Saturday, June 23, 2012

How to Compare Multiple Groups of Cells in Excel

1. Open the Excel 2010 spreadsheet that holds the cell groups you want to compare.
2. Decide which group of cells will be the main group, which all other groups will be compared against.
3. Click the top left cell in the second group of cells. Hold the 'Shift' key and click the bottom right cell from that group. This will highlight the entire group of cells.
4. Click the 'Home' tab at the top of the screen, then click the 'Conditional Formatting' button and choose 'New Rule' from the drop-down menu.
5. Click 'Use a formula to determine which cells to format' at the top of the New Formatting Rule window. Enter the following into the 'Format values...' box:=not(a1=d1)Change 'a1' to the top left cell in your master group of cells and change 'd1' to the top left cell in the current selection. Click the 'Format' button in the lower right corner of the window, choose the 'Fill' tab and select a color that you want to use to highlight the differences in the groups. Click 'OK' when you are done. The differences in the second group will now appear highlighted.
6. Repeat this process for every group of cells that you want to compare against the original group.
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Friday, June 22, 2012

How to Turn Anchor Text Into URL in Excel

1. Open Excel 2010. Click on one of the sheet tabs that appear at the bottom of the worksheet. Click into one of the cells and select the 'Insert' tab. Click 'Hyperlink.'
2. Select 'Existing File or Web Page' in the 'Link To' section.
3. Add the anchor text in the 'Text To Display' box. For example, if you are linking to, enter 'CNN.' Type the web address in the 'Address' box. Click 'Ok' to save the changes. The hyperlink, or anchor text, appears in the Excel worksheet.
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How to Remove Auto

1. Open Excel 2007, then open the document for which you want to remove the automatic publishing feature.
2. Click the round 'Microsoft Office' menu in the upper-left corner of Excel and select 'Save As.' Click the 'Save As Type' drop-down list and select 'Web Page' if the option isn't already selected. Click the 'Publish' button near the bottom of the dialog box to open the 'Publish As Web Page' dialog box.
3. Clear the box beside 'AutoRepublish Every Time This Document Is Saved' under 'Publish As' to disable automatic publishing for the open document. To disable the feature for other documents you previously published, click the 'Choose' drop-down list and select 'Previously Published Items.' Click the document's name under the menu and click the 'Remove' button.
4. Click the 'Close' button at the bottom of the dialog box, then press 'Ctrl' and 'S' to save your current document.
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How to Turn off Filter Keys in Excel 2003

1. Click 'Start.' Click 'Control Panel.' Type 'access' into the Search box and press 'Enter.'
2. Click 'Change How Your Keyboard Works' from the results. Click 'Set up Filter Keys' from the Make It Easier to Type section.
3. Uncheck the 'Turn on Filter Keys' and 'Turn on Filter Keys When Right Shift Is Pressed for 8 Seconds' boxes.
4. Click 'Apply' to turn off Filter Keys for all applications, including Excel 2003. Click 'OK' to exit from Control Panel.
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How to Make a Bar Graph Using Microsoft Excel 2003

Label the data you want to graph in Microsoft Excel 2003. In Row 1, type the labels for each piece of data you plan to graph. For example, type “Month” in cell A1 and “Units” in cell B1.
Enter the data that you want to graph. Microsoft Excel 2003 needs you to provide the data that will be included in the bar graph. Under the labels you have set up in each row, type the information you want to graph. For example, type the months of the year under the heading in Column A (“Jan” in A2), and the units under the heading in Column B to correspond with the months in Column A.
3. Open the chart wizard window. From the menu bar, select Insert>Chart.
Select the type of bar graph you want to make. Under Chart Type, select 'Bar'. Then, click to select the particular type of bar graph you want to make under Chart sub-type. Click “Next.”
Select the range for the data to be included in the bar graph. Microsoft Excel 2003 defaults to capture the data in the spreadsheet. If Microsoft Excel 2003 does not default to capture the data, then click and drag your mouse over the data to be included in the bar graph. Click “Next.”
Define bar graph options. Microsoft Excel 2003 provides several tabs to define bar graph options, such as to define where to put the legend, what information should be tracked on which axis and what the title of the bar graph should be. Make your selections and then click “Next.”
Define where to save the bar graph. The default is to save the bar graph in the current spreadsheet. Click the radio button for your choice and then click 'Finish'. The bar graph appears where you told Microsoft Excel 2003 to make it.
8. Change the text on the bar graph if needed. If you want to change the title or other text on the bar graph, click on the text you want to change and then type in your changes.
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How to Change the Default Email in Excel 2003 Groupwise

