Thursday, December 27, 2012

How to Make a Sales Order Form in Excel 2007

1. Open a new workbook in Microsoft Excel 2007. Click on the 'Office' button on the top left hand corner and select 'New.'
2. Select the Microsoft Office Online under 'Templates' and type sales order in the search box. Hit 'Enter.'
3. Select a template such as 'Sales order (Simple Blue design).' Click on the 'Download' button.
4. Fill in information on the company name, slogan, date, invoice, customer ID, return address, and shipping address. In order to add the company logo, go to cell A1 and click on the 'Insert' tab in the toolbar. Click on 'Picture' and find the picture on your computer and click on the 'Insert' button.
5. Enter the following information pertaining to the order: salesperson's name, job, shipping method, shipping terms, delivery date, payment terms, due date, quantity, item number, description, unit price, discount, and sales tax. The line total cell is automatically calculated by multiplying the quantity by the unit price, and subtracting any discounts. The total discount cell, subtotal, and total cells are also automatically calculated using formulas.
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How to Insert Bullet Points Into Excel 2007

1. Select the cell or cells in which you want to insert bullet points. The cells can be empty, or they can have text already entered.
2. Click the 'Format' button, which is found in the 'Cells' group under the 'Home' tab. Scroll to the bottom of the list that appears, and under 'Protection,' choose 'Format Cells.'
3. Click 'Custom' under the 'Number' tab. If the selected cells are empty, the '@' symbol will appear in the 'Type' box. If there is already text in the cells, there will be text in the 'Type' box. Scroll down in the 'Type' menu until you see the '@' symbol, and select it; it will replace whatever text is already in the box.
4. Place the cursor before the '@' symbol in the 'Type' box. Hold down the 'Alt' key, and type 0149 on the number pad. Release the 'Alt' key; a bullet will appear before the @ symbol. Insert a space between the bullet and the @ symbol if you want a space between the bullet and the text in the spreadsheet. Click 'OK' to exit the 'Format Cells' menu.
5. Enter text into the selected cells. A bullet will appear in front of any text entered. If there was already text in the cells, the bullet point will appear before it.
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How to Use Excel Spreadsheet for Bills

1. Select cell 'A1,' located in the top-left corner of the Excel 2010 worksheet.
2. Type 'Bill Type' into the the cell. This column will contain the name of the bill, like 'Rent' or 'Electricity.' Select the cell to the right of the first one and enter in 'Bill Amount.' Continue moving one cell to the right and enter in 'Bill Month,' 'Due Date,' 'Amount Paid' and 'Date Paid.' You can also add more fields if there is some other aspect of each bill that you want to track.
3. Select cell A2. Enter in the bill type for the first bill you want to track. Then move to the cell directly to the right, and enter in the bill amount. Continue until you have entered all the available information for that bill. Leave the 'Amount Paid' and 'Date Paid' fields blank until you have paid the bill.
4. Enter another bill's information into row 3. Continue until you have all your bill information for the month entered in.
5. Select cell A1 and hold the mouse button down. Move the mouse to the rightmost cell in the last row of the information that you entered and release the button. Select the 'Insert' tab at the top of the window and click the 'Table' button. Select 'OK' to build the table. This will format your information to make it readable and provide drop-down arrows that will let you narrow down your information.
6. Right-click anywhere in the table, move your mouse over 'Table' in the pop-up menu and choose 'Totals Row' to add a summation row at the bottom of the table. Select the cell in the totals row under 'Bill Amount' and choose 'Sum' from the menu that appears. This will now give you the total amount for all the bills you entered into Excel. You can do the same thing for the 'Amount Paid' column, or any other column that contains numerical data.
7. Right-click the row number for the totals row and select 'Insert' if you need to add another bill to the field. This will create a blank row at the bottom of the table. Generally you will have to do this several times each month to add that months bills.
8. Select a drop-down arrow next to each header to narrow down the table to just include rows that contain certain entries. You can look at just bills of a certain type, or just bills from a certain month. The totals row will automatically update when you narrow down the table.
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How to Define Names Labels in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Open the Microsoft Excel 2003 program and then click the 'Tools' option from the top toolbar menu.
2. Click the 'Options' button and then click the 'Calculations' tab. Select the box next to the 'Accept labels in formulas' field, and then close out of the dialog box.
3. Use your mouse to select a range of cells in your worksheet that you want to define names for.
4. Click the 'Name' field from the left side of the formula bar. Enter the name you want for the group of cells.
5. Press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard, and the names will be added.
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How to Toggle a Grid in Excel 2007

1. Press down the 'Alt' key on your keyboard.
2. Press the letter 'W,' then the letter 'V,' then the letter 'G.' Press them one at a time: don't try to press them all together at once. This keyboard action will make your gridlines disappear if you have them and will make them reappear if they are not showing.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to toggle the gridlines between showing and not showing.
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How to Create Excel Spreadsheets in HTML

