Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How to Create a Command Button in Microsoft Excel

1. Open the Excel worksheet in which you will be installing the command button.
2. Click the Microsoft Office logo located in the top left-hand corner of the screen and choose 'Excel Options.' Check 'Show Developer Tab' under the Top Options tab, and click 'OK.'
3. Click the 'Developer' tab on the main menu ribbon. Open the 'Insert' drop-down menu, and click 'Command Button.' Select the area of the worksheet where you want to insert the command button, and click on it. The command button will appear.
4. Click the 'Developer' tab on the main menu ribbon and select 'Design Mode.'
5. Right-click on the command button that you just created and select 'Properties.' Select 'Text' to add a caption to the button. Select 'Size' to edit the size and position of the command button. Select 'General' to edit the function of the button. Choose 'AutoLoad' if you want the button activated every time the workbook is opened. Choose 'Placement' to edit the movement of the button on the workbook page. Click 'OK' to save the the command button properties.
6. Right-click on the command button and choose 'Assign Macro.' Select the action that you want the button to perform from the macro list. Click 'OK' to save the command button.
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How to Put Error Bars on Points in Excel

Office 2003
1. Right-click the data series (the points on the graph) and click 'Format Data Series.'
2. Click the tabs at the top of the window that read 'X Error Bars' or 'Y Error Bars' as necessary.
3. Select the error bar style under 'Display' and set the error amount as a fixed value, a percentage or a standard deviation.
4. Click 'OK' to apply the error bars.
Office 2007
5. Click on the graph and the 'Chart Tools' toolbar will appear at the top of the screen.
6. Select the 'Layout' tab and click the 'Error Bars' button found on the right side.
7. Click 'More Error Bars Options' and choose the style of error bar, and enter the error amount as a fixed value, percentage or standard deviation.
8. Click 'OK' to apply the error bars.
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How to Recover MS Excel Files After Closing

Enable AutoRecover
1. Open the Excel program. A new worksheet appears.
2. Click the 'File' tab. A list of basic commands appears.
3. Click 'Options' under 'Help.'
4. Click 'Save.' A dialog box opens.
5. Select the check box for 'Save AutoRecover Information Every X Minutes.'
6. Type the number of minutes, such as every 10 minutes, for the frequency of saves.
7. Select the check box for 'Keep the Last Autosaved Version if I Close Without Saving.' The Excel files will save at least one version.
View the Document Recovery Pane
8. Open the Excel file. A Document Recovery task pane opens next to the worksheet.
9. Click the arrow next to the recovered file icon in the 'Available Files' text box. A list of options appears: 'Open,' 'Save As' or 'Delete.'
10. Click 'Open' to review the version of the file. Click 'Save As' to rename and create a new copy of the workbook. Click 'Delete' to delete this version.
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How to Change Column Width in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Select the column that you wish to resize. To select a column, left-click on the column letter, located at the top of the column in the spreadsheet and labeled alphabetically from left to right. Once you click on the column letter it will highlight the entire column.
2. Resize the column using the drag arrows on the column head. Hold the cursor over the left or right side of the column header . An arrow will appear. Simply left-click and you can drag the column to the desired width.
3. Set the column width using the column properties menu. Once you have highlighted the column, right-click to access the column properties menu.
4. Implement column width changes using the column properties menu. Enter in the desired width of the column in pixels into the column properties menu width box and click “Okay” to implement.
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How to Create Sequential Numbers on an Excel Document With Software

1. Type the first number of your sequence into the cell corresponding to the top position of your list. For example, if you wanted to start your numbering sequence in the top left corner of the spreadsheet, you could type '1' into cell 'A1.'
2. Type the second number of your sequence into the cell corresponding to the second position of your list. For example, you could type '2' into cell 'A2.' Add more numbers to your sequence if the numbering pattern isn't recognizable after two numbers.
3. Click on the top cell in your sequence and drag your mouse to select the rest of your starting values.
4. Click the 'fill handle' in the bottom right corner of the bottom cell, then drag the handle down until all of your required cells are included within the selection. For example, if you entered '1' and '2' into cells 'A1' and 'A2' respectively and wanted to create a 20-number sequence, you would drag the handle to cell 'A20.'
5. Release the left mouse button to fill your selected cells with a list of sequential numbers.
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How to Rename Columns in Microsoft Excel Queries

Customize Column Labels
1. Open Microsoft Excel.
2. Click on the column you wish to rename to highlight it.
3. Click 'Insert' on the toolbar at the top of the screen to open a drop-down menu.
4. Click 'Name.'
5. Click 'Define.'
6. Type the name you wish to give the column.
7. Click 'OK' to save the new label. Repeat these steps for each column you wish to rename.
Rename Column Labels With Numbers
8. Open Microsoft Excel.
9. Click 'Tools' to open a drop-down menu.
10. Click 'Options.' A new window will open.
11. Click on the 'General' tab to display a list of options.
12. Uncheck the box next to 'R1C1 reference' to rename the columns with numbers instead of letters. To return to using alphabetical labels, check the box.
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How to Delete Commas From Excel 2007

1. Double-click on the cell that you want to edit.
2. Position the cursor directly behind the comma that you want to delete. Click the mouse once in this spot.
3. Click the 'Backspace' button on the keyboard to remove the comma. If there are multiple commas in the cell that you want to delete, use the arrow keys to move over to them and hit 'Backspace' to delete them.
4. Click 'Enter' when you are finished making changes to the cell.
5. Repeat the process for any additional cells you wish to edit.
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Monday, February 20, 2012

