Thursday, August 23, 2012

How to Set Margins in Powerpoint

Set Margins for Print
1. Open the presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint.
2. Select 'File' and 'Page Setup' from the toolbar. Select an option from 'Slides sized for.'
3. Use the scroll bar to adjust the height and width or type it in. Then click 'OK.'
Set Margins for Text Boxes and AutoShapes
4. Select the text box or AutoShape on your slide.
5. Double-click the selection to open the 'Format Text Box' or 'Format AutoShape' dialog box.
6. Go to the 'Internal margin' section under the 'Text Box' tab. Then change the left, right, top and bottom margins and click 'OK.'
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How to Convert Dates in Excel

1. Open the worksheet.
2. Click the cell or a selection of cells.
3. Click the 'Home' tab on the command Ribbon.
4. Click the Dialog Box Launcher in the lower right corner of the 'Number' group. The dialog box opens.
5. Click the 'Number' tab. A list of categories displays.
6. Click 'Date.' A list of date formats displays in the 'Type' box. Examples include March 14, 2001 and 14-Mar-01.
7. Click the date format.
8. Click the down-arrow for the 'Locale (Location).' A menu includes 'English (United States),' for example. The formatted date can translate into other languages.
9. Click the preferred language.
10. Click 'OK.' The dates convert to a different format in the selected cells.
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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How to Make Clustered Histograms on Excel

1. Open your Microsoft Excel worksheet that contains the data for your chart. Label a new column as Bin Range, and type the groups of values that you want to use as your horizontal axis. For example, if you're counting the frequency of test scores, type '
2. Label a new column 'Frequency1' to the right of your Bin Range column. Count the number of occurrences for each of your groups of your first data set and type them into the 'Frequency1' column. Repeat the process for your second data set and label the column 'Frequency2'.
3. Highlight your 'Frequency1' and 'Frequency2' columns and click the 'Insert' tab on the Ribbon at the top of the page. Click the 'Column' drop-down box and select the style that you want to display on your chart. Click the 'Select Data' button on the Design tab of the ribbon, click 'Edit' under Horizontal Axis Labels and highlight your Bin Range values in the Axis Label Range text box.
4. Customize your chart with the tools in the Design, Layout and Format tabs of the Ribbon. Add chart titles, axis titles and data labels from the Labels area of the Layout tab. Change the color scheme from the Design tab and customize the shape styles and colors from the Format tab.
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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How to Change Interval of Value Axis in an Excel Chart

1. Start Microsoft Excel 2007 and open a spreadsheet that contains a chart to which you would like to change the interval of the value axis.
2. Select the entire chart by clicking in the white area of the chart. You will then see a light blue outline around the chart indicating you have selected the entire chart.
3. Choose the 'Format' tab at the top of the Excel screen and location the 'Current Selection' group. The 'Current Selection' group is the first group that appears on the 'Format' ribbon.
4. Click the 'Chart Elements' drop-down list and select '(Value) Axis' from the list. The 'Chart Elements' list is the top item in the 'Current Selection' group.
5. Click the 'Format Selection' button to open the 'Format Axis' dialog box. Click the 'Axis Options' option on the left side of the 'Format Axis' dialog box if necessary.
6. Change the minimum value, maximum value, major units and minor units by clicking the 'Fixed' radio buttons beside the options. This allows you to be able to type in the intervals you want to see in the text boxes to the right of the options.
7. Click the 'Close' button to close the 'Format Axis' dialog box and return to your Excel chart. You will notice that the interval of the value axis has changed.
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How to Convert Excel Formulas to Hard Numbers

1. Highlight the cell(s) with that contain formulas you wish to convert to hard numbers.
2. Right click your mouse and select 'Copy'.
3. Right click again and select 'Paste Special'.
4. Select the 'Values' option in the Paste section of the Paste Special box.
5. Click 'OK.'
6. Hit the Enter key. The cell(s) selected will now display numbers rather than formulas.
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How to Use the '' Symbol in the Header in Excel 2007

1. Open an Excel 2007 document and click the 'Insert' menu.
2. Click 'Header and Footer.'
3. Type the text you want to include in the 'Header' box. When typing the symbol, type '' two times. Microsoft Excel will now recognize one of those ampersands and include it in the header.
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Monday, August 20, 2012

