Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How to Insert Pictures Into Excel 2007

1. Click on the 'Insert' tab.
2. Click on 'Picture.'
3. Locate the picture or file on your computer, then click on 'Insert.'
4. Left-click with your mouse on the picture, hold, then drag the picture to the correct position you would like.
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How to Apply Functions to Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Click the 'Tools' menu in Excel.
2. Place the mouse-pointer over the 'Macro' icon, and click 'Visual Basic Editor.'
3. Click 'Insert,' and then click 'Module' from the drop-down menu.
4. Select a declaration from the drop-down arrow. Enter the function code in the window.
5. Click 'File' in the menu, and then click 'Close and Return to Microsoft Excel' option from the drop-down menu.
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How to Do Scale Breaks on a Graph in Excel

1. Launch Microsoft Excel 2010.
2. Click the 'File' tab at the top-left corner of the window, click 'Open,' then double-click the file containing the graph that you wish to edit.
3. Click the worksheet tab at the bottom of the window on which the graph is displayed.
4. Click anywhere on the graph to open the 'Chart Tools' utility.
5. Click the 'Layout' tab under 'Chart Tools' at the top of the window.
6. Click the 'Axes' drop-down menu in the 'Axes' section of the ribbon at the top of the window, click the axis (horizontal or vertical) containing the scale that you want to adjust, then click 'More Primary Horizontal Axis Options' or 'More Primary Vertical Axis Options,' depending upon which axis you are editing.
7. Click 'Axis Options' at the left side of the window.
8. Click the 'Fixed' option to the right of 'Major Unit,' then change the value to your desired scale break.
9. Click the 'Close' button at the bottom of the window to apply your changes.
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How to Convert Excel 2003 Macros to Excel 2007

Change the Macro Settings in Excel 2007
1. Click on the 'Office' Button.
2. Select 'Excel Options.'
3. Choose 'Trust Center->Trust Center Settings->Macro Settings.'
4. Click on 'Trusted Locations->Add New Trusted Locations.'
5. Add your workbook's location and then select 'OK.'
6. Open the workbook again in Excel 2007 and check for working macros. If they still don't work, you'll need to copy and paste the macro text over (see Section 2).
Copy and Paste
7. Open the workbook in Excel 2003.
8. Locate the code for your macro. An easy way to locate code for a particular macro is to click on the 'Tools' menu, and then 'Macro->Macros.' Find the macro name and then click 'Edit.'
9. Highlight the entire section of code and then press 'Ctrl' and 'C.'
10. Paste the text into a text file (using a program like Notepad or Wordpad).
11. Open the VBE in Excel 2007 and paste the code into a new code window.
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How to Save an Excel Spreadsheet As an Image or Picture

1. Open the Microsoft Excel by clicking on the desktop icon or using the Windows Start menu.
2. Press 'Ctrl' and 'O' on the keyboard to open a spreadsheet file.
3. Select desired cells, columns or rows in the spreadsheet by holding the mouse left button. Or press 'Ctrl' and 'A' to instantly select the entire spreadsheet.
4. Press 'Ctrl' and 'C' to copy the selected spreadsheet.
5. Click 'All Programs' in Windows Start menu and open the folder 'Accessories.'
6. Click on 'Paint' to launch the image editor.
7. Click the Paint menu 'Edit' and then choose 'Paste' to insert the spreadsheet into the Paint window.
8. Click the Paint menu 'File' and then 'Save As.'
9. Select a desired image format using the Save as Type drop-down box. Note that Paint offers a variety of image formats including JPEG, TIFF and BMP.
10. Click 'Save' to save the spreadsheet as an image.
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How to Graph Multiple Series Using Excel