1. Click on 'File' in Excel 2003 or the 'Office' button in Excel 2007.
2. Click on 'Save As Web Page' in Excel 2003. In Excel 2007, choose 'Other Formats,' then choose 'Web Page' from the 'Save as Type' box.
3. Choose a save location from the 'Save In' list. For example, click on your Desktop.
4. Type a name for your Web page in the in the 'File name' box.
5. Click on 'Publish' twice. In Excel 2003, select the item you want to publish in the 'Choose' box (Excel 2007 does not require this extra step). Excel will save your workbook as an HTML Web page.
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How to Sort Information by Date in Excel 2003

1. Open Excel 2003 by double-clicking the icon. Click 'File,' then 'Open' and select the spreadsheet you want to work with.
2. Click on the top left cell of the data you want to sort. Hold down the mouse button, and drag the cursor to the bottom right box, highlighting all of the data.
3. Click the 'Data' button, then select 'Sort' from the drop-down menu that appears.
4. Click the small arrow by the 'Sort By,' and select the column that holds all of the dates. Choose 'Ascending' if you want older dates to appear first or 'Descending' if you want the newest dates to appear first. Click 'OK,' and Excel will sort the information provided by date.
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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How to Separate Cell Data in Excel

1. Start Microsoft Excel and open an existing workbook that contains cells with data you'd like to separate.
2. Select the cells containing data you want to separate by clicking and dragging or using the SHIFT or CTRL keys on your keyboard.
3. Click the 'Data' tab at the top of the screen to display the 'Data' ribbon.
4. Select the 'Text to Columns' button to display the 'Convert Text to Columns Wizard' dialog box.
5. Choose the 'Delimited' selection to separate the data by looking for commas or tabs or choose the 'Fixed width' selection to separate the data by looking for spaces. You will be able to see a preview of the selected data below these two choices. Click the 'Next' button to move to the next screen of the wizard.
6. Set the column breaks for the selected data by clicking at the point in the preview that you want to add a column. Double-click any column break lines to delete them, and move a break line by clicking and dragging it. Click the 'Next' button when you are finished setting the column breaks for your data.
7. Choose a column data format depending on the type of data you are separating, and then choose a destination where you want the new data to appear.
8. Click the 'Finish' button to close the 'Convert Text to Columns Wizard' and separate the selected cell data.
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How to Resize Columns in a Microsoft Access Table

Resizing by Dragging
1. Open your database file in Microsoft Access.
2. Use the F11 key to open the Database window.
3. Click on the Table tab, then click Open. A listing of tables appears.
4. Select the table you want to modify, then click Open.
5. Click in the label or title of the column that you want to resize.
6. Move your cursor to the edge of the column. The cursor turns into a cross shape.
7. When the cursor is a cross, grab the edge of the column and drag it to the width you want.
Resizing From the Format Menu
8. With your table open, click in the label or title of the column that you want to resize.
9. Select Column Width from the Format menu in the toolbar.
10. Enter the exact width that you want the column to be. Alternatively, select Best Fit, which adjusts for the column's content.
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How to Make a Histogram in Excel 2003

1. Open an Excel workbook. Click the Windows 'Start' button, click 'All programs,' click 'Microsoft Office' and then click 'Microsoft Office Excel 2003.' Alternatively, you can double-click the Excel shortcut icon on your computer's desktop.
2. Click 'Tools' in the menu bar to open a drop-down menu, then click the 'Add-ins' option. You must first add this feature to Excel before a histogram can be created.
3. Click the check box next to 'Analysis Toolpak' and click the 'OK' button in the Add-Ins window. This particular add-in will be loaded in to Excel.
4. Click 'Tools' in the menu bar a second time, then click 'Data Analysis.' This opens a new window. Click 'Histogram' in the list of options in the window and click 'OK.' This opens the Histogram window.
5. Enter cell names in the Input Range field. This is the data you want to analyze. You can enter these by dragging your mouse over the cells in your Excel worksheet. They will automatically load into the Histogram window.
6. Enter cells names in the Bin Range field as you did with the cells for the Input Range. These are the numbers you want to use as intervals in the histogram.
7. Select your output options. You have two main choices for what the output will look like: a table or a chart histogram. 'Pareto' will output your data in a table in descending order of frequency. 'Chart Output' is just that. The 'Cumulative Percentage' option can add this percentage to your table or chart. You can also have your histogram appear in a new workbook, and you can name it if desired. Click the check boxes of the output options you want, then click the 'OK' button. Your histogram will be generated.
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How Do I Create a Histogram Using Continuous Data in Excel 2007?

