Excel 2003
1. Open a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that contains the data that you want to add to a pie chart.
2. Click 'Insert' from the Excel 2003 menu bar and then select 'Chart.' The Chart Wizard will appear.
3. Select the 'Pie' chart type from the left side of Excel 2003's Chart Wizard.
4. Select the standard 'Pie' sub-type from the right side of the window. Click 'Next.'
5. Select either 'Rows' or 'Columns' for the data range. Microsoft Excel 2003 requires you to organize the data that you want to add to a pie chart in rows or columns.
6. Enter the data range manually into the 'Data range' field or click the button to the right of the field and select the data range with your mouse. Click 'Next.'
7. Click the 'Titles' tab and enter a title for your pie chart.
8. Click the 'Legend' tab and place a check-mark next to 'Show legend' if you want a legend to appear next to the pie chart. Select the placement for the legend, if you choose to show a legend.
9. Click the 'Data Labels' tab and select the labels that you wish to add to your pie chart. You can add category names, values, percent values or series labels to the pie chart.
10. Click 'Finish' and your chart will appear in your document.
11. Open a blank Microsoft Word document.
12. Click 'Insert' in the Microsoft Word 2003 menu bar and scroll down to 'Picture.' Scroll right and click 'Chart.' A generic bar chart will appear in your document along with a 'datasheet,' which is a separate window with cells that contains pre-filled data. Values on the datasheet correspond to the values on the chart in the document.
13. Right-click an empty area inside the bar chart that appeared in your blank Microsoft Word 2003 document in Step 2. Click 'Chart Type.' The Chart Type menu box will appear.
14. Select 'Pie' as the 'Chart type' in the left side of the window. Select the standard 'Pie' sub-type from the right side of the window. Click 'OK.'
15. Click 'View' and select 'Datasheet.' If the datasheet is already visible in your document, skip this step.
16. Input the labels for each of the pie slices in the top row of the datasheet window. Input the values of each of the pie slices into the row below the labels. The pie chart on the Microsoft Word 2003 document will update as you change the data in the datasheet. Close the datasheet once you are happy with the changes.