How to Create an Excel Macro for a Frequently Used Formula

You will need to have the Developer tab displaying. If it is not displaying, click on the Microsoft Office Button (upper left corner red, blue, yellow, green logo). Click on the Excel Options button, and then under the Popular category, click to fill the box next to 'Show Developer tab in the Ribbon.' Click OK to exit. You will need to adjust the security level to run macros, so on the Developer tab, in the Code group, click on Macro Security. Fill the box next to 'Enable all macros (not recommended, potentially dangerous code can run).' Click OK. It is fine to run your own macros.
This demonstration is to insert a formula into cell C2 that will extract the last word in cell A2, but any formula can be saved. In this case, the formula is long, making it a great candidate for a macro. The easiest way to create a macro for a formula is to open a workbook that currently contains the formula, or open a new workbook and input the formula. CUT THE FORMULA FROM THE CELL BY HIGHLIGHTING THE FORMULA AND PRESSING CRTL-X BEFORE YOU START CREATING THE MACRO. Click in any cell, and to start creating the macro, click Record Macro in the Excel Developer tab. The Record Macro dialog box will appear.
Enter a name for the macro. If you use more than one word, separate the words with an underscore ( _ ). Next is the Shortcut key that you will use to later run the macro. The Ctrl key is shown by default as the first key, followed by a box into which you enter one letter. (If you choose a letter that is already assigned to a built-in macro, Shift will automatically appear after Ctrl .) Beneath the shortcut key, you are asked where to store the macro. To be able to use the macro in other workbooks, choose 'Personal Macro Workbook.' Lastly on the Record Macro is the option to enter a Description. When you have filled the boxes on the Record Macro dialog box, click OK. This process creates a file name for the macro.
Next, you need to 'record' the steps that you want saved in the macro. These are the keystrokes or mouse clicks that you want to repeat at another location in the current, new, or saved Excel workbook. To record the macro, click on Record Macro on the Developer tab. After you click Record Macro, it will read Stop Recording, so any keystrokes or mouse clicks you make will be recorded. Click the cell into which you want the formula to appear, in this case, C2, and then press Ctrl-V to paste the formula in cell C2. Click Stop Recording in the toolbar. Your macro has been created.
To use the macro, from any workbook, use your shortcut key selection, which would be Ctrl plus the letter you assigned to the macro. You can see from Step 3 that our macro shortcut key is Ctrl m. If you do not recall the shortcut keys, click on Macros on the Developer tab and the Macro dialog box will appear. Click on the macro name. Notice that if you included a description when creating the macro, the description will appear at the bottom of the Macro dialog box. With the desired macro highlighted, click the Run button and the formula will enter into, in this case, cell C2.
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How to Merge Cells in Excel With the Keyboard

1. Navigate to the first cell in an open spreadsheet you want to merge by using the arrow keys on your keyboard.
2. Select the adjoining cell or cells by holding down the 'Shift' key and pressing one or more of the arrow keys on the keyboard. You should see an outline of the cells that you will merge.
3. Press the 'Alt' key to display number and letter key tips in Excel.
4. Press 'H' to display the key tips for all commands in the 'Home' tab.
5. Press 'M' to open the merge menu. Select one of the merging options: press 'C' to 'Merge and Center,' press 'A' to 'Merge Across' or press 'M' to 'Merge Cells.' You can also use the down arrow key to select an option.
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Sunday, August 19, 2012

How to Calculate Time in Excel 2007

1. Open the Excel 2007 document in which you want to include time calculations.
2. Enter headings for your calculation columns. For example, in a new Excel 2007 spreadsheet, you might type “Start” in cell A1, “End” in cell B1, and “Total” in cell C1.
3. Enter start and end times in the cells under the first two headings you added. For example, type 11:30 AM in cell A2 and 12:15 PM in cell B2. Always enter AM and PM after the time, unless you are using 24-hour clock time.
4. Insert formulas in the third column to calculate difference in times: If you have start and end times in cells A2 and B2, respectively, in cell C2 you would type “=B2-A2” (without the quotes) to subtract the later time in cell B2 from the earlier time in cell A2.
5. Change the cell formatting of the columns involving time calculations. Unless you do this, you may see incorrect or no results in the cells of the time totals column, though a formula is still visible in the Formula bar when you click a cell in that column. To do a time-sheet-style display of time, you will need two different time formats. Select the cells containing the start and end times and click the box at the lower-right corner of the “Number” group on the “Home” tab. The “Format Cells” dialog box appears. On the “Numbers” tab, select “Time” from the “Category” list, and select “1:30 PM” from the “Type” list. Click OK to return to your worksheet.
6. Select the cells containing the calculated time totals and again click the box in the lower-right corner of the “Number” group. Select the “Time” category, but now click the second item in the “Type” list, “13:30.” Click OK. The cells to the right of the start and end times should now show the difference in times displayed in hours and minutes. For example, for a time of 11:30 AM in cell A2 and 12:15 PM in cell B2, cell C2 will display '0:45.'
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How to Use Excel's Intercept Function

