Sunday, October 27, 2013

How to Merge Data in Duplicate Rows in Excel

1. Click the Windows 'Start' button and select 'All Programs.' Click 'Microsoft Office,' then click the 'Microsoft Excel' shortcut to open the software.
2. Click the 'File' ribbon and then click 'Open.' Click the Excel file you want to edit and click 'Open.' Click the cell where you want to display the merged results.
3. Type the following function in the cell:=concatenate(a1, b1)
4. Press 'Enter' to save the changes. The cells 'a1' and 'b1' are merged and displayed in the selected cell.
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How to Draw Data Trees in Excel

1. Launch Excel 2010 and begin working on a new spreadsheet. Click the cell where you want the top item of the data tree to appear. Begin around cell J1 for a vertical tree or cell A10 for a horizontal tree to allow sufficient room for branches.
2. Click the 'Home' tab at the top of the window. Click the arrow next to the Border button in the 'Font' section of the toolbar and select 'Thick Box Border' to draw a border around the tree item.
3. Click a cell a short diagonal distance from the first cell. For example, if you put the first tree item in cell J1, click cell 'H4.' Type the first item that you want to connect to the item you entered in the first cell and then place a border around it. Repeat this step using different cells to add additional branches below the first item on the tree.
4. Click the 'Insert' tab at the top of the window and then click the 'Shapes' button in the 'Illustrations' section of the toolbar. Select an appropriate shape to use for the branches of the data tree such as a straight line or arrow. Click and drag to draw a line from the first item on the tree to one of the branches and then repeat this process to connect the remaining items.
5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to add additional items and branches to the tree.
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Saturday, October 26, 2013

How to Copy Paste Conditional Formatting

1. Open the worksheet that contains the conditional formatting you want to copy and paste.
2. Select the range you want to copy. Make sure the cell that contains the conditional formatting is included in the range.
3. Go to the Format menu and select Conditional Format. The conditional formatting from the highlighted range will be already defined in the dialog box.
4. Click 'OK.' This will copy the formatting to the rest of the cells in the highlighted range.
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How to Disable the Office 2007 Clipboard

1. Start Microsoft Word 2007 from the 'Start' menu or shortcut. If you do not have this application installed, you can load Excel 2007, Access 2007, Outlook 2007 or PowerPoint 2007 and follow the same steps.
2. Click on the 'Home' tab from the top toolbar so you can see the large 'Paste' icon. Below the 'Paste' icon is a caption labeled 'Clipboard.' Click on the small icon at the right of the 'Clipboard' text to bring up the clipboard task pane.
3. Click the 'Options' button on the bottom left and click on any items that are checked. Doing this will uncheck the item and disable the corresponding clipboard feature. Click on the 'X' icon on the upper right of the clipboard task pane to close it.
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How to Calculate Ranges in Excel 2007

1. Open Excel. Click the 'Office' button. Select 'Open' from the menu.
2. Highlight the file you want to open. Click the 'Open' button.
3. Highlight the cells that you want to put in the range. Click in the 'Name Box' to the left of the 'Formula Bar.' Type a name for the range. Repeat this step until you have created all the needed ranges.
4. Click in the cell where you want to perform the calculations. Hold the 'Shift' key and tap the 'F3' key on the keyboard. Select the type of calculation from the 'Select a function' pane in the 'Insert Function' window.
5. Type the name of the range in the 'Number1' field of the 'Function Arguments' window. Type the name of the next range for this calculation in the 'Number2' field (This is optional if the 'Number1' field range contains more than one cell). Click the 'OK' button.
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Thursday, October 24, 2013

