Thursday, December 12, 2013

How to Create Mailing Labels From an Excel Database

1. Open Microsoft Word. Click the 'Mailings' tab and click 'Start Mail Merge.' Select 'Labels.' The 'Label Options' dialog box will open, where you can set up the labels.
2. Select the type of printer you are going to use under 'Printer Information.' Click the 'Label Vendors' list and select the manufacturer of your label sheets. Select the product number listed on your label sheet packaging from the 'Product Number' list. Click 'OK.' The sheet of labels is set up as a table in your document.
3. Click the 'Mailings' tab, then 'Select Recipients' in the 'Start Mail Merge' group. Click 'Use Existing List.' In the dialog box, browse through your computer files to select the Excel database file containing your address list. Double click the file.
4. Select particular recipients if you don't want to use your whole Excel list. To do so, click 'Edit Recipient List' in the 'Start Mail Merge' group on the 'Mailings' tab. Choose individual records by checking the box next to each record you want and unchecking the ones you don't want to use.
5. Set up the mail-merge fields, which will match each address component from your list to a placeholder on your label document. Click 'Match Fields' in the 'Write Insert Fields' group on the 'Mailings' tab. The dialog box will open, showing a list of address elements on the left side and corresponding column headings from your address list on the right side. Click each drop-down menu and select the correct column heading you want to use for each address element. Only select the address elements you want to use in your labels.
6. Click the first label on your Word document. Add any content, such as text, picture or logo, that you want to appear on each label. To insert an image, click the 'Insert' tab, then 'Picture' in the 'Illustrations' group. Select an image file from your computer, then click 'Insert.'
7. Insert the mail-merge fields, which serve as placeholders until you merge the labels with your address list. Click where you want to insert the address on the first label. Click 'Address Block' in the 'Write Insert Fields' group on the 'Mailings' tab. Select the address elements you want to insert and how you want them formatted. Click 'OK' to insert the address block.
8. Click 'Update Labels' in the 'Write Insert Fields' group to duplicate the data from the first label onto all the other labels.
9. Preview the merge results before completing the labels. Click 'Preview Results' on the 'Mailings' tab. If you're satisfied with them and are ready to print, click 'Finish Merge' in the 'Finish' group on the 'Mailings' tab. Click 'Print Documents.' Specify whether you want to print the whole set of labels or just a portion of them.
10. Connect your printer to the computer and feed it with the labels sheets. Click 'Print' and wait while your labels print out.
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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

How to Set Up Formulas in Excel 2007

1. Click the cell where you want to display the results.
2. Press '=' on your keyboard to start a formula.
3. Add a parenthesis and the name of the first cell you want to include in your formula. For example, your formula to this point should look something like this: =(A1
4. Add the operator -- ' ,' '-,' '*' or '/' -- you want this formula to perform. For example, =(A1
5. Type the location of the next cell for your formula and repeat Steps 3 and 4 -- minus the parenthesis -- until you have listed all the cells you want to include in your formula. For example, =(A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
6. Add a closing parenthesis and press 'Enter.' Your results should appear.
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How to Change Appearance in Excel 2007

1. Choose a document theme to unite all of your Office 2007 programs with the same look. A document theme shares the same colors, fonts, lines, fill effects and other style choices. Select a document theme from the available choices or create a new document theme by going to Page Layout and selecting 'Themes.' Click on a document theme from 'Built-in' or 'Custom.' When you create a custom theme, save it under a new name.
2. Click Page Layout View to adjust margins or add headers and footers. This feature is similar to the Print Layout view in Word.
3. Use the different style choices to change the look of tables, charts and diagrams. Start with the quick styles (pre-defined styles) and customize to your liking.
4. Change chart and table Layout options to introduce changes that include moving items around. Charts and tables also have different styles to select. Go to the Design Tab or Chart or Table Styles, and click 'More.'
5. Alter your color scheme with a click of the Microsoft Office button. Click 'Excel options,' and then 'Popular.' Choose from the large number of color schemes. Change tab color by right clicking the worksheet tab. Aim at Tab Color, and choose your color.
6. Add formatting to charts not only changes the appearance, but also emphasizes important data. Try borders, fonts, bubbles or 3-D effects. If you really want an eye-catching look, try the 'Exploding Pie' or 'Doughnut Slice.' Pull up the Format dialog box to make changes. You can also right click chart items to format.
7. Fill charts not only with color, but also texture and pictures with the 'Fill Effects' command.
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How to Recover an Excel File That Was Saved Over

