Saturday, September 15, 2012

How to Use Excel Countif

1. Select the desired cell on the spreadsheet to display the calculated formula.
2. Type '=countif(' and select the range of cells to be evaluated by clicking the first cell, holding down the mouse button and dragging the cursor to the last cell before releasing the mouse button.
3. Type ',' and then identify the criteria for counting each cell's content as 'TRUE' for one point, making sure to enclose characters between quotation marks. For example, type 'purple' within quotation marks to count those cells containing the word; type '>9' within quotation marks to count the number of cells containing a number above nine; type A2 to count those cells containing information matching the contents in cell A2.
4. Type ')' and then press the 'Enter' key to complete the formula.
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How to Create an Option Group in MS Excel

1. Display the Developer tab if it is not already visible. To turn this tab on, click the Microsoft Office Button (a round button with the mutli-colored Office logo) and choose 'Excel Options'. In the section called 'Top Options for Working with Excel', find the 'Popular' category. Place a check next to 'Show Developer Tab' in the Ribbon checkbox and click 'OK'.
2. Access the Developer tab and enter the 'Controls' section, then click the 'Insert' menu.
3. Select the 'Form Controls' option inside the 'Insert' menu, then click on the 'Option' button.
4. Click the cell on the spreadsheet that you want to contain the option button.
5. Launch the 'Properties' setting from the 'Controls' group in the 'Developer' tab.
6. Configure the settings for the new option button using the fields in the 'Properties' area. The 'Value' option allows a default state for the button that remains in effect until the user changes it. An option button is either on or off, so the 'Value' field accepts these two states as 'Checked' or 'Unchecked'.Each option button in a group carries a numerical value, with the first button equaling the value 1. The 'Cell Link' field copies the value of the option button as numerical data stored in any cell. Identify the cell using standard Excel cell referencing. For example, A1 is the upper left cell in a worksheet.
7. Add a checkbox to the option group in the same manner as the option button, if desired. In the 'Form Controls' option inside the 'Developer' tab's 'Insert' menu, click on the 'Checkbox' button.
8. Add more option buttons or checkboxes until the option group is complete.
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How to Insert a Zip File Into Excel

1. Open the Excel file that you want to insert a Zip file into.
2. Select the worksheet you want to add the Zip file to and click the 'Insert' tab located in the Excel ribbon.
3. Click 'Object' from the 'Text' section of the ribbon. The 'Object' window will open.
4. Select 'Create from File' and then click 'Browse' so you can search for the Zip file you want to insert.
5. Click the Zip file you want to insert in your Excel workbook and then click 'Open.'
6. Click 'OK' to insert the Zip file you selected. The Zip file will show up as a folder icon in your Excel spreadsheet.
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Friday, September 14, 2012

How to Create a Form in Excel 2003

1. Open Excel 2003 from your 'Start' menu.
2. Click the 'New' button that looks like a blank sheet of paper. Delete 'Sheet 2' and 'Sheet 3' by right clicking on the Tab, and then select 'Delete.'
3. Enter any questions and instructions you want in the corresponding cells.
4. Input any calculations you want for the form.
5. Change the font, color, highlighting and formatting to fit your preferences.
6. Save the form as a template. Print the form if you desire by clicking the 'Print' button.
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How to Open Excel 2007 Files As Separate Windows

1. Open Microsoft Excel.
2. Click the 'Office' icon located in the upper-left corner of Microsoft Excel.
3. Click 'Excel Options.'
4. Select 'Advanced.'
5. Scroll down to 'Display.'
6. Check the box next to 'Show all windows in taskbar.'
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How Do I Vertically Center in Excel?

1. Type some text into a cell. Keep the cursor on this cell.
2. Select 'Format' from the top menu bar. The top menu bar includes all the commands.
3. Select 'Cells' from the drop-down menu.
4. Select the 'Alignment' tab from the 'Format Cells' menu that pops up. The alignment tab sits between the 'Number' and 'Font options
5. Select 'Vertical' from the 'Text Alignment' menu. Look for the 'vertical' option right below the 'horizontal' option.
6. Select the vertical alignment position you want for your text. For instance, when you click the 'vertical' option, a drop-down list will show four options: Top, Center, Bottom and Justify. If you want your text to rest along the top of the cell, click 'top. If you want the text to align in the very center of the cell and have a slight margin around all the edges, select 'center.' If you want the text to vertically along the bottom of the cell, select 'bottom.' If you want to distribute the text evenly throughout the cell, select 'justify.
7. Click the 'OK' button and save your preferences.
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How to Alphabetize an Excel Spread Sheet