1. Open the Microsoft Excel 2007 application on your computer. Enter the continuous data into the spreadsheet.
2. Make sure to create one column with an input range of continuous data and another column with a bin range of data, which must be entered in ascending order.
3. Click on the “Data” tab and then click on the “Data Analysis” option from the “Analysis” group. The Analysis Tools dialog box will then appear.
4. Click on the “Histogram” option and then click on the “OK” option. Click on the “Collapse Dialog” button in the “Input Range” section and select the input range of data that you want represented in your histogram.
5. Click on the “Collapse Dialog” button again to return to the Analysis Tools dialog box. Click on the “Collapse Dialog” button next to the “Bin Range” section and select the bin range data in the spreadsheet.
6. Click on the “Collapse Dialog” button. Click on the box next to the “Labels” field if you want labels included with the histogram.
7. Make any changes to the setting in the “Output options” section to meet your preferences. Click on the box next to the “Cumulative Percentage” field so that it’s deselected.
8. Click on the “OK” button to save the changes. The histogram with the continuous data will then appear on the spreadsheet.
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Monday, December 24, 2012

How to Remove Trailing Commas in Excel

1. Open the worksheet that contains the data from which you want to remove trailing commas.
2. Right-click the header of the column directly to the right of the data column that you want to clean. Click 'Insert' in the menu to insert a new function column.
3. Type the following in the cell in the formula column adjacent to the first data cell:=IF(RIGHT(A1,1)=',',LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-1),A1)Substitute the cell address of your first data cell in place of all instances of 'A1' in the above example.
4. Press 'Enter.' Excel first determines whether the rightmost value in the data cell is a comma. If so, it determines the number of characters in the cell using the 'Len' function and then returns only the leftmost N minus 1 characters, thus omitting the comma. If no comma is detected at the end of the string, then Excel returns the original cell value.
5. Right-click the formula cell and click 'Copy.' Paste the formula into the cell directly to the right of all cells from which you want to clean the commas. Excel will perform the comma-trimming function on all cells and return the update value in the formula column.
6. Highlight all formula cells, then right-click the array and choose 'Copy.'
7. Highlight the original data cells, then right-click the array and choose 'Paste Special.' Click the radio button next to 'Values,' then click the 'OK' button. Excel will copy the output strings from the comma-less formula cells into your original data cells as static character strings.
8. Highlight the formula column, then right-click the array and click 'Delete' from the menu. This will delete the formula column now that a permanent copy of the formula output has been saved in the original data column.
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How to Change the Size of a Microsoft Office Drop

1. Open Microsoft Word by double-clicking the Word shortcut icon on your desktop or by clicking 'Start', pointing to 'Programs' or 'All Programs' and then finding Word in your programs list.
2. Click 'Tools' on the toolbar and then click 'Customize'. The 'Customize' dialog box will open.
3. Click on the 'Toolbars' tab. Make sure the name of the toolbar that contains the drop-down list you want to make wider or thinner has a checkmark beside it.
4. Leave the 'Customize' dialog box open and click on the drop-down box that you want to resize. You will notice that it will now have a thick black line around it.
5. Move your mouse to one of the outer edges of this thick black line. When you see a line with two arrows pointing right and left, click the box with your mouse and drag it to the size you want it, whether it is larger or smaller. When you are finished, close the 'Customize' box.
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How to Convert Excel 2007 to 2003

1. Open Excel 2007 if your computer has it. Click on the Windows icon at the top left-hand side of the screen and scroll to 'Open.' Click the command and browse your computer for the Excel 2007 file (it will have a file extension of '.xlsx'). Click on the file to select it, then click 'Open.'
2. Let the file open. Click on the Windows Icon and scroll to 'Save As.' Click on 'Excel 97-2003 Workbook.'
3. Name the file (the program will automatically name the file the same name as the 2007 version) in the space provided. Browse through your computer folders to find where you want to save it. Click 'Save.' The file can now be opened with earlier versions of Excel.
4. Download the Microsoft Compatibility Pack if you don't have Excel 2007 ( Click 'Download' once the page opens.
5. Click on the 'Run' button when the download screen appears. Click to accept the EULA and click 'Continue' to start the install. Click 'OK' once the pack has been installed. You should now be able to open Excel 2007 docs with Excel 2003 and earlier.
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How to Place a Picture in a Cell in Microsoft Excel 2007

1. Select the cell of the spreadsheet into which you want to insert a picture.
2. Open the 'Insert' tab. This tab is located in between the 'Home' and 'Page Layout' tabs at the top left of the screen in the Ribbon, Office 2007's menu system.
3. Press the 'Picture' button, located in the Illustrations section (second from the left).
4. Navigate to the location of the picture you intend to insert and double-click the file to insert the picture into the selected cell of your Microsoft Excel document.
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