How to Create User Forms With Excel 2003

1. In the 'Tools' menu, point to 'Macro' and then click 'Visual Basic Editor' or press 'ALT' 'F11' to open the Visual Basic Editor. Open the 'Main' menu, select 'Insert' and click 'User Form' to create a new UserForm object.
2. Place a TextBox control and a Label control for each column in your worksheet onto the form by double-clicking the control or by dragging them from the Toolbox onto the form. Replace any TextBox and Label combination with a ComboBox control if you wish to present the user with a list of options to select from for the field rather than a text box.
3. Assign the correct field name properties to the text and combo boxes by typing the corresponding database field names into the Name Property line in its corresponding property window. Change Caption Properties to a user-friendly display name at the same time.
4. Double-click the 'CommandButton' control tool four times to add the First, Previous, Next and Last buttons to your form. Type their names into the Caption Property line in their corresponding property windows.
5. Drag a TextBox control onto the form in between the Previous and Next controls. Type 'RowNumber' in its Name Property line. Type '2' on the Text Property line.
6. Click or drag three additional CommandButton controls onto the form. Type 'Save,' 'Cancel' and 'Add' onto their corresponding Name Property lines. Set the Enabled Property to False on the Save and Cancel command buttons when you type the Name Properties.
7. Arrange your controls and labels, then adjust the size of the user form with the click and drag method until you are sure that the form is easy to use and pleasing to a user.
8. Add any additional text boxes and set their properties as needed for additional functionality and appeal. A form title box is recommended.
9. Type this GetData routine into the VBA code window replacing your column names (field name properties) and data types with the sample CustomerId, CustomerName, City, State, Zip and DateAdded column names:'Private Sub GetData()Dim r As LongIf IsNumeric(RowNumber.Text) Thenr = CLng(RowNumber.Text)ElseClearDataMsgBox 'Illegal row number'Exit SubEnd IfIf r > 1 And r
10. Type this ClearData routine into the VBA code window. Replace your column names (field name properties) with the sample CustomerId, CustomerName, City, State, Zip and DateAdded column names:'Private Sub ClearData()CustomerId.Text = ''CustomerName.Text = ''City.Text = ''State.Text = 'AK'Zip.Text = ''DateAdded.Text = ''End Sub'
11. Type this constant LastRow command into the VBA code window:'Const LastRow = 20'
12. Type this DisableSave routine into the VBA code window:'Private Sub DisableSave()CommandButton5.Enabled = FalseCommandButton6.Enabled = FalseEnd Sub'
13. Type this routine named RowNumber_Change into the VBA code window:'Private Sub RowNumber_Change()GetDataEnd Sub'
14. Set the appropriate event command by typing this into the VBA code window:'RowNumber.Text = '2''
15. Set the Previous and Next buttons codes by typing this into the VBA code window:'Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()Dim r As LongIf IsNumeric(RowNumber.Text) Thenr = CLng(RowNumber.Text)r = r ? 1If r > 1 And r
16. Type this LastRow constant variable code into the VBA code window:'Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()GetDataEnd Sub'
17. Type this FindLastRow() routine into the VBA code window:'Private Function FindLastRow()Dim r As Longr = 2Do While r
0r = r 1LoopFindLastRow = rEnd Function'
18. Type these UserForm_Initialize events into the VBA code window:'LastRow = FindLastRowPrivate Sub CommandButton4_Click()LastRow = FindLastRow - 1RowNumber.Text = FormatNumber(LastRow, 0)End Sub'
19. Type the PutData routine into the code window changing the sample column names and locations to match your worksheet:'Private Sub PutData()Dim r As LongIf IsNumeric(RowNumber.Text) Thenr = CLng(RowNumber.Text)ElseMsgBox 'Illegal row number'Exit SubEnd IfIf r > 1 And r
20. Type this Adding data routine into the code window:'Private Sub CommandButton7_Click()RowNumber.Text = FormatNumber(LastRow, 0)End Sub'
21. Type this Validating Data routine into the code window:'Private Sub CustomerId_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)If KeyAscii
Asc('9') ThenKeyAscii = 0End IfEnd Sub'
22. Type this Exit event code into the VBA code window:'Private Sub DateAdded_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)If Not IsDate(DateAdded.Text) ThenDateAdded.BackColor = HFFMsgBox 'Illegal date value'Cancel = TrueElseDateAdded.BackColor = H80000005End IfEnd Sub'
23. Type these combo box list details into the code window:'Private Sub AddStates()State.AddItem 'AK'State.AddItem 'AL'State.AddItem 'AR'State.AddItem 'AZ'End Sub'
24. Type these Displaying the User Form commands into the VBA code window:'Public Sub ShowForm()UserForm1.Show vbModalEnd Sub'
25. Review and text your form instructions and coding by selecting 'Run' from the 'Main Visual Basic for Applications Menu.'
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How to Open XML in Excel 2007

1. Enable the 'Developer' tab in MS Excel 2007. Click on the Windows icon on the top left hand side of the screen and click on the 'Excel Options' button. Click on the 'Popular' category to bring up popular Excel 2007 choices. Then click on the box next to 'Show Developer Tab in Ribbon.' Click on 'OK' once this box is checked.
2. Click on the 'Developer' tab on the top of the screen to show the Developer commands. Click on the 'Import' button in the 'XML' box.
3. Browse through your files until you find the file you want. Click on the file to select it and then click 'Open.'
4. Select the import option you want in the dialog box that opens. 'XML Table in Existing Worksheet' will open the table beginning in the cell location you are currently in. 'XML Table in New Worksheet' will open up a new Excel file and import the file starting in field A1. Click 'Import' once you have selected the correct option to begin the import process.
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How to Add Labels in Excel 2007