Using AutoRecover
1. Click 'Start' and then 'Search.'
2. Select 'All Files and Folders' when asked what you want to search for.
3. Type in '*.xls' (without the quotation marks) under 'All or Part of the File Name.'
4. Click on the arrow next to 'More advanced options' and make sure that the file type reads 'All Files and Folders.'
5. Click the boxes next to 'Search System Folders' and 'Search Hidden Files.'
6. Click 'Search.'
7. Look for an earlier version of your file (it should have a similar name). When it appears, open it to see if it is the version you want.
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How to Freeze Rows Columns

1. Place the cursor in the cell directly below the row you want to remain visible (freeze) and directly to the right of the column you want to remain visible (freeze). For example, if you want Row 1 and Columns A through C to remain visible (freeze), place the cursor in cell D2.
2. Click on the 'Window' menu.
3. Select 'Freeze Panes.'
4. Move the cursor through the spreadsheet and notice that Row 1 and Columns A through C are frozen. In other words, they always remain visible while the rest of the data move.
5. Click on the 'Window' menu and select 'Unfreeze Panes' to remove the frozen rows and columns.
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Thursday, November 28, 2013

How to Make a Chart in the Same Sheet in VBA

1. Open Excel 2010 and show the Developer tab if it isn't already showing. Click on 'File' and then 'Options.' Click on 'Customize Ribbon' on the Categories pane. Select 'Developer' from the list of main tabs and then click on 'OK.'
2. Click on the 'Developer' tab that now should be showing in the Ribbon. Click on 'Visual Basic' to open the Visual Basic editor.
3. Double-click on the worksheet in which you want to embed the chart from the Project pain. All of the worksheets that are currently in your project is listed in the pane. The code for the worksheet will open in the Code window. If you haven't already added code to the worksheet the Code window will be blank.
4. Click on 'Insert' and then 'Procedure.' Type in a name for the procedure in the name window, leave all the other options the same and then click on 'OK.' For the example in this article, name the procedure 'embedChart.'
5. Add the code that will embed a chart into the worksheet. Click between the 'Public Sub...' and 'End Sub' declarations that are now in the Code window. You will add the code for the procedure in between the two declarations. Microsoft has developed the code that will create a chart and embed it in the current spreadsheet. Copy this code into your procedure or write your own.'Sub embedChart()Dim chtNew As ChartSet chtNew = Charts.AddSet chtNew= chtNew.Location(Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:='Sheet1')With chtNew.ChartType = xl3DPie'Set the data range source for the chart..SetSourceData Source:=Sheets('Sheet1').Range('A1:H2'), PlotBy:= _xlRows.HasTitle = True.ChartTitle.Text = 'My Pie Chart'End WithEnd Sub'
6. Click 'Save' on the Visual Basic editor's toolbar and close. Go to the worksheet that you embedded the chart in and check to see that it is showing.
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How to Capitalize Everything in a Row in Microsoft Excel 2003

Capitalizing a Row of Cells
1. Start Microsoft Excel 2003, and open your spreadsheet.
2. Click the row number, not the cell, of the row immediately beneath the one you want to capitalize.
3. Right-click and select 'Insert' to insert an empty new row.
4. Click the cell in the new row that is directly beneath the left-most cell of the row you want to capitalize.
5. Type '=UPPER(name of cell immediately above the one you are typing in)'. Press 'Enter.'
6. Click the cell you just typed in to select it, and then hold the cursor in the lower-right corner of the cell until a black plus sign appears.
7. Hold the left mouse button down, and drag the cursor to the right, highlighting the whole row you want to capitalize.
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How to Add Buttons to an Excel Spreadsheet

