Sunday, October 23, 2011

How to Create a Map in Excel

1. Download or scan a starter map image. Many free maps are available for download at Right-click any map and choose the 'Save As' command to place the map on your computer.2. Launch Excel. Select the entire worksheet by clicking in the selection box located between the column A and row 1 labels in the upper left of the spreadsheet.3. Click the 'Format' menu and choose the 'Column' submenu. Select the 'Width' command. A pop-up window will appear.4. Type the number '2.0' into the column width field and press the 'OK' button.5. Select the 'Format'...
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How to Select Multiple Sheets in Excel

1. Launch Excel and open the Excel workbook with which you want to work.2. Click the tab for the first sheet with which you want to work. Sheet tabs are located at the bottom of the Excel workspace. If you have not renamed your sheets, they will have names like 'Sheet1' and 'Sheet2.' Sheet tabs turn from blue to white when they are selected.3. Press the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard and click additional sheet tabs to select those shee...
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Saturday, October 22, 2011

How to Use Borders in Microsoft Excel

Instant Borders1. Launch Microsoft Excel and create or open a workbook with some information entered into some cells.2. Click in a cell that contains information to highlight the cell.3. Click the 'Home' tab on the tool bar.4. Click the small pull down arrow to the right of the 'Border' button in the 'Font' group.5. Click on the desired border style to instantly apply the selected border to the currently highlighted cell. Alternately click on 'No Border' to remove the existing border from the cell, or click on one of the more advanced alternatives from the 'Draw Borders' section of the...
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How to Create a Simple Drop

1. Click on the cell in the workbook where you want your drop-down list to appear.2. Select the 'Data' tab. From the 'Data Tools' menu, click 'Data Validation.' The Data Validation dialog will appear.3. From the 'Settings' tab, click the 'Down Arrow' and select 'List.'4. For a simple list, type the items in the Source box in the order you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating them by a comma. Click 'OK.'5. At the insertion point, click the 'Down Arrow' to display the options, clicking on an option to select ...
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How to Change an Active Cell to Another Cell in Excel 2003

1. Open a new or existing file in Microsoft Excel.2. Click the 'Tools' menu. Click 'Visual Basic Editor' to open the VBA coding editor. Click the 'Insert' menu item and select 'Module.' This option opens a module that 'attaches' to the Excel spreadsheet. The module is the VBA code that runs in the spreadsheet.3. Type the following code in the module editor:Range('A1').SelectIn this example, the 'A1' cell is activated. Replace this value with your own cell you want to activate. You can also activate a range of cells. For instance, the following code activates cells from A1 to C1:Range('A1:C1').Select4....
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How to Make Assumption Charts in Excel

1. Click the 'Insert' tab and then click 'Header and Footer.' This inserts a header and footer into your document.2. Type a name for your chart into the header. For example, type 'World Market Information.'3. Click cell 'B1' and type a heading for column B. For example, you might type 'United States' if you want an assumption chart for world interest rates.4. Click cell 'C1' and type a column header for column C. For this example, type 'Europe.'5. Continue entering column titles in row 1, beginning at cell 'D1' until you have entered all of your column titles. In this example, type 'U.K.'...
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How to Rename a Legend in Microsoft Excel 2007

Edit Legend Directly1. Open a Microsoft Excel 2007 document. To rename a legend in Excel, you need an existing document with data and a chart.2. Select the chart whose legend you want to edit. The 'Chart Tools' will appear in the Ribbon, including the 'Design, Layout and Format' tabs.3. Click the 'Design' tab. Click 'Select Data' in the 'Data' group. The 'Select Data Source' dialog box appears.4. Click the legend entry you want to edit listed in the 'Legend Entries (Series)' box. Click 'Edit.' The 'Edit Series' dialog box appears.5. Select a new worksheet cell you want to use as the...
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Friday, October 21, 2011