How to Insert Copy a Formula in Excel 2007

1. Open Excel and the worksheet in question. Position the cursor in the cell in which you wish to insert the formula.
2. Click on the Formulas tab at the top of the Excel window. Choose the proper category for the formula you will be using, and then select the formula that you wish to insert from the list that appears.
3. Enter the cell references as prompted in the Function Arguments dialog box that appears.
4. Copy any of your existing formulas by first selecting the cell that contains the formula you wish to copy.
5. Click on the Home tab at the top of the Excel window, and select the Copy icon. Select Paste if you would like to paste both the formula and the formatting, and click on Paste Special if you want to paste the formula only.
6. Copy your formula into adjacent cells by using the Excel fill handle. This is a small black square that is located at the lower-right corner of the cell or group of cells you have selected. Move your mouse over it, and when the pointer turns to a black cross, left-click and drag the fill handle over the range of cells into which you wish to copy the formula.
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How to Enable a Ribbon Customizer

1. Launch the Microsoft Office application for which you want to customize the Ribbon interface.
2. Right click anywhere on the Office Ribbon, then click 'Customize the Ribbon.'
3. Click the 'New Tab' button at the bottom of the right side of the 'Options' screen. The application creates a new section labeled 'My Tab' in the right pane of the window.
4. Drag and drop desired command functions and options for the Ribbon Tab from the drop-down menu on the left side of the 'Options' screen into the 'My Tab' section of the right-side window pane.
5. Click the 'OK' button at the bottom of the screen after you finish dropping desired function and option commands into your new customized Ribbon Tab. Once you return to the main Office application screen, the new tab is immediately available for use within the program.
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How to Make a Time Line in Excel 2003

1. Open a blank worksheet in Microsoft Excel. Click 'View' on the toolbar and click 'Header and Footer'. The 'Page Setup' box will open. Click the 'Custom Header' button and enter the header you want printed on your page. Format it using the 'Font' button. Click 'OK' to close the 'Header' box, but don't close the 'Page Setup' box.
2. Click the 'Page' tab of the 'Page Setup' box. Under 'Orientation', select the 'Landscape' button. Click 'OK' to close the 'Page Setup' box.
3. Select all of the cells on your current page in row 7 using your mouse. Click on the 'Fill Color' button on your toolbar (which looks like a pouring paint can) and choose a fill color for those cells.
4. Select all of the cells in row 6 by clicking on the number 6 with your mouse. Right-click and choose 'Format Cells'. Click the 'Alignment' tab of the 'Format Cells' box. Under 'Orientation', move the 'Text' to 90 degrees. If desired, click the 'Font' tab and make changes to the font for those cells. Repeat these steps for row 8, except change the 'Text Orientation' to -90 degrees. This will align your text up and down from the timeline bar.
5. Enter times in the bar itself and enter data in the corresponding cells in rows 6 and 8. If desired, you can add clip art pictures by going to the 'Insert' menu, pointing to 'Pictures' and clicking on 'Clip Art'. Search and enter pictures that suit your timeline. When you are finished, you can print your personalized timeline.
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How to Do a Frequency Distribution in Excel 2007

1. Click the 'Data' tab and then click 'Data Analysis.'
2. Click 'Histogram' and then click 'OK.'
3. Type 'A1:A2' into the 'Input Range' box, where A1 and A2 represent the actual range of cells on your worksheet where your input data is. For example, if your range of data is in A1 to A10, type 'A1:A10'
4. Type 'B1:B2' into the 'Bin Range' box where B1 and B2 represent the range of cells where your bin data is located. Bins represent the groups you want your data to fall into. For example, if you want your data to fall into bins of 1-10 and 11-20 and those values are located in cells C1 and C2, then type 'C1:C2' into the Bin Range box.
5. Click 'New Workbook' under 'Output Options,' then click the 'Chart Output' check box. Click 'OK.' Excel will create your frequency distribution table in a new workbook along with an embedded chart.
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How to Turn on the Developer Tab in Excel 2007

1. Open the Microsoft Excel 2007 file for which you want to open the Developer tab.
2. Click on the 'Microsoft Office' button in the top-right corner of the application.
3. Click on the 'Excel Options.'
4. Click on the 'Popular' option and then click on the box next to the 'Show Developer Tab in the Ribbon' field so that it's selected.
5. Close the dialog box and then click on the Developer tab in the ribbon at the top of the application. You now have the Developer options available to you.
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Sunday, February 19, 2012

How to Freeze (Lock) Column Headings in Microsoft Excel

1. Launch Excel and open your spreadsheet.
2. Select the 'View' tab at the top of the Excel window.
3. Click the 'Freeze Panes' button. This will open a drop-down menu.
4. Click 'Freeze Top Row.'
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How to Span Columns in MS Excel

1. Highlight the cells you want to merge by holding 'Shift' and moving the arrow keys to highlight the data.
2. Right-click on a highlighted cells and select 'Format Cells.'
3. Click 'Alignment.'
4. Check the box next to 'Merge Cells.'
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Location of Excel 2003 Commands in Excel 2007

1. Click the Microsoft Interactive: Excel 2003 to Excel 2007 command reference guide.
2. Click 'Start the Guide.'
3. Click 'Start.'
4. Click the Excel 2003 command that you want to find in Excel 2007. For example, click the 'Autosum' command. The program will open a pop-up window showing you where you can find the command in Excel 2007.
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