1. Type your data that will go on your x-axis in column A. Use row 1 as the title for your data and then a separate cell for each piece of data.
2. Type your first series of data in column B. Use row 1 as the title for your data and then a separate cell for each piece of data.
3. Type your next series of data in column C. Use row 1 as the title for your data and then a separate cell for each piece of data. Continue this pattern for each series.
4. Highlight every cell with a title or data in it. Highlight by going to cell A1, then press and hold shift while moving the cursor with your arrow keys.
5. Click 'Insert.'
6. Select 'Line' or 'Scatter.' The chart will then display on the spreadsheet.
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Monday, September 19, 2011

How to Stop Running on Open in Excel Spreadsheets

Disable Macros in Microsoft Excel 2007
1. Click the round Microsoft Office button at the top-left corner of the Excel screen and then select 'Excel Options' from the very bottom of the drop-down menu.
2. Select 'Trust Center' from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen and then click the 'Trust Center Settings' button.
3. Select 'Macro Settings' from the left-hand menu.
4. Select one of two options: 'Disable all macros without notification' or 'Disable all macros with notification.'
5. Click 'OK' on each of the next two screens to close the dialog boxes and save your changes.
Disable Macros in Microsoft Excel 2003 and Earlier
6. Click 'Tools' in the top menu bar, select 'Macro,' then choose 'Security' from the resulting sub-menu.
7. Select 'Medium' or 'High' from the list of options presented within the 'Security Level' tab.
8. Click 'OK' to confirm your changes.
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How to Create a Simple Timeline with Excel

1. Open a Web browser. Go to and conduct a search for 'Excel timeline template.' From the resulting list, find the template titled 'Timeline' for Excel 97 or later.
2. Download the template. Select the template link, which will take you to the template's Web page. Click 'Download Now,' accepting any Web browser prompts regarding downloading a file. Excel should open with the template selected.
3. Modify the template. Select the years along the timeline and change them to relevant dates. Make sure that your dates make sense for the timeline. Copy and paste text boxes to create new events, and modify existing text boxes as necessary. Move them by left-clicking and dragging to the right location. Copy and paste the lines that connect the events to the timeline, and move them as required.
4. Delete the instructions. Once you are familiar with how to manipulate the template, delete the instructions by selecting the text box and hitting 'DEL.'
5. Save the file. Select 'File,' and then 'Save As...', and give the file a name and location. In Excel 2007, select the Office Button and then 'Save As.'
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How to Align the Header in Excel 2007

1. Open Excel 2007 and click the 'Insert' tab. Select 'Header And Footer.'
2. Click the 'Go To Header' button. (If you cannot see the 'Go To Header' button, click 'Header Footer Tools' to display the appropriate options.) Notice the three sections provided in the header section.If you type header text in the first section, it will be left aligned. Text in the second section will be centered. Text in the right section will be right-aligned.
3. Navigate to each section by pressing the 'Tab' key on the keyboard. For example, if you want your header text to be centered, press the 'Tab' key once and type your header in the second section. To navigate back to a previous section, press Shift Tab.
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How to Make a Column Chart in Excel

Find the file that contains your data and open it in Excel. If you still need to enter your data, open a new workbook instead. Input your data into a spreadsheet in the new workbook. As an example, we will create a small table containing data on the number of books bought at a yard sale. We will categorize the books by genre.
Highlight the cells in the spreadsheet that contain your data. For our example, the cells A1-B8 have been highlighted.
Choose the “Column” chart option from the “Insert” menu on Excel’s toolbar. Pick the type of column chart that you want to create. We will choose the side-by-side, non-stacked 3-D column chart for our example.
Review the column chart that you have just created. Make any desired modifications to the chart. You can change the colors, wording of the title, location in the spreadsheet, and font used in the chart. Don’t be afraid to experiment! If you do make a change that you don’t like, just use the “Undo” option to get rid of the change.
Save your file as an Excel workbook.
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Sunday, September 18, 2011