1. Close the Microsoft Excel program if it is currently open or running.
2. Open the Start menu and click on 'Control Panel.'
3. Double-click on the 'Internet Options' icon.
4. Go to the 'Programs' tab at the top of the 'Internet Options' pop-up window.
5. Open the drop-down menu labeled 'Email' and choose 'Novell GroupWise' from the list of applications.
6. Hit the 'OK' or 'Apply' button to save the settings and change your default email client.
7. Relaunch Microsoft Excel and click on an email hyperlink to test the new settings.
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How to Do a Pie Chart in Microsoft 2003 Programs

Excel 2003
1. Open a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that contains the data that you want to add to a pie chart.
2. Click 'Insert' from the Excel 2003 menu bar and then select 'Chart.' The Chart Wizard will appear.
3. Select the 'Pie' chart type from the left side of Excel 2003's Chart Wizard.
4. Select the standard 'Pie' sub-type from the right side of the window. Click 'Next.'
5. Select either 'Rows' or 'Columns' for the data range. Microsoft Excel 2003 requires you to organize the data that you want to add to a pie chart in rows or columns.
6. Enter the data range manually into the 'Data range' field or click the button to the right of the field and select the data range with your mouse. Click 'Next.'
7. Click the 'Titles' tab and enter a title for your pie chart.
8. Click the 'Legend' tab and place a check-mark next to 'Show legend' if you want a legend to appear next to the pie chart. Select the placement for the legend, if you choose to show a legend.
9. Click the 'Data Labels' tab and select the labels that you wish to add to your pie chart. You can add category names, values, percent values or series labels to the pie chart.
10. Click 'Finish' and your chart will appear in your document.
11. Open a blank Microsoft Word document.
12. Click 'Insert' in the Microsoft Word 2003 menu bar and scroll down to 'Picture.' Scroll right and click 'Chart.' A generic bar chart will appear in your document along with a 'datasheet,' which is a separate window with cells that contains pre-filled data. Values on the datasheet correspond to the values on the chart in the document.
13. Right-click an empty area inside the bar chart that appeared in your blank Microsoft Word 2003 document in Step 2. Click 'Chart Type.' The Chart Type menu box will appear.
14. Select 'Pie' as the 'Chart type' in the left side of the window. Select the standard 'Pie' sub-type from the right side of the window. Click 'OK.'
15. Click 'View' and select 'Datasheet.' If the datasheet is already visible in your document, skip this step.
16. Input the labels for each of the pie slices in the top row of the datasheet window. Input the values of each of the pie slices into the row below the labels. The pie chart on the Microsoft Word 2003 document will update as you change the data in the datasheet. Close the datasheet once you are happy with the changes.
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Thursday, June 21, 2012

How to Protect Excel Cells From Modification

1. Start Microsoft Excel and open the file you want to change.
2. Drag mouse and highlight the cells you want to protect.
3. Open the Format menu and select Cells.
4. Select the Protection tab.
5. Click the Locked option.
6. Select OK to accept the changes.
7. Open the Tools menu and select Protection, then select Protect Sheet.
8. Click OK.
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How to Insert Comments in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Select the cell to which you wish to add comments. Do this by left-clicking on the cell.
2. Access the comments submenu by scrolling to the “Insert” tab on the command bar and selecting “Comment.”
3. Enter the comment. A comment call-out box will appear above the cell. Enter the desired text in that box.
4. Implement the comment by left-clicking on any adjacent cell. The 'commented' box will appear with a red arrow over the left side. When you hover the cursor over it, the comment call-out box will again appear.
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How to Disable a Password in Excel 2007

1. Open the Microsoft Excel 2007 file on your computer that contains the worksheet or workbook that is password protected.
2. Click on the 'Review' tab, and then click on the 'Unprotect Worksheet' option from the 'Changes' group.
3. Enter your password if the 'Protect Workbook' dialog box appears.
4. Click on the 'OK' button, and then the 'Unprotect Worksheet' option will read as 'Protect Worksheet.'
5. Click on the 'Microsoft Office' button, and then click on the 'Save' button to save your changes to unprotect the worksheet.
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How to Create Organizational Charts With Excel 2007