1. Open Microsoft Excel 2007 and the worksheet that contains the data you want to chart.
2. Select the data that will be charted and create a chart for it by clicking on the 'Insert' tab. Choose the type of chart you want to create from the 'Charts' group---column, line, pie, bar, area, scatter or other. Your chart will be placed onto the worksheet.
3. Make sure graph is selected, then click on the 'Layout' tab in the Ribbon, so you can add your data labels. Go to the 'Labels' group and click on the arrow by 'Data Labels.' Choose 'More Data Label Options' from the list of choices.
4. Select 'Label Options' in the 'Format Data Labels' dialog box.
5. Place a check mark by the options you want the data label to contain---'Series name,' 'Category Name' and/or 'Value' and remove any check marks you don't want.
6. Pick where you'd like the labels to appear---'Center,' 'Inside End' or 'Inside Base,' then click on 'Close.' The labels will be placed onto your chart.
7. Drag the labels manually on your chart if you'd prefer to place them in a different location.
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How to Create a Formula in Excel 2003

1. Open Excel by double-clicking the Excel icon on your desktop. If you already have a spreadsheet made, you can create a formula using your existing data. If you do not have any data, just plug some numbers into the cells so you can try out these formulas.
2. Decide what your formula needs to calculate. Do you need to add up a column or row of figures? Do you need to divide one cell's value by another cell's value?
3. Start with an '=' (equal sign). Every formula will start with an equal sign. If you don't begin with this symbol, your formula will not work.
4. Put the first cell's name next. Each cell has a name assigned to it. 'A1' is the first cell in the worksheet. Find the cell name by looking at the row and column that it is in.
5. Use the correct function key: '*' for multiplication, '/' for division, ' ' is for addition and '-' for subtraction.
6. Insert the last cell name. This is just like a math problem. Use the same rules as a simple math problem and your formula will work for you.
7. Hit 'Enter.' Does your formula work? Double-check to make sure the components of the formula are correct.
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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How to Use Excel's VLOOKUP Function

1. Learn the syntax for VLOOKUP. It is VLOOKUP(search_value,table_array,column_index_number,range_lookup).
2. Specify search_value as the value to search for in table_array. Search_value may be a reference or a value. VLOOKUP will return the #N/A error value if search_value is smaller than any value in the first column of table_array.
3. Use table_array to provide the data to search. It must represent at least two columns and a reference to a range or range name may be used. The values in the first column may be logical values, numbers or text. The search is not case sensitive.
4. Provide the column_index_number. This is the column number of the value to be returned. For example, a 2 in this field will return the value in the second column. If column_index_number is less than one, VLOOKUP will return #VALUE!. If it is greater than the number of columns in the table being searched, VLOOKUP will return #REF!.
5. Enter a value for range_lookup if needed. This is a logical value that instructs VLOOKUP to perform an approximate or exact search. If range_lookup is TRUE or omitted, an exact match or the largest value less than search_value will be found. If range_lookup if FALSE, only an exact match will be found.
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How to Select Visible Cells Only in Excel 2007

Using the 'Select Visible Cells Only' Button
1. Launch Excel and open the file that you'd like to work on.
2. Right-click on the menu bar and then click on 'Customize Quick Access Toolbar.'
3. Click the drop-down menu under 'Choose commands from' and then choose 'Commands Not in the Ribbon.'
4. Choose 'Select Visible Cells' from the list and then click the 'Add' button. Click 'OK.' The 'Select Visible Cells Only' button should now be visible on your Quick Access Toolbar.
5. Select a range of cells that contains hidden rows or columns. Click the 'Select Visible Cells Only' button. This removes all hidden cells from your selection.
Using the 'Go to Special' Window
6. Launch Excel and open the file that you'd like to work on.
7. Select a range of cells that contains hidden rows or columns.
8. Press 'F5.' Click on the 'Special' button. You may also do this by holding down the 'Alt' key and then pressing 'S.' This opens the 'Go to Special' window.
9. Press 'Y' to select 'Visible cells only.' Click 'OK,' or press 'Enter' to close the window. This removes all hidden cells from your selection.
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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