1. Find the function field at the top of the page, with the = sign to the left. This is where you can program a cell value. If the function field is not immediately available, you can go to 'Insert' and select 'Function.'
2. In your function field, add the operator INTERCEPT.
3. Start a parenthetical statement after INTERCEPT. Your values and parameters will all be inside a set of parentheses.
4. Add a cell range for your 'y axis.' The most common arrangement might be a range of values for a y axis in the A column of the spreadsheet, and a range of values for an x axis in the B column. In this case, your cell range, joined by a colon, would look something like this: A2:A7.
5. Add a comma, then add the range of cell values for the x axis, such as: B2:B7.
6. Close your parentheses. Your statement should look like this: INTERCEPT (A2:A7, B2:B7). Adding this to a function field for a cell will make that cell's value the point at which your x and y axis converge.
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How to Create a Sales Invoice

Excel 2010
1. Open Excel 2010. Click the 'File' tab and select 'New.' Click the 'Invoices' category in the left task pane. Review the available sales invoices. Download the sales invoice by clicking the invoice image and the 'Download' image. The invoice opens in Excel 2010.
2. Right click the default logo image and select 'Change Picture.' Browse your files and select your logo. Click the 'Open' button. Your image replaces the sales invoice template logo.
3. Highlight the default customer information on the template and type your custom information. Save the changes by clicking the 'Save' icon on the Quick Access Toolbar.
Google Documents
4. Access the Google Documents website. Type 'Invoice' in the search box. Click 'Search Templates.' Review the available sales invoices. Download the sales invoice by clicking the 'Use This Template' button. The invoice opens in Google Documents.
5. Delete the default logo image by clicking the image and pressing the 'Delete' button on the keyboard. Select 'Insert' and 'Image.' Browse your files and select your logo. Click the 'Open' button. Your image comes up in place of the template.
6. Highlight the default customer information on the template and type your custom information. Save the changes by clicking the 'Save' icon on the menu.
7. Access the OpenOffice website. Type 'Invoice' in the search box. Review the available sales invoices. Download the sales invoice by clicking the 'Use This' button. The invoice opens in OpenOffice Calc.
8. Delete the default logo image by clicking the image and pressing the 'Delete' button on the keyboard. Select 'Insert' and 'Image.' SelectGH 'From File.' Browse your files and select your logo. Click the 'Open' button. Your image takes the place of the sales invoice template.
9. Highlight the default customer information on the template and type your custom information. Save the changes by clicking the 'Save' icon on the menu.
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Saturday, August 18, 2012

How to Write Percentage Formulas in Excel

1. Calculate the percent of a total. Choose a cell for the percentage formula and enter the '=' symbol to activate the formula in Excel. Highlight the cell with the part, then enter the '/' symbol, and then select the cell with the total. For example, if the total lies in cell A10 and the part lies in A3, the formula is '=A3/A10'.
2. Calculate difference in percent between two numbers. Choose a cell for the percentage formula and enter the '=' symbol to activate the formula in Excel. Enter the opening parenthesis symbol, or '('. Highlight the cell with the first number, then enter the '-' symbol. Select the cell with the second number, and then enter the closing parenthesis symbol, or ')'. Then enter 'ABS' and select the second number to use its absolute value as a divisor. For example, if you are comparing sales data, and July 2011 sales are in A2 and the July 2012 are in B2, the formula is '=(B2-A2)/ABS(A2)'.
3. Select the percent cell and choose your format. From the Home tab, click 'Percent Style' from the Number group.
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How to Use Text Wrap in Excel

1. Open a new workbook in Excel by choosing 'File,' and then 'Page Setup.'
2. Select the small square at the top left corner of the screen of the new page. This highlights the entire workbook for formatting. If you want to format only a single cell, select that cell and continue with Step 3.
3. Right-click your mouse and select 'Format Cells,' 'Alignment' and then click the 'Wrap Text' box listed under 'Text Control.'
4. Resize the width of any Excel columns as necessary. Type in the text you need into each column of the spreadsheet. Whenever you get to the right margin of a particular cell, your text will wrap to the next line and continue to do so until you finish typing in that cell. Note that wrapped text automatically adjusts the row height of the cell.
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Friday, August 17, 2012

How to Open a Dbf

1. Navigate to the folder containing your DBF file.
2. Right-click the DBF.
3. Drop down to the 'Open With' submenu.
4. Select 'Microsoft Office Excel' from the list of programs.
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Thursday, August 16, 2012

How to Use Freeze Frame in Excel

1. Click on the cell after the row or column you want to freeze. If you want to freeze column A, then put your cursor in column B. If you want to freeze row 1, then put your cursor in row 2. Combine these if you want to freeze a row and column.
2. Click 'View' then 'Window.'
3. Select 'Freeze Panes.'
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