1. Open Excel to a blank spreadsheet.
2. Click the 'Insert' tab, then click the 'SmartArt' button.
3. Select the 'Hierarchy' group from the left pane. Choose an organizational chart layout you like. Click on each one to see a preview and a description of it in the right pane. Click 'OK' after you have selected the one you want. You should see a chart with text boxes and lines appear.
4. Select a shape in the chart, then click the down arrow next to the 'Add Shape' button in the Design tab to add more boxes to your organizational chart. You can select whether you want to add a shape before, after or next to the box you originally selected. Keep adding shapes to your organizational chart as needed; Excel will automatically add lines showing hierarchies.
5. Click inside each text box to edit the names of each person. If you selected an organizational chart with images, you can click on each image to add an individual's picture.
6. Select different colors or styles for your chart by clicking a different 'SmartArt Styles' design or by clicking 'Change Colors.' Move or resize each text box by clicking and dragging the box or the handles surrounding the box.
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How to Calculate a Future Date in Excel

1. Open a new or existing Excel workbook and select a new worksheet.
2. Use row 1 for column labels. Type 'Start Date' into cell A1--column A, row 1. Type 'Plus 30 Days' into cell B1, 'Plus 60 Days' into cell C1 and 'Plus 90 Days' into cell D1. To display these column labels correctly, you need to widen columns A, B, C and D. To widen a column, select its right border and then drag it to the right.
3. Select--highlight--cells A2 through D3. Under the 'Home' tab, select the 'Cells' grouping, click 'Format' and then click 'Format Cells' to display the 'Format Cells' window. Click 'Date,' select 'March 14, 2001' and then click 'OK' to format the cells and close the window.
4. In cell A2, type '1/27/15' to display 'January 27, 2015.' Widen column A if you see only pound signs--#######.
5. Type formula '=A2 30' into cell B2 and then press 'Enter' to display 'February 26, 2015,' which is the date in cell A2 plus 30 days. Copy cell B2 and paste it into cells C2 and D2 to display 'March 28, 2015' and 'April 27, 2015.'
6. Type formula '=A2 7' into cell A3 and then press 'Enter' to display 'February 3, 2015.' Copy cells B2 through D2 and paste them into cells B3 through D3 to display 'March 5, 2015,' 'April 4, 2015' and 'May 4, 2015.'
7. Copy row 3 and paste it into row 4 to display 'February 10, 2015,' 'March 12, 2015,' 'April 11, 2015' and 'May 11, 2015.'
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How to Use Conditional Statements in Excel

The Three Parameters of IF() Statements
1. The first parameter in an IF() statement is an equation or logical operator. For example, A1>A2.
2. The second parameter of an IF() statement is separated from the first by a comma, and is what is displayed if the IF statement is true. For example, 'Passing Grade'.
3. The third parameter of an IF() statement is separated from the second by a comma, and is what is displayed if the IF statement is false. For example, 'Failing Grade.'
4. Finally, here's a completed IF() statement: =IF(A1>A2,'Passing Grade','Failing Grade'). This statement compares the value of a number in cell A1 to a value in cell A2, and if it's larger, displays 'Passing Grade', and if equal to or less than, displays 'Failing Grade'.
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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to Download Microsoft Excel 2003

Buy an Older Version
1. Make sure that your computer is capable of running Excel 2003. The requirements are Windows XP or later, 128 MB of RAM and 400 MB of hard-disk space.
2. Log on to an online software store such as, or
3. Type 'Excel 2003' in the search bar on the website.
4. Scroll through the results and select the program you wish to purchase.
5. Select the method of payment you wish to use. Most websites accept PayPal or credit card payments. Enter your payment details and then confirm the transaction.
6. Follow the on-screen instructions on how to begin your download.
Use a Free Trial
7. Log on to and select the download link.
8. Select the location for the file and then select 'OK.'
9. The file will download to the location you specified. Open the file by double-clicking it, to run the installation sequence.
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How to Prevent a Microsoft Excel 2007 File from Opening

1. Open your spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel 2007.
2. Click the top-left 'Office' button, and select 'Save As.'
3. Click the 'Tools' drop-down menu, located to the left of the 'Save' button, and select 'General Options.'
4. Enter a password in the 'Password to open' field, and click 'OK.'
5. Re-type the password in the confirmation window, and click 'OK.'
6. Click 'Save' to secure your spreadsheet.
7. Click 'Yes' in the 'Confirm Save As' dialog windows, which asks if you want to replace the current file. This overwrites the unprotected file with the password-protected version.
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