Friday, April 12, 2013

Microsoft Excel: How to Remove a Drop

1. Left-click on the Office ribbon button and click on the 'Excel Options' button.
2. Select “Popular” in the Excel options box and then check the “Show the developer tab in the Ribbon” box
3. Click the “Review” tab and make sure the spreadsheet is an “Unprotected Sheet.”
4. Select “Design Mode” in the “Developer” tab.
5. Right-click on the drop-down box and select “Delete.”
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How to Make an Excel Spreadsheet Expire

1. Open Microsoft Excel, go to the “File” menu and choose “Open.” Browse for the Excel file that you want to make expire and double-click the file name to open it.
2. Press “Alt F11” to launch the Visual Basic Editor from Excel. Use either “Ctrl R” to switch to the “Project Explorer” window or go to the “View” menu, point to “Other Windows” and choose “Project Explorer” from the list of options.
3. Right-click “ThisWorkbook” in the “Project Explorer” window. Select “View Code” from the list of available options.
4. Type the code that makes the spreadsheet expire into the code box provided. A proper code format that provides users with a message regarding the expiration date and the number of days left until the spreadsheet expires looks like this:
Sub Auto_Open()\\ Dim exdate As Date \\ exdate = \'12/01/10\' \\ If Date > exdate Then \\ MsgBox (\'Spreadsheet has Expired\') \\ ActiveWorkbook.Close \\ End If \\ MsgBox (\'Workbook Valid Until\' exdate - Date \'Days left\') \\ End Sub
Enter the date that the spreadsheet should expire by “exdate=” and any message you prefer regarding the expired worksheet in the place of “Spreadsheet has Expired.”
5. Return to the open Excel spreadsheet, go to the “File” menu and select “Save” to save the workbook with the new macro attached. Close the workbook and reopen it in Excel. The message you entered into the macro should appear, stating the expiration date of the file and how many days are left until it expires.
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Thursday, April 11, 2013

How to Calculate Cells in Excel 2007

1. Open Microsoft Excel and create a worksheet with the data you want to calculate. Place your cursor in an empty cell below or beside the column you want to calculate.
2. Select the 'Formula' tab from the Ribbon and click on 'AutoSum' under the 'Function Library' group. To add all the numbers in a column, click on the 'AutoSum' button. Excel 2007 will select the calculated cells on the worksheet for you.
3. Press the 'Enter' key to accept the calculation or manually select the cells you want to calculate, then press the 'Enter' key.
4. Repeat the calculation for additional columns or rows, or copy the formula to your other cells. To copy your calculation to another cell, select the cell with the formula. Then place your mouse just outside the cell (on the bottom-right portion of the cell) until your mouse becomes a plus sign.
5. Drag the cell in the direction of the cells where you want the formula added. The formula will be repeated on those cells.
6. Calculate the average of numbers by placing your cursor in an empty cell and clicking on the arrow for the 'AutoSum' button in the 'Formula' tab. Then click on 'Average.'
7. Use a different formula by clicking on 'More Functions' within 'AutoSum.' Find the formula you need by searching for the function or changing the category and selecting it. The 'Function Arguments' dialog box will open up
8. Click on the button to the right of the dialog box and select the range of values you need. Click on the button again to return to the 'Functions Argument' box. Then press 'OK' when you are finished.
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How to Convert Quicken to Excel 2003

1. Open the 'Report' menu from the top of the Quicken window.
2. Select 'Reports and Graph Center.' Choose the information that you want to export to Microsoft Excel. Specify the start date and end date of the information you want to export. Quicken will turn that information into a report that will open on screen.
3. Click the 'Copy' button in the Quicken toolbar. This will copy all of the data contained in your Quicken report to the Windows clipboard.
4. Open Microsoft Excel 2003 on your computer. Select 'New' and 'Blank Spreadsheet' to create a new blank spreadsheet on screen.
5. Use your computer mouse to highlight all of the cells in your Excel 2003 spreadsheet where you want your Quicken information to go. Click the 'Paste' option in the Excel toolbar at the top of the screen to paste all of your information from Quicken into the Excel spreadsheet.
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Thursday, March 28, 2013

