1. Open MS Excel 2007. Click on the Windows icon on the top left of the screen. Scroll to and click 'Open.' Search your computer for the file you need to find values on. Click on it to select it and click on the 'Open' button to open the file.
2. Make sure there are definite options of things to search for. For example, if you want to list the city of people who contacted your organization, but you only have the cities listed by code, you will use a VLOOKUP to look up which city corresponds to that code.
3. Build a table array which lists your options somewhere else on the spreadsheet. In the option above, list all of your city codes in one column and the corresponding cities in the column next to it.
4. Add a column in your main spreadsheet to list the values you are looking up by right-clicking on the existing column to the right and clicking 'Insert.' In this city example, your column could be titled 'City Name.'
5. Type '=VLOOKUP(' in the first cell where the values will be located. Click on the cell with the value you are looking up (The city code in this example). Type ',' after you click in the cell.
6. Highlight the array you created in the other area of your spreadsheet with what you are looking up and their values. Type ','.
7. Type the number of the column in the array the information you want to display is in. In this example, you will have two columns of data in your array, the city code on the left and the city name on the right. For this array, you would type '2' after the comma in Step 6 to tell Excel that the information to display is in column 2 of the array. Type another comma.
8. Type 'false' after the comma in Step 7. This will tell Excel that you only want to return the data if it has an exact match. Placing 'true' in this spot will return the closest value to what you are looking up and you don't want that. Type a ')' and press 'Enter.' The cell will now contain the city name for that city code.
9. Click in the cell with the VLOOKUP equation. Click into the formula bar and place the cursor before the first cell in the array portion. Type '$' in front of all the column letters and row numbers in the array. (For example, if the array is G1:H125 you would type '$' before G, 1, H, and 125 to look like $G$1:$H$125). Press 'Enter.'
10. Right click in the VLOOKUP cell and click on 'Copy.' Highlight all the other cells in the column, right-click, and click on 'Paste' to paste the equation into all the other cells.