How to Make Box Whisker Plots in Excel 2007

1. Open your Excel data. This instructional will assume that your first data column is in column 'A,' your first data value is in row '1,' and all your columns have 'n' data points.
2. Create new rows for your maximum, upper quartile, median, lower quartile and minimum values.
3. Calculate these statistics by entering the following values under your 'A' column:=MAX(A1:An)=PERCENTILE(A1:An,0.75)=MEDIAN(A1:An)=PERCENTILE(A1:An,0.25)=MIN(A1:An)
4. Copy and paste the same formulas to calculate statistics for your other columns, changing the letter for the corresponding column.
5. Select all the fields with your new statistical calculations. You can press 'CTRL' to select from more than one column.
6. Click the 'Excel Chart Wizard' button.
7. Select the 'Stock Open-High-Low-Close' diagram.
8. Click 'Next.' In the Data Range tab, click on 'Series In: Rows.'
9. Click 'Finish.' A box and whisker chart will display.
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How to Create a Column Chart to Show Graphic Representation of Expenses on MS Excel

1. Type your data into a worksheet. Click on a cell, then type your data into the cells. In order for the column chart to work properly, you should enter your data in columns. For example, if you are comparing heights in inches of three people you might put 'John' into cell A1, 'Jane' into cell A2,'Bob' into cell A3 '72' in cell 'B1,' '69' in cell 'B2' and '75' in cell 'B3.'
2. Highlight the cells with your data by left clicking on the top left of the cells then dragging the cursor to the bottom right of the cells.
3. Click on the 'Insert' tab.
4. Click on the column' tab, then click on the column sub-type you want. For example, click on a '2-D Column' icon. Excel will insert a chart into your worksheet.
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How to Delete Filtered Items in Excel 2007

1. Open Excel 2007 and then open the workbook containing the data you want to filter.
2. Select the range of cells you want to filter or click inside of a cell that is within the range of cells you want to filter.
3. Go to the 'Data' tab and click 'Advanced' in the 'Sort and Filter' group.
4. Select 'Filter the List, in Place' if you want to filter the list and delete duplicate items within the current worksheet. Choose 'Copy to Another Location' if you want Excel to delete the duplicate items and copy the remaining filtered items to another area on the worksheet.
5. Select the 'Unique Records Only' check box and click 'OK.' Excel will filter the list and delete any duplicate records it finds.
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How to Embed a Word Document in Excel

Create from a File Option
1. Open Excel and the spreadsheet to embed the Word document in. Click on the 'Insert' tab, and then click 'Object' in the Text group. The Object dialog box appears.
2. Click on the 'Create from File' tab, and then click the 'Browse' button. Navigate to the file you want to add and click 'Insert.'
3. Choose any optional options. If you want to save room in the spreadsheet, click the 'Display as Icon' checkbox. This inserts a Word document icon. You can double-click on the icon to display the file. If you plan on continuing to work on the Word file in Word, but want the file information to update automatically in the Excel spreadsheet, click the 'Link to File' checkbox.
4. Click 'OK' to add a Word file to Excel.
Create from New
5. Open Excel and a spreadsheet to work with. Click on the 'Insert' tab, and then click 'Object' in the Text group.
6. Select the 'Create from New' tab. Select 'Microsoft Office Word Document' from the Object Type list (you will need to scroll to find it).
7. Click 'OK' to insert a Word document window in the spreadsheet. You can type in the document window as you would in a Word document. Notice that the Excel Ribbon has changed to reflect Word tools instead of Excel tools.
8. Type your document. You can insert graphics, use WordArt, add styles or apply other features available in Word. To return to the Excel spreadsheet, click off the document window. You can expand the Word document window in Excel by selecting the document window and dragging any of the handles. To return to the Word document, double-click the Word document window.
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How to Find Hidden Columns on the Excel 2007 Document Inspector

1. Open Microsoft Excel.
2. Click the 'Office' icon located in the upper-left corner of the screen.
3. Select 'Prepare.'
4. Click 'Inspect Document.'
5. Check the box next to 'Hidden Rows and Columns.'
6. Click 'Inspect.'
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