1. Enter the 'IF' formula into a cell of your choosing, following the format '=IF(comparison,true_value,false_value)'. As an example, to test if cell A1 is zero, you might enter '=IF(A1=0,'zero','not zero')'. This solely uses relative references.
2. Add a dollar sign in front of the cell column letter to prevent the column reference from changing, but allow the row number to change. In the example, it would look like '=IF($A1=0,'zero','not zero')'. This uses an absolute reference for the column, but a relative reference for the row.
3. Add a dollar sign in front of the cell row number to prevent the row reference from changing, but allow the column letter to change. In the example, it would look like '=IF(A$1=0,'zero','not zero')'. This uses an absolute reference for the row, but a relative reference for the column.
4. Add a dollar sign in from of both the cell reference's column letter and row number to prevent either from changing. In the example, it would look like '=IF($A$1=0,'zero','not zero')'. This solely uses absolute references. No matter where you copy and paste the formula, it will check whether cell A1's value is zero.
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