How to Calculate Upper Lower Limits With Excel 2007

1. Select a blank cell where you would like to display the minimum or maximum value. If the range of values is all in one contiguous row or column, select a cell below or to the right of it.
2. Click the arrow next to the 'AutoSum' button in the 'Editing' group on the 'Home' tab of the Excel Ribbon.
3. Select 'Max' if you would like to calculate the maximum value or 'Min' if you would like to calculate the minimum value.
4. Select the data you for which you would like to find the minimum and maximum value. If the numbers are in a contiguous column or row, Excel should select them automatically. If they numbers are not in contiguous columns or rows, click on them one by one while holding down the 'Ctrl' key.
5. Press 'Enter.' Excel will calculate the largest or smallest value in a set of numbers.
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How to Buy Microsoft Excel Software

1. Determine the primary functions that you will be using Excel to accomplish. These may include academic, business or other spreadsheet-related matters, such as tracking projects or spending.
2. Choose a version of Excel to purchase based on the functions you will use the software to accomplish. If you intend to conduct extensive spreadsheet analysis or business accounting, then consider purchasing Microsoft Excel 2007 in order to ensure full compatibility with other software products. If you are going to do basic, at-home accounting, then Excel 1997 will fit your needs. Also, if you intend on sharing Excel files with others, Excel 2007 is the only version that supports the Open Office spreadsheet format that can be read by all current spreadsheet programs.
3. Go the Microsoft Office online store listed in the resources section of this article. Note the cost of Microsoft Excel that is listed on the website and compare to the cost listed by other resellers for the same version of Excel. Choose the website that offers you the best price and return policy for the version of Excel you have decided to purchase and and buy the software.
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How to Enable VBA in Excel 2003

1. Click the 'Start' button from your desktop and then move your mouse over the 'All Programs' option.
2. Select the 'Microsoft Excel 2003' option from the list of programs. Excel 2003 will then open on your screen.
3. Click the 'Tools' option from the top toolbar menu and then move your mouse over the 'Macro' option.
4. Click the 'Security' option and then select the 'Trusted Publishers' tab from the Security dialog box.
5. Select the 'Trust Access to Visual Basic Project' option and then click the 'OK' button. VBA will then be enabled in Excel 2003.
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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How to Align Double

1. Go to the 'Insert' tab of the ribbon and click on 'Text Box' in the 'Text' group. Draw a text box onto the worksheet and click on the text box to select it. The 'Drawing Tools' tab appears when the text box is selected. Click on the 'Format' tab under 'Drawing Tools.'
2. Click the dialog launcher button in the bottom right corner of the 'Size' group to open the 'Format Shape' dialog box with the 'Size' tab selected. Clear the 'Lock Aspect Ratio' check box, if it is selected. Change the number in the 'Height' box to '2.' Change the number in the 'Width' box to '3.5' and click the 'Close' button. Drag the text box to the upper left corner of the worksheet.
3. Select the text box. Right-click it and select 'Copy.' Press 'Ctrl V' to paste the copy of the text box. Drag the copied text box to the right of the first one, using the grid lines to align them side by side. Copy and paste six more text boxes, placing three beneath the first box and three beneath the second. Click on cell 'K47' and keep the mouse button depressed. Drag the mouse up to cell 'A1' to select all of the cells containing business cards. Click on cell 'L1.' Press 'Ctrl V' to paste the business cards onto the second page.
4. Press and hold the 'Ctrl' button and click on the four business cards in the first column. Go to the 'Format' tab under 'Drawing Tools.' Click on 'Align' in the 'Arrange' group and choose 'Align Left.' Select the boxes in the second column and repeat the steps, choosing 'Align Right' instead. Align the boxes in the first column of the second page to the left and the final column to the right.
5. Press and hold the 'Ctrl' button and click on the four business cards across the top of the two pages, which should appear side by side. Go to the 'Format' tab under 'Drawing Tools.' Click on 'Align' in the 'Arrange' group and choose 'Align Top.' Repeat for the remaining rows to align all of the cards on both sides.
6. Type the information that you want on the front of the business cards into the text boxes on the first page. Type the data for the backs of the business cards into the text boxes on the second page. Add images by clicking on the 'Insert' tab and selecting 'Picture' to add an image from your computer. Select 'Clip Art' to add a Microsoft clip art image.
7. Press 'Ctrl P' to open the print dialog box. Click the 'Properties' button to open the 'Printer Properties' dialog box. Select the duplex printing option, which will vary depending on your printer. It may be called 'Print on Both Sides,' 'Flip on Long or Short Edge' or something similar. Close the dialog box and print your double-sided business cards.
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How to Protect XLS Cells From Changes

