Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How to Edit a UDF File

1. Right-click on the UDF file.
2. Click on 'Open with.'
3. Select the 'Choose Default Program' option.
4. Select Microsoft Excel.
5. Click on 'Browse' only if Microsoft Excel is not on the list. Then, search for it and click on 'Open.'
6. Click on 'OK.' Your UDF file will open.
7. Click on 'File.'
8. Click on 'Save as.'
9. Select the file extension you wish to convert the UDF file to.
10. Click on 'Save.' Your UDF has been edited.
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Monday, August 22, 2011

How to Use the IF Function in Excel 2007 With Absolute References

1. Enter the 'IF' formula into a cell of your choosing, following the format '=IF(comparison,true_value,false_value)'. As an example, to test if cell A1 is zero, you might enter '=IF(A1=0,'zero','not zero')'. This solely uses relative references.
2. Add a dollar sign in front of the cell column letter to prevent the column reference from changing, but allow the row number to change. In the example, it would look like '=IF($A1=0,'zero','not zero')'. This uses an absolute reference for the column, but a relative reference for the row.
3. Add a dollar sign in front of the cell row number to prevent the row reference from changing, but allow the column letter to change. In the example, it would look like '=IF(A$1=0,'zero','not zero')'. This uses an absolute reference for the row, but a relative reference for the column.
4. Add a dollar sign in from of both the cell reference's column letter and row number to prevent either from changing. In the example, it would look like '=IF($A$1=0,'zero','not zero')'. This solely uses absolute references. No matter where you copy and paste the formula, it will check whether cell A1's value is zero.
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How to Publish an Excel Workbook

Excel 2010
1. Click the green 'File' tab at the upper left part of your screen while you have the workbook open. This will bring you to the Microsoft Office Backstage view.
2. Click the 'Save and Send' tab in the menu column on the left side of the page. This will bring up the Save and Send options.
3. Choose 'Save to Web' to publish to your SkyDrive account, or click 'Save to SharePoint' to save the workbook to a SharePoint account.
4. Click 'Publish Options' to choose specific parts of the workbook to publish. You can also just click 'Save As' to publish the whole workbook.
Excel 2007
5. Click on the Microsoft Office button. This will bring up a menu of options for the open workbook.
6. Click on the 'Publish' tab toward the bottom of the column to open a menu called 'Distribute the document to other people.'
7. Click 'Excel Services' in the pane that opens up. This will bring up a 'Save As' pop-up window.
8. Click the 'Excel Services Options' to choose what sections of the workbook you want to publish, and click 'Save' to publish to the desired document library.
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How to Crack/Hack Password Protected Excel Spreadsheets

1. You can do anything with the right tool, only if the right tool existed. In this case the right tool does exist. Brute Force Attack Program will help you easily gain access to the password protected Excel Spreadsheet. It tries every possible password until it gets the one that works. It can take minutes to months depending on how hard you make the password.
2. First go to the link below in 'Resources' and download the Brute Force Attack program. It comes with a trial so you can try before you buy. The good news is the program can help you brute force attack/hack/crack Word Documents and Excel Spreadsheets.
3. Now use the program to open and start the brute force attack, hack, crack on the Excel Spreadsheet.It will get it sooner or later and then your done.
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How to Change Excel 2007 Column Headings

1. Navigate to the folder that contains the Microsoft Excel workbook that you want to edit. Double-click the file to open the workbook in the Microsoft Excel 2007 application.
2. Highlight row 1 in the worksheet to which you wish to add column headers. Right-click the row and choose 'Insert' to add a column header row. Skip this step if there are already column headers typed in row 1 of the worksheet.
3. Type the heading for each column.
4. Click on cell A2 if your worksheet contains only column headings. Click on cell B2 if your worksheet contains both column and row headings.
5. Click the 'Window' tab and choose 'Freeze Panes.' The column and/or row headings that you have typed in will always be displayed at the margins of the worksheet. If you later need to eliminate column headings simply click 'Window' and choose 'Unfreeze Panes.'
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How to Change the Default Page Margins in Excel

1. Open Microsoft Excel and click 'File' on the top of the window. Select 'New' from the File menu. This will open a new Excel workbook.
2. Click 'File,' 'Page Setup' and 'Margins.' Enter a size, in inches, for each margin including the sides, header and footer. Click 'Save' on the bottom of the page.
3. Click 'File' on the top of the window and select 'Save As.' Type 'Book.xlt' into the box beside 'File Name' and select 'Template' from the drop-down menu for the file type.
4. Choose the location to which you are saving this template by navigating to the 'XLStart' folder in the window above the file name box. The exact location of this file on your hard drive can vary, so you will need to search your hard drive beforehand to know where it is located. Click 'Save.'
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How to Use Excel's TRUE Function

