The three merge options include 'Merge Center,' 'Merge Across' and 'Merge Cells.'
4. Click the preferred merge option. The cells become one larger cell.
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How to Create a Table in Excel 2003

1. Open Excel on your computer, and start a new spreadsheet.
2. Enter your data into the spreadsheet. If the table is to be row-oriented, enter the desired calculation formulas to the left and just below the data. If the table is column-oriented, enter the calculation formulas above the first value and in the column immediately to the right of the data. Assistance for understanding formulas is available in the Excel 'Help' section.
3. Go to the 'Data' tab, and select 'Table.'
4. Enter the cell number where the calculated data should appear in the 'Column input cell' field or 'Row input cell' field, depending on the orientation of your table. Click 'OK.'
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