1. Click 'Start,' followed by 'All Programs,' 'Microsoft Office' and 'Microsoft Excel 2010' to launch Excel. Alternatively, launch Excel by double-clicking on a desktop shortcut or an Excel file in Windows Explorer.
2. Navigate to the worksheet that contains the cells you wish to protect.
3. Click the 'Select All' button to select the entire worksheet. It has a small triangular shape and is located in the upper left corner of the spreadsheet between the column 'A' label cell and the row '1' label cell.
4. Click the 'Home' tab. Click 'Format' in the 'Cells' group and click 'Format Cells' from the context menu.
5. Click the 'Protection' tab and clear the 'Locked' check box and click 'OK' to unlock the entire worksheet. Excel locks all cells on a worksheet by default and to lock specific cells it is necessary to unlock the worksheet first and then lock specific cells.
6. Click once on the first cell that is to be protected to select it.
7. Hold down the 'CTRL' key on the keyboard. Click additional cells individually to select them or drag the mouse over a range of cells to select the entire range. Release the 'CTRL' key when all cells on the sheet that are to be protected have been selected.
8. Click the 'Home' tab. Click 'Format' in the 'Cells' group and click 'Format Cells' from the context menu.
9. Click the 'Protection' tab and click the 'Locked' check box and click 'OK' to lock the selected cells.
10. Click 'Format' in the 'Cells' group on the 'Home' tab. Click 'Protect Sheet' and ensure the check box is checked for 'Protect Worksheet and Contents of Locked Cells.' Supply a password if desired and select additional options from the list as necessary to enable users to work with the spreadsheet. Click 'OK' to protect the worksheet and lock the cells.
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How to Fill a Word Receipt Form With Excel Data

1. Open your receipt document. Click the 'Mailings' tab.
2. Click the 'Select Recipients' button. Select 'Use Existing List.' Navigate to the location of your Excel spreadsheet. Click the Excel file's name. Click the 'Open' button.
3. Select the worksheet that contains your customer data from the 'Select Table' dialog box. Leave the 'First row of data contains column headers' option checked if it applies to your spreadsheet. For example, it would apply if the first row and cell of your spreadsheet is 'Name' instead of the actual name of a customer. Click the 'OK' button.
4. Click on the place on your receipt where you want to insert the name of your customer. Click on the 'Insert Merge Field' button. Select the field that corresponds to your customer's name. These fields are from your Excel spreadsheet.
5. Repeat Step 4 for all of the customer information you want on your receipt.
6. Click the 'Preview Results' button. You can see the rest of your customer's receipts by clicking on the forward arrow next to the '1.'
7. Click the 'Finish Merge' button. Selecting 'Edit Individual Documents' will create new documents for each receipt. Selecting 'Print Documents' will print each receipt without creating new documents. Select the option that works best for you.
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How to Count Cells That Are Not Blank in Excel 2007

1. Open your Excel workbook to the worksheet where you want the data counted.
2. Click in any open cell where you would like the result to appear.
3. Type '=COUNTA(' (without the quotation marks), but do not press 'Enter.' Make sure you include both the equal sign and the left paren.
4. Highlight the range of cells where you want the non-blank entries counted, using your mouse.
5. Release the mouse button and press 'Enter.' The results of the count will appear in the cell where you entered the formula.
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How to Format Lines in an Excel Chart

1. Start Microsoft Excel 2007 and open a spreadsheet from your files that contains a chart to which you want to format the lines of.
2. Right-click on top of the line in the Excel chart that you want to format to display the shortcut menu. Choose 'Format (name of line)' from the shortcut list. The name of the line you are formatting will appear after the word 'Format' in the shortcut list. The 'Format' dialog box will open.
3. Select 'Line Color' from the list on the left side of the 'Format' dialog box if necessary. The line color options will be displayed on the right side of the dialog box. Choose 'Solid line,' 'Gradient line' or 'Automatic' to set the line color. If you choose one of the first two, you will see more formatting options appear. You can then specify the color, transparency and gradient settings for the line.
4. Click 'Line Style' from the list on the left side of the 'Format' dialog box. Set the width, compound type, dashed type, cap type and join type using the drop-down lists and boxes. Specify the type of arrow you want to use if applicable in the last part of this section.
5. Choose the 'Shadow' option on the left side of the dialog box to display the shadow settings for the line. Choose a shadow from the preset shadows and set the color. Use the sliders to set the transparency, size, blue, angle and distance of the shadow.
6. Click the 'Close' button to close the 'Format' dialog box and save your settings. You will return to your Excel chart with your newly-formatted lines visible.
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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

