Friday, September 14, 2012

How Can I Sort Dates on an Excel Spreadsheet by Months Instead of Years?

1. Insert a blank column to the left of the column that has your date range. Go to the top menu and select 'Insert' and choose 'Columns.'
2. Click the first blank cell that is next to your date cell and type =TEXT( cell number,'MMDD'). For example, if your first date range is B4 and your date range is 03/25/1970, your formula would be =TEXT(B4, '0325').
3. Copy the cell with the formula and highlight the remaining blank cell and click 'Paste.' You will see just the months of your date range for each cell.
4. Sort your data by the new-month column. Go to the top menu; click 'Data' and then 'Sort.' The sort dialog box will pop up and continue to select the 'Expand the Selection'option to sort a series of columns or rows. Click 'OK' in the sort dialog box. Your data range is now sorted by month.

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