1. Learn the syntax for CONVERT. It's CONVERT(number,old_unit,new_unit) where number is the value to convert, old_unit is the current units of the value and new_unit is the units to which to convert the value.
2. Install the Analysis ToolPak if CONVERT returns the #NAME? error value. Select the Add-Ins menu item from the Tools menu, check the box next to the Analysis ToolPak and click on the OK button to install the Analysis ToolPak.
3. Interpret the error values for CONVERT. It will return the #VALUE! error value if the number is not a numerical value. CONVERT will return the #N/A error value if either unit does not exist or the units are for different measures.
4. Refer to the CONVERT function help topic in Excel for the complete list of units that can be used with CONVERT. This list is extensive and includes all standard units of measure.
5. Look at some examples of CONVERT. =CONVERT(6,'C','F') will return 42.8. 'C' stands for Celsius and 'F' stands for Fahrenheit. 6 degrees C is therefore equal to 42.8 degrees F. Similarly, =CONVERT(6,'in','ft') will be 0.5 because 6 inches is equal to half a foot. =CONVERT(6,'ft','sec') will return the #N/A error value because feet and seconds measure different things.