1. Click the icon consisting of a down-facing arrow with a short horizontal line above it. In Excel 2007, this icon is located near the upper-left corner of the screen. In previous Excel versions, it is located near the upper-right corner.
2. Click 'Minimize the Ribbon' in Excel 2007. This hides the top toolbar. You can bring the toolbar back permanently by repeating Steps 1 and 2, or temporarily by clicking one of the menu options at the top of the screen, e.g. 'Data' or 'View'. If you are using Excel 2007, stop here. If you are using a previous version of Excel, click 'Add or Remove Buttons,' then click 'Customize.'
3. Click the 'Toolbars' tab, then remove the check from each box displayed below, e.g. 'Standard' and 'Formatting.' The toolbars disappear in real time as the checks are removed.
4. Click the 'Close' button to save your changes after removing the desired toolbars. You can bring toolbars back by right-clicking the open gray area at the top of the screen, then clicking 'Customize.'