1. Learn the syntax for TRUE: it is TRUE(). This function does not require any arguments. Similarly FALSE() always evaluates to FALSE.
2. Use TRUE with the IF function. TRUE might be used for testing purposes to force a certain value to be returned. For example, consider the IF statement: IF (logic_test;true_value;false_value). If logic_test evaluates to TRUE, true_value is returned, otherwise false_value is returned.
3. Look at the following IF statement:IF (TRUE();'is true';'is false')This IF statement will always return the first value. This might be useful during testing if we were not sure what value was being returned.
4. Examine the use of TRUE() with the following AND function:AND (condition1;condition2)AND returns TRUE only if all of its arguments evaluate to TRUE. If during testing we were not sure what condition1 evaluated to, we might substitute TRUE() for condition2 thus:AND (condition1;TRUE())If this AND statement returned TRUE, we would know that condition1 was true.
5. Test an OR function with TRUE(). The statement
OR(condition1:condition2;...) returns TRUE if any condition is TRUE and returns FALSE if all conditions are FALSE. Assume this OR is returning FALSE, and we need it to return TRUE for testing purposes. We could temporarily change one of the conditions to TRUE().
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How to Format a Web Address Hyperlink in Excel 2010

1. Right click the cell that you want to format and click 'Hyperlink.' The 'Insert Hyperlink' dialog box appears on your screen.
2. Click 'Existing File or Web Page' under 'Link to.' Enter the web address in the 'Address' field.
3. Enter the text you want Excel to display in the cell in the 'Text to display' box.
4. Click the 'OK' button.
5. Click the 'Home' tab and click 'Cell Styles' in the 'Styles' group.
6. Right click 'Hyperlink' from the 'Data and Model' heading.
7. Click 'Modify' and then 'Format' (in the 'Style' dialog box). Change the hyperlink's font, style, size and color on the 'Font' tab. To change the cell alignment of the hyperlink, click the 'Alignment' tab. Click the 'Fill' tab to add a background color to the cell.
8. Click the 'OK' button to apply the changes.
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Sunday, August 21, 2011

How to Create an XLSX File

Create XLSX files in Excel 2007
1. Open Microsoft Excel 2007.
2. Click the round 'Office' button at the top-left corner of the Excel window and select 'New.' Choose your preferred document or template type and then click 'Create.'
3. Click the 'Office' button and select 'Save' when you are ready to save your spreadsheet data. Select the 'Save as type' drop-down menu, choose the top-most option labeled 'Excel Workbook' and then click 'Save.' Your document is saved in XLSX format.
Create XLSX files in Excel 2000, Excel XP or Excel 2003
4. Open a Web browser window and navigate to http://update.microsoft.com/. Install all high-priority updates before downloading the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack.
5. Download the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack from the Microsoft website. Double-click the installer file after it downloads to your computer and then follow the on-screen prompts to install the software.
6. Open Microsoft Excel 2000, Excel XP or Excel 2003.
7. Click 'File' in the top menu bar and select 'New.' Choose your preferred document or template type and then click 'OK.'
8. Click 'File' and select 'Save' when you are ready to save your spreadsheet data. Select the 'Save as type' drop-down menu, choose the option labeled 'Excel 2007 Workbook' and then click 'Save.' Your document is saved in XLSX format.
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How to Remove Adobe in Excel

1. Open Microsoft Excel.
2. Click on the program's 'Office' logo button (where the 'File' menu typically is in other Windows programs) at the top of the screen.
3. Click 'Excel Options.'
4. Select the 'Add-in' category from the 'Options' menu. Clear the check box next to the listing for your Adobe add-in and click on the 'OK' button. This will remove the Adobe add-in from your copy of Microsoft Excel.
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How to Use the Exponential Function in Excel