1. Access the Button tool. In Excel 2003 and earlier versions, do this by clicking 'View,' 'Toolbars,' 'Forms' and then clicking the Button tool on the Forms toolbar. In Excel 2007 and later, select the 'Developer' tab, then click 'Insert' and select the Button tool.
2. Click where you want the top-left corner of your button to be, and drag to create a rectangular outline. Let go and your button will appear.
3. Right-click the button and click 'Assign Macro.' This will bring up a dialog box listing all of Excel's saved macros. (The box may appear as soon as you've created the button, without the need for the 'Assign Macro' menu selection.) Click on the macro you want and click 'OK.'
4. Right-click the button again. You can now click within the text on the button to change it as you would with any MS Office text. Give the button whatever name you want. You can also right-click on the button's outline and click 'Format Control' to change the font of the button's name.
5. Click the button to run the assigned macro.
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How to Use Data Analysis for Random Number Generation in Excel

Activate the Data Analysis Tool Pack
1. Launch Excel from the 'Start' menu or shortcut icon.
2. Click on the Microsoft Office orb to open the menu.
3. Click the 'Excel Options' option at the bottom.
4. Click 'Add-Ins' in the left pane.
5. Verify that the 'Manage' field at the bottom is set to 'Excel Add-Ins' and click the 'Go' button.
6. Click the check box beside 'Analysis ToolPak' and click 'OK' to install the add-in.
Random Number Generation
7. Click the 'Data' tab and select the 'Data Analysis Tools' icon.
8. Select 'Random Number Generation' from the list and click 'OK.'
9. Enter the number of variables you wish to use for your random number output. This determines the number of columns used to display your output.
10. Enter the number of random numbers you wish to generate. This determines the number of rows used to display the output.
11. Select the distribution type to use in the random number generation. The choices are Uniform, Normal, Bernouli, Binomial, Poisson, Patterned and Discrete. Each one is used under a different circumstance depending on the type of data you wish to analyze or produce. For example, Uniform generates a set of random numbers within the range you specify while Normal is used to generate random numbers with a certain mean and standard deviation.
12. Enter the parameters for your chosen distribution type. For example, a Uniform distribution requires you to enter the upper an lower limits of a range of numbers.
13. Enter the cell you want to use as the upper-left point in your output table in the Output Range field.
14. Click 'OK' to generate a random number table based on your selections.
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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

How to Convert Office 2007 to Excel 2003

1. Open your Web browser, then go to the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack download page.
2. Click the blue 'Download' button at the top of the page.
3. Click 'Save' in the download confirmation pop-up box. This downloads the installation file to your computer. Note the save location to help you find the file when you come to install it. The default save location is usually the 'Downloads' library folder.
4. Wait for the file to download. Windows displays a progress bar during the download process.
5. Find the downloaded installation file -- named 'FileFormatConverters' -- on your computer.
6. Double-click the file to install the program. Click 'Yes' if the installation wizard prompts you to restart the computer.
7. Launch Microsoft Excel 2003. Click 'File,' then click 'Open' to open the Excel 2007 file that you want to view or edit. Excel will now convert the new spreadsheet or workbook into a format compatible with the older software version.
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How to Scroll on Microsoft Excel

Turning on Scroll Bars in Excel 2010
1. Open Microsoft Excel 2010.
2. Select 'Open' from the 'File' menu.
3. Navigate to and double-click the spreadsheet in which you want to scroll.
4. Click on 'File' again, then select 'Options.' Click 'Advanced.'
5. Locate 'Display options for this workbook' in the right column. Check the boxes next to 'Show horizontal scroll bar' and 'Show vertical scroll bar.' Click 'OK.'
Turning on Scroll Bars in Excel 2007
6. Open Microsoft Excel 2007.
7. Click on the Microsoft Office button in the upper-left corner of Excel. Click 'Open.'
8. Navigate to and double-click the file in which you want to scroll.
9. Click the Microsoft Office button again, then select 'Excel Options.' Click 'Advanced' in the left column.
10. Locate 'Display options for this workbook' in the right column. Check the boxes next to 'Show horizontal scroll bar' and 'Show vertical scroll bar.' Click 'OK.'
Scrolling through Excel
11. Click on the horizontal scroll bar to scroll to the right and left. Click on the vertical scroll bar to scroll up and down. Hold down the mouse button at the screen edge for at least 10 seconds to increase the scroll speed. Hold down the 'Shift' button while scrolling to scroll long distances.
12. Press the 'Scroll Lock' button on the keyboard to scroll through columns and rows as opposed to moving to an adjacent cell. Press the up and down arrows on the keyboard to scroll vertically or the left and right buttons to scroll horizontally. Press 'Ctrl' while pressing an arrow button to scroll through large distances in the worksheet. Press 'Page Up' or 'Page Down' to scroll down a window.
13. Rotate your mouse wheel up or down to scroll. Click the wheel and move the mouse in the direction in which you wish to scroll to accelerate the scroll speed. Reclick the mouse to stop scrolling.
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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How to Convert Corel Quattro Pro to Microsoft Excel