How to Calculate the Number of Days Between Dates

Hand Calculation1. Subtract the year values. If the more recent date is earlier in the year than the other date, subtract 1 from the difference. Multiply the result by 365. Add 1 for each leap year in between the 2 years. A leap year occurs in every year divisible by 4, except years divisible by 100 that are not divisible by 400. Example: 2010 -- 1982 = 28 years * 365 = 10,220 plus 7 (for the leap years 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008) = 10,227.2. Sum the days in the whole months between the two dates and add to the previous number. For example, from February, 1982, to May, 2010,...
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How to Import a PDF Into Excel 2007

Turn Off Protected Mode1. Launch Adobe Reader by clicking 'Start' in the lower-left corner of your screen and typing 'Adobe Reader' in the search field. Click 'Adobe Reader' when it appears in the search results.2. Click the 'Edit' menu at the top of the screen, and then click 'Preferences.'3. Select 'General' in the left pane.4. Click the check box to remove the check beside 'Enable Protected Mode at startup.' This option is in the 'Application Startup' section near the bottom of the 'Preferences' window. If the 'Protected Mode' option is not listed, your version of Reader does not have...
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How do I Recover a Forgotten Excel Password?

1. Click on the 'Free Word Password / Excel Password Recovery Software' link (see Resources). The completely free download can help you recover your Excel password. The software package works by trying different passwords against yours. This is called 'brute forcing' and may take hours or even days to accomplish. If you think your password is relatively simple, without complex characters like % or !, then this may be the software for you.2. Click on the 'Password Recovery Engine for Excel' link (see Resources). The software can instantly recover any XLS file in just a few mouse clicks. The...
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Thursday, October 20, 2011

How to Create a Pivot Table From Multiple Excel Worksheets

1. Open the Excel workbook you want to insert a pivot table in.2. Press 'ALT D P' to start the Pivot Table Wizard.3. Select 'Multiple consolidation ranges' when the Pivot Table Wizard asks which type of data you want to analyze. Click 'Next.'4. Choose whether you want the pivot table to have one or more page fields and click 'Next.'5. Use your mouse to highlight the ranges you want to enter on the pivot table. Click 'Add' after selecting a range from each worksheet.6. Click 'Next' and select where you want to place the pivot table. You can insert the table on a new worksheet...
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How to Make a Checklist in Excel 2007

Make a Checklist with Form Controls1. Click on the letter 'B' at the top of the second column to select the entire column. Click the 'Align Text Left' button in the Alignment section of the Home tab to align the text in your checklist to the left of the column.2. Click inside the first cell in column B. Type the first item for your list into the cell. Enter your second checklist item into the next cell in column B, and continue entering your checklist items down the column.3. Display the Developer tab if it does not display at the top of your ribbon. Click the Office icon at the top left...
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How to Install DEC2HEX on Excel 2003

1. Click 'Tools' on the toolbar. Click 'Add Ins.'2. Click the 'Analysis ToolPak' box in the 'Add-Ins available' list.3. Click 'O...
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How to Read XML Data in Excel 2007

Import an XML data file into Excel 20071. Open the Excel 2007 application.2. Click on the Microsoft icon on the top-left corner of the application's screen and click 'Open.'3. Locate the XML data file on your hard drive.4. Click on 'Open' to launch the Open XML or the Import XML dialog box. The Open XML dialog box will be displayed if the XML file does not have a style sheet reference. If the file does have a style sheet reference, the Import XML dialog box will be displayed.5. Click on one of the three options if the Open XML dialog box is displayed on the screen. For example, the 'As...
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How to View Comments in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Scroll to the “View” tab on the command bar to open the View menu.2. Turn on the View Comments feature. Under the “View” tab, scroll to and left-click on “View Comments.” This will allow you to see all comment callout boxes and their text within the workbook.3. Disable the View Comments feature by accessing the “View” tab and left-clicking on the “View Comments” selection, which is highlighted when active and appears as normal text when inactive.4. View comments by right-clicking on cells that contain them. When you have the View Comments feature turned off, you can tell which cells...
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