How to Use Random Function in Microsoft Excel

1. Open Microsoft Excel.
2. Create two values between which you want a random number generated. For this example, enter '1' in cell A1 and '10' in cell A2, omitting the quotation marks in both cases.
3. Type the implementation of the random number function show below into cell A3:=RAND()*(A2-A1) A1The random function is designed to return a random value greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. By taking the difference between the upper limit of the range (in cell A2) and the lower limit of the range (in cell A1) and then adding the lower range value, you generate a random number between those values.
4. Press the 'Enter' key to confirm the function entered in the previous step and return a random number within the specified range. To return only whole numbers, right-click the cell containing the function and select the 'Format Cells' option. Select the first tab on the resulting screen, choose 'Number' from the category list, specify a decimal place value of 0 and then click 'OK.'
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How to Convert Word Files to Excel Files

Copy and Paste
1. Open the Word file in Microsoft Word.
2. Click and drag to highlight the information you wish to bring into Excel, press 'Ctrl-C' to copy.
3. Open Microsoft Excel and click into a blank cell.
4. Press 'Ctrl-V' to paste' the Word content into Excel. Table data from Word transfers the best. Paragraph text is pasted into the first cell on each row, with one paragraph per row.
Save the Word file as HTML First
5. Open the Word file in Microsoft Word.
6. Select Click the 'File' menu and select 'Save As.' Choose 'HTML' or 'Web page' in the Save As Type drop-down menu.
7. Click 'Save' and you will have a file with the .htm extension.
8. Open Excel to a blank spreadsheet, select the 'File' menu and choose 'Open.'
9. Select the HTML file you just saved from Word and click 'Open.' Excel will read this file, placing any table data in separate cells and individual paragraphs on new rows, but the text is formatted a little better than with the copy-and-paste method.
10. Click in cells containing numerical table data and you'll see that they are completely editable in Excel. Excel maintains the format from the Word HTML document very well.
Insert Word File as an Object
11. Open Excel to a blank spreadsheet.
12. Select the 'Insert' menu, choose 'Object...' and choose Microsoft Word document as the type.
13. Click the 'From File' button, navigate to the Word file you want to bring into Excel and click 'OK.'
14. Notice that this object is not editable in Excel. It appears as an image on the spreadsheet. If you double click the object, however, Microsoft Word will open and allow you to edit the file. Any changes made to the file in Word are automatically transferred to the object in Excel when you save and exit Word.
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Monday, October 21, 2013

How to Recover a Lost Document in Microsoft Excel

Closed Without Saving
1. Click 'File' and then click 'Recent.'
2. Click 'Recover Unsaved Workbooks.' A folder of drafts will open in another window.
3. Double-click the file to open it.
4. Click 'File' and 'Save As' to save the file so you don't lose it again.
Previously Saved
5. Open the file on which you were working before you lost your changes.
6. Click 'File' and 'Info.'
7. Click the version that says '(when I closed without saving)' under Versions.
8. Click 'Restore' at the top of the window to save the version you lost.
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How to Create Microsoft Excel Forms

Add Data Forms Command to Quick Access Toolbar
1. Open Excel to a default, blank worksheet. Click the 'Microsoft Office' button at the top left of the screen to open the 'File' menu and then select the “Excel Options” to open a new “Options” window.
2. Select “Customization” from the list on the left side of the window to view commands you can add to the Quick Access toolbar. To make locating the 'Data' Forms command easier, click the drop-down list next to “Choose Commands From” and select “Commands Not on the Ribbon.”
3. Select the “Forms” command from the drop-down list and press the “Add” button to add the command. Click “OK” to commit and return to the blank worksheet. The “Forms” command icon will be on the far right of the Quick Access toolbar.
Prepare the Worksheet
4. Enter column titles. Type “January” in cell A1, and “February” in cell B1, and use AutoFill to fill in the remaining months by selecting cells A1 and B1, then placing the mouse cursor in the lower-right corner of cell B1 until it changes to a “cross” shape. Hold the mouse button and drag across the spreadsheet to cell L1.
5. Set column width by clicking on cell A1 and dragging across to cell L1 to select and highlight cells. Locate the “Cells” section on the “Home” tab of the main menu and click the “Format” drop-down box. Select “Column Width” and set the width to “20” (or whatever width you want the columns to be) and then click “OK” to return to the spreadsheet.
6. Type the number “12” in cell A2 and “4” in cell B2. This step is necessary so Excel can distinguish column headings from the data.
Create the Data Entry Form
7. Place your cursor in the “A” column heading, click to select and drag across the spreadsheet to select all columns.
8. Click the “Form” icon you added to the Quick Access toolbar to create a data entry form that displays as a new window. The data entry form displays the months you entered as column titles.
9. Enter information as necessary to complete the worksheet. To start a new row, click the “New” button and continue entering information. Click “Close” when data entry is complete to return to the completed worksheet.
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