1. Highlight the data you want alphabetized (including the headers). If the employee payroll spreadsheet has columns for 'First Name,' 'Last Name,' 'Hours Worked' and 'Pay Drawn,' and you want to sort data in an alphabetic order by 'Last Name,' then you will have to highlight data under 'Last Name' as well as 'First Name,' 'Hours Worked' and 'Pay Drawn.' If you don't highlight data in other columns, i.e. 'First Name,' 'Hours Worked' and 'Pay Drawn,' then the information in the 'Last Name' would be alphabetized, while information in other columns would not be sorted, and you'd end up jumbling all the data.
2. Select 'Data' from main menu bar and click 'Sort.'
3. Select 'Header Row' in the small new window, if your top row is a header row and you do not want it alphabetized with the other rows. Select 'No Header Row' if otherwise.
4. Select the column header you want to sort data by in the 'Sort by' list of the same window. Here, we want to sort all information by 'Last Name.'
5. Select 'Ascending' if you want to sort this information in an ascending order.
6. Click 'OK' at the bottom of the window. The spreadsheet will be sorted alphabetically.
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How Can I Sort Dates on an Excel Spreadsheet by Months Instead of Years?

1. Insert a blank column to the left of the column that has your date range. Go to the top menu and select 'Insert' and choose 'Columns.'
2. Click the first blank cell that is next to your date cell and type =TEXT( cell number,'MMDD'). For example, if your first date range is B4 and your date range is 03/25/1970, your formula would be =TEXT(B4, '0325').
3. Copy the cell with the formula and highlight the remaining blank cell and click 'Paste.' You will see just the months of your date range for each cell.
4. Sort your data by the new-month column. Go to the top menu; click 'Data' and then 'Sort.' The sort dialog box will pop up and continue to select the 'Expand the Selection'option to sort a series of columns or rows. Click 'OK' in the sort dialog box. Your data range is now sorted by month.
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Thursday, September 13, 2012

How to Use Inches in Excel

1. Select the cells that you would like to format as inches. To do this, click and drag to highlight the cells. You can also click the letters at the top to highlight entire columns or the numbers on the side to highlight entire rows.
2. Right-click the selected cells to open the context-sensitive menu. If the cells contain numbers or are empty, one of the options will be 'Format.' Select 'Format.'
3. Select the 'Number' tab in the Format Cells screen to show settings for number cells. In most cases, this will be the default tab when the Format Cells screen opens.
4. Scroll down, and choose 'Custom' from the category list on the 'Number' tab. This will show options for setting up a custom format for numbers that is not provided by any other options.
5. Type '#0 [$ inches]' to format the selected cells as inches. If you would rather the cells show the abbreviation of inches, use '#0 [$ in].'
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How to Calculate Macros in Excel

1. Click the 'File' menu's 'Options' button, then click the 'Formulas' link. Click the 'Manual' option, then 'OK' to close the 'Options' dialog box. This step turns off automatic calculation, which your macro will restore.
2. Type the following into cells A1 through C1 of the current worksheet: 5, 10, '=a1*a2.' Notice that the formula in C1 is incorrect, due to your selection of the manual option in step one. Your macro will restore automatic calculation.
3. Click the 'Developer' tab's 'Visual Basic' button to enter the Visual Basic programming environment. Paste the following program into the window that appears. This program uses the 'Range' object to enter values in two different worksheet cells, and a formula into another cell. The program has two statements that force the current worksheet to update its calculation. The first is 'Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic.' This statement sets the 'Calculation' property of the Excel application itself. The second is the one calling the 'Calculate' function of the 'ActiveSheet' object. This statement tells only the active sheet to calculate, not the entire workbook.Public Sub recalc()'Enter numbers in a cell'Enter a calulation that depends on those numbers'Force recalculationApplication.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomaticRange('a1') = 5Range('a2') = 10Range('a3').Formula = '=a1*a2'ActiveSheet.CalculateEnd Sub
4. Press 'F5' to run the program.
5. Click the 'Excel' icon on the Windows taskbar to return to Excel. Notice that the cell A3 has a function that requires updated calculation, and that the result of the calculation, the product of the worksheet's top two cells, is accurate.
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How to Add Two Email Hyperlinks to One Cell in Excel