Direct Calculations
1. Launch Microsoft Excel and open a blank workbook if one does not automatically open.
2. Click a cell to select it. Press the '=' to begin to create a formula for the cell.
3. Type 'Power(2,3)' and press 'Enter' or 'Tab' to save the contents of the cell and move to the next cell down or to the right, respectively. Notice that the cell now displays the answer to the first number in parentheses raised to the second number in parenthesis, or 'Two raised to the third power,' which is equal to '8' in this case.
Referenced Cells
4. Launch Microsoft Excel. Open a blank workbook if one does not automatically open.
5. Click a blank cell and type the number '5' into the cell. Press 'Enter' to save the cell contents and move to the next cell down.
6. Type the number '2' into the cell. Press 'Enter' to save the contents and move to the next cell down.
7. Press the 'Equal' key ('=') to begin to create a formula for the cell.
8. Type the word 'Power' followed by the 'Open Parenthesis' symbol. Hold down the 'Shift' key and press the '(' symbol, located on the same key as the number 9, and then click once on the cell with the number '5' in it. Press the ',' on the keyboard, and then click once on the cell with the number '2' in it. Press the close parenthesis key. Hold down 'Shift' key and press the ')' symbol, located on the same key as the number '0.' Press 'Enter.' Notice that the result is the number in the first cell, a '5,' raised to the power in the second cell, a '2,' or '25' in this case. Note that if the first cell is 'A1' and the second cell is 'A2,' then the formula for the third cell will look like '=POWER(A1,A2)' to work correctly.
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Saturday, August 20, 2011

How to Sort by Cell Color in Excel 2003

1. Press 'Alt and 'F11' together from the Excel worksheet you want to sort. This opens the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
2. Click 'Insert' and then click 'Module.'
3. Cut and paste the following code into the blank window:Sub SortByColor()On Error GoTo SortByColor_ErrDim sRangeAddress As StringDim sStartCell As StringDim sEndCell As StringDim rngSort As RangeDim rng As RangeApplication.ScreenUpdating = FalsesStartCell = InputBox('Enter the cell address of the ' _'top cell in the range to be sorted by color' _Chr(13) 'i.e. 'A1'', 'Enter Cell Address')If sStartCell > '' ThensEndCell = Range(sStartCell).End(xlDown).AddressRange(sStartCell).EntireColumn.InsertSet rngSort = Range(sStartCell, sEndCell)For Each rng In rngSortrng.Value = rng.Offset(0, 1).Interior.ColorIndexNextRange(sStartCell).Sort Key1:=Range(sStartCell), _Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _Orientation:=xlTopToBottomRange(sStartCell).EntireColumn.DeleteEnd IfSortByColor_Exit:Application.ScreenUpdating = TrueSet rngSort = NothingExit SubSortByColor_Err:MsgBox Err.Number ': ' Err.Description, _vbOKOnly, 'SortByColor'Resume SortByColor_ExitEnd Sub
4. Press 'F5' to run the macro. The macro will ask you the beginning of the range you want to sort by color: enter the top-left cell in the range.
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How to Insert Hyperlinks into Excel 2007 Without Changing Text Format

1. Open the saved spreadsheet.
2. Click to highlight the text where you wish to insert the hyperlink.
3. Click the Insert tab on the ribbon.
4. Click on the 'Hyperlink' button in the Links group. A dialog box entitled Insert Hyperlink will appear.
5. Click a file from the Look In list. If the hyperlink leads to a website, click the Address box and enter the URL.
6. Click the 'OK' button. The colored hyperlink appears on the selected text.
7. Change the text that contains the hyperlink, if you wish. For example, to change the hyperlink color to match the original font color of the text, click the Home tab's font commands.
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How to Find Row Number of Active Cell For VBA

1. Press 'Alt' and 'F11' together from inside the worksheet where you want to find the active cell's row number. This action opens the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
2. Click 'Insert' and then click 'Module' to open a blank module window.
3. Cut and paste the following code into your worksheet:Sub RowNum()MsgBox 'The active cell row is ' ActiveCell.RowEnd Sub
4. Press 'F5' to run the routine. The macro will return the active cell's row in a message box.
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How to Make a Graph in MS Excel

1. Input the graph data. For the purposes of this example, type 'Month' in cell A1, and type the months January through December in cells A2 through A13. In cell B1, type 'Applications.' For each month, increase the 'Applications' number by 200. In cell B2, type '200,' in cell B3 type '400' and so on. The last figure in the 'Applications' column -- '2,400' -- is in cell B13.
2. Place the cursor on a cell within the data table. If the cursor is not on an item in the table, the chart will not know where to access the data. Go to the 'Insert' tab. Click on the down arrow under the 'Column' option in the 'Charts' panel.
3. Select the first chart option under the '3-D Column' heading. A graph titled 'Applications' will appear in your work area, showing 12 columns that represent the 12 numbers you entered in Step 1.
4. Click on the border of the chart to drag it to the desired location. Change the size of the graph by grabbing one of its corners and dragging it.
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