1. Click 'File,' then 'Open' in Microsoft Excel 2003 or earlier. In Microsoft Excel 2007, click the 'Office' button, then 'Open.' The 'Open' dialog box appears.
2. Locate the Corel Quattro Pro file. Click it once and click 'Open' or double-click the file to open it.
3. Save the file as Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Click on 'File,' then 'Save as' in Excel 2003 or earlier version. In Excel 2007, click the 'Office' button, then 'Save as.' Choose a file location. Leave the name the same or rename the file by typing in the new name in the 'Filename' box. Click 'Save.'
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How to Merge Center in Excel

1. Open Outlook by double-clicking on an Excel file. Alternatively, click 'Start,' then 'All Programs,' then 'Microsoft Office' then select 'Microsoft Excel' from the list.
2. Click on the 'Home' tab on the menu screen.
3. Select the cells you want to merge and center by left clicking on a cell and dragging the mouse until all the desired cells are highlighted. You can tell they are selected by the black line surrounding the cells.
4. Click on 'Merge Center' located in the middle of the 'Home' tab menu (it will be under the 'Wrap Text' option).
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How to Make Negative Numbers Red in Excel

1. Highlight the cells containing your data. Note that Excel allows you to apply special formatting for different types of numerical data, such as percentages and currency values. If your data contains numbers formatted as different types, for example, both percentages and currencies, make sure the cells you highlight contain numbers formatted as the same type. If all your numbers are formatted the same way, you can highlight all the cells on a worksheet with one command: press and hold the 'Ctrl' key on Windows (or the 'Command' key on a Mac), and then press the 'A' key.
2. Right-click a highlighted cell. In the menu that pops-up, click 'Format Cells' to open a formatting window.
3. Select the 'Number' tab in the 'Format Cells' window, then select 'Number' in the category box. If you have applied a specific format to your cells, such as Currency, Accounting, Percentage, Fraction, Scientific or Special, select that category instead of 'Number.'
4. Click on the red numbers in the 'Negative Numbers' box, then click 'OK.' All negative numbers in your selected cells will now display in red.
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How to Create a Fillable Order Form

Microsoft Excel 2010
1. Open Excel 2010 and select the 'File' tab. Click 'New' and type 'order form' in the search box. Hit the 'Enter' key on your keyboard. Excel displays the available templates.
2. Preview a template by clicking on one. The preview is displayed in the right task pane. Download the template by clicking it and selecting the 'Download' button. The template downloads to your computer.
3. Add your products, sales staff and logo to the form template. Add your name, address and date. Save your template by clicking the 'Save' icon on the Quick Access Toolbar.
Google Documents
4. Access the Google Documents website. Type 'Order Form' and press 'Enter.' Review the available templates that appear.
5. Preview the templates by clicking the 'Preview' button. Download the template by clicking the 'Use This Template' button.
6. Edit the newly downloaded template by adding your customized information. This includes your name, address, products, sales staff, logo and date.
OpenOffice Calc
7. Access the OpenOffice website. Type 'Order Form' and press 'Enter.' Review the available templates that appear.
8. Download an order template by clicking the 'Use This' button. The template downloads to your computer.
9. Double-click the template file to open it in OpenOffice Calc. Edit the newly downloaded template by adding your customized information. This includes your name, address, products, sales staff, logo, and date.
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