Adding Multiple Email Hyperlinks in Excel 2003
1. Launch the Microsoft Excel 2003 application.
2. Create a new spreadsheet or open an existing sheet in which you wish to add the email hyperlinks.
3. Configure the desired cell to a size that can easily accommodate two lines of text. This can be accomplished by clicking on the side of a row or column heading that you wish to expand and dragging it in the direction of expansion. For example, if you want to adjust cell B2, you would click on the right border of the column B heading and drag it to the right. The actual width will depend on the length of the email address. You would then click on the bottom border of the row 2 heading and drag it down. A height of 50 should easily accommodate two rows of text.
4. Click the 'View' option at the top of the screen.
5. Choose the 'Toolbars' option, then select the 'Drawing' option.
6. Select the text box from the bottom toolbar.
7. Click on your cell and configure the shape.
8. Type the email address into the text box.
9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for the second text box, making sure the boxes are not overlapping. Your email hyperlinks will appear automatically.
Adding Multiple Email Hyperlinks in Excel 2007
10. Launch the Microsoft Excel 2007 application.
11. Create a new spreadsheet or open an existing sheet in which to add the email hyperlinks.
12. Configure the desired cell to a size that can easily accommodate two lines of text. This can be accomplished by clicking on the side of a row or column heading that you wish to expand and dragging it in the direction of expansion. For example, if you want to adjust cell B2, you would click on the right border of the column B heading and drag it to the right. The actual width will depend on the length of the email address. You would then click on the bottom border of the row 2 heading and drag it down. A height of 50 should easily accommodate two rows of text.
13. Select the 'Insert' tab, then click the 'text box' option. Configure the shapes of the boxes within your cell so that they are not overlapping.
14. Highlight each email address, then right-click it and choose 'Hyperlink.' Click the 'email address' option on the bottom-left and type in the email address.
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How to Anchor Columns in a Spreadsheet

1. Open the Excel program and open the desired spreadsheet or enter data to create a new spreadsheet.
2. Select the column or columns that are to remain visible when scrolling. To select a column, click on the letter at the top of the column. The column will then be highlighted showing it has been selected.
3. After selecting a column when using Excel 2007, click on the view tab on the toolbar. Once the view tab is open, in the Windows group, click on the arrow that is located below the freeze panes. To anchor only one column, click on Freeze First Column. To anchor more than one row, click on Freeze Panes. To anchor columns in other versions of Excel, such as 2003, select the column and click on the Windows tab on the toolbar and click on Freeze Panes.
4. When the column or columns need to be unanchored, click Unfreeze Panes in the Window menu.
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How to Make Text Appear as Typed in Excel

1. Open the Excel 2010 worksheet in which you want to enter your information.
2. Click on the top-left cell in the area where you want to alter the cell's format. Hold shift and then click the bottom-right cell in the area. If desired, you can also click the letters above the columns or the numbers to the left of the rows to select an entire column or row, respectively. Finally, to alter the format for the entire worksheet, click the button that sits to the left of the 'A' and above the '1' in the upper left corner of the sheet.
3. Click the 'Home' tab at the top of the screen. Locate the 'Number' area of the ribbon and click on the drop-down box found there.
4. Choose 'Text,' which will be at the bottom of the list that appears. Once you click on this option, your selected cells will display exactly what was typed into them.
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How to Convert Numbers to Text in Microsoft Excel

1. Open a new workbook in Microsoft Excel.
2. Type the list of numbers you would like to convert to text down a column.
3. Type =Text(cell,'units') in the next empty column or row, where 'cell' is the cell containing the number you want to convert and 'units' is the unit you want the number to be expressed in. For example, if you have 10 in cell A1 and want to express it in U.S. dollars, type =text(A1,'$0.00') in cell B1.
4. Click on the cell containing the formula and go the lower right-hand corner of the cell until your mouse pointer turns into sign. Drag the formula down the column to the last row containing data.
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Monday, August 27, 2012

How to Create a Drop

1. Select the data you want the drop-down menu to contain. This can be any list of information. Highlight those cells and click the 'Data' menu. Select 'Sort' and 'A-Z.' This will alphabetize your list.
2. Place your cursor in the cell where you want your drop-down list located. Click the 'Data' menu and the 'Data Tools' menu. In the 'Data Tools' menu, select 'Data Validation.'
3. Choose 'List' in the 'Allow' menu of the 'Data Validation' dialog box. Click the arrow beside the 'Any Value' option to view the options where 'List' will be found.
4. Click the button at the very end of the 'Source' entry box. This will generate a 'Data Validation' dialog box. Select the worksheet where the data is located for your list. Highlight all of the cells you want included in the drop-down list. Click the button at the end of the 'Source' entry box to select the cell range. If you do not want the list to be left blank, you should clear the check mark in the the 'Ignore Blank' check box in this menu.
5. Select the 'Input Message' tab to set an input message that will appear when the list is selected. This will allow you to provide people with an understanding of what you would like them to select in this menu.
6. Select the 'Error Alert' tab to set an alert to notify users if they have improperly populated the list or failed to select an option.
7. Select 'OK' to populate and publish the drop-down list.
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