How to Use VLookup With Different Sheets on Excel

1. Type the following data into 'Sheet1' of an Excel workbook, pressing 'Tab' in place of the commas. This table data associates a job code with a description for that code. This lookup table lets tables on any other sheet in the workbook use a code in place of typing the full description.D, PainterE, SculptorF, Designer
2. Click the top left cell of the lookup table just entered, then drag to the bottom right cell. This action selects the table. Type the name 'jobs' in the text box to the left of Excel's 'Formula bar,' which sits directly above the worksheet grid. The text box into which you typed is the 'Range name' box.
3. Click cell 'C4' of any sheet in your workbook besides 'Sheet,' then type the following sample table. This table uses a job code, for which the 'vlookup' function will display descriptive text.Name, Job codeClark Kent, dLois Lane, e
4. Type the text 'Job description' in the cell to the right of the 'Job code' header. Click the cell below the 'Job description' header and type this function: 'vlookup (D5, jobs, 2)'. Notice that Excel displays the job description where you typed the 'vlookup' function. That function's first argument is a cell reference for the cell containing the first job code of your sample table from step 3. The second argument refers to the lookup table. The third argument is the index of the job description column in the lookup table.
5. Click the lower right corner of the cell you just typed, then drag down to the last row in your sample table. This fills the 'Job description' column with the job descriptions that the 'vlookup' function provides. Note that these descriptions are on a different sheet from that of the sample table.
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How to Widen Bars in Excel 2007

1. Open the chart that contains the bars that you want to widen. Click once directly on the data series (bar) that you want to widen. Note that all of the bars in the data series will widen equally, regardless of which you select. This action will launch a separate pop-up window.
2. Click the 'Format' tab and locate the 'Current Selection' section. Click the 'Format Selection' option.
3. Locate the 'Gap Width Field in the 'Series Options' section. Enter a value in the 'Gap Width' field that is lower than the current value. For example if the current gap width is listed as 150, try 125 or 100. The lower the number, the wider the bars become. You may have to try a few different gap width settings until you find an appropriate width. Click 'Close.'
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Monday, March 25, 2013

How to Use Conditional Formatting in Microsoft Excel

1. Apply conditional formats to monitor cell values, such as formula results. Stay abreast of dramatic changes affecting your organization, business or personal financial situation like donations increase, sales decline or a bank account overdraft.
2. Know when conditions change. Utilize the conditional formatting color coding system to signal those changes (e.g., red text color can indicate a turn down in stock value). Use conditional formatting in Microsoft Excel to recognize changing conditions to better control the direction and outcome of activities.
3. Open Microsoft Excel and the file you want to affect. Select cells for applying conditional formatting. Use conditional formatting in Microsoft Excel for automatic cell change when a specific condition is met.
4. Choose 'Conditional Formatting' from the 'Format' menu within Excel. See a 'Conditional Formatting' box pop up with options to choose from. Select the 'Cell Value Is' option from the first drop-down menu to utilize existing values in the cells you've selected in the formatting condition. Pick 'Formula Is' instead to enter a formula for the formatting standard if you want to assess information or a condition besides that associated with the values within the cells selected.
5. Type in a constant (number or text) after you have selected the comparison phrase (e.g., 'less than' or 'equal to') for 'Cell Value Is.' Realize a constant is a value that doesn't change since it's not calculated. Start with an equal sign if you choose to enter in a formula.
6. Enter the formula which will evaluate to a logical value, TRUE or FALSE for the formatting criteria for 'Formula Is.' Apply formatting when another condition is met (not based on the evaluation of a condition or data of the selected cell value).
7. Hit the 'Format' button next so that you can access formatting options. Choose one of the tabs, 'Font,' 'Border' or 'Patterns,' once the 'Format Cells' option box pops up. Make your preferred formatting selections to be applied to a condition change or when the formula calculates to TRUE within your selected cells.
8. Click 'Add>>' to include a second or third condition to selected cells. Repeat the same procedure you used for the first condition. Keep in mind that the first condition takes precedence and not all conditions, if met all at once, will be applied by Excel.
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