Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How to Make Merged Cells in Excel 2003 Grow With Wrapped Text

1. Select the cell in which you want the merged text to appear by clicking it.
2. Open the 'Format' menu, select cells from the shortcut menu and when the Format Cells dialog box opens, click on the 'Alignment' tab. The alignment page opens. Go to the Controls section and click the 'wrapped text selection' button. Click 'OK' to close the Format Cells dialog box.
3. Adjust the cell width to the desired size using the 'select and drag' method or the Format Cells dialog box.
4. Begin the merge formula by typing '(=' without quotes in that cell.
5. Click the first cell that contains the wrapped text you want to combine and type ' ' -- be sure to include a space between the two quotation marks if you want the text to be separated by a space.
6. Click the next cell that contains the wrapped text you want to combine with the first cell contents and type ')' to complete the merge formula.
7. Press 'Enter' to view the merged contents in the cell. Make any cell width adjustments desired. Note that the wrapped text positioning will adjust the cell height automatically as you make any column width adjustments.

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