1. Open Microsoft Excel 2007 by double-clicking on the Excel 2007 icon. After Excel loads, open up the spreadsheet you want to make a bar chart for by clicking 'Open,' then selecting the file.
2. Arrange the data on your spreadsheet into either columns or rows. Essentially, you want one heading, followed by data in the cells directly to the right of it (for rows) or directly below it (for columns). Do this for each bar you want to have in your chart. For example, if you want three bars in your bar chart, you'll need three headings, each followed with data.
3. Highlight all of the data. To do this, click on one cell, hold the mouse button down, and drag the cursor across the rest of the data until it's highlighted.
4. Click 'Charts,' which can be found under the 'Insert' tab near the top of Excel 2007. Click 'Bar Chart.' A bar chart will be embedded on your Excel worksheet. To move the chart to a different location, click on it, then click the 'Design' tab, then 'Move Chart.' You can also change the name of your chart by clicking the 'Properties' tab.