Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to Do Bar Charts in Excel 2007

1. Open Microsoft Excel 2007 by double-clicking on the Excel 2007 icon. After Excel loads, open up the spreadsheet you want to make a bar chart for by clicking 'Open,' then selecting the file.
2. Arrange the data on your spreadsheet into either columns or rows. Essentially, you want one heading, followed by data in the cells directly to the right of it (for rows) or directly below it (for columns). Do this for each bar you want to have in your chart. For example, if you want three bars in your bar chart, you'll need three headings, each followed with data.
3. Highlight all of the data. To do this, click on one cell, hold the mouse button down, and drag the cursor across the rest of the data until it's highlighted.
4. Click 'Charts,' which can be found under the 'Insert' tab near the top of Excel 2007. Click 'Bar Chart.' A bar chart will be embedded on your Excel worksheet. To move the chart to a different location, click on it, then click the 'Design' tab, then 'Move Chart.' You can also change the name of your chart by clicking the 'Properties' tab.
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How to Draw a Scatter Plot on Microsoft Excel

1. Open a blank worksheet in Microsoft Excel. Enter two columns of data you want to plot on a scatter chart. The data should be two sets of value that intersect. For instance, in column A, you could enter daily rainfall in inches, and in column B, enter temperature in degrees. These are two sets of data that intersect at single data points. Enter the title of each set of data in the first cell of each column.
2. Highlight the cells you want to plot on the chart.
3. Click the 'Insert' tab. In the 'Charts' group, select 'Scatter.'
4. Select a chart icon for the scatter plot you want to use. For instance, click the 'Scatter with Only Markers' icon to create a scatter plot without lines. The chart will appear in your workbook.
5. Click in the chart area to display the 'Chart Tools' tabs.
6. Click the 'Design' tab to select a chart style.
7. Select the chart title and type a new name for the scatter plot. Right-click the title. Use the context menu to change the font and font size of the title.
8. Click the chart area. Click the 'Layout' tab. Click 'Axis Titles' in the 'Labels' group to add both horizontal axis and vertical axis titles, and choose the type you want. Select each title, type the text and press 'Enter.'
9. Select the plot area, and use the 'Format' tab to select the shape style you want to use for the plot.
10. Click the 'Microsoft Office' button, and click 'Save As' to save the scatter plot in your workbook.
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How to Disable a Macros Using VBA Excel

1. Open the Excel workbook in which you want to change your macro settings.
2. Click the Microsoft Office icon button in the top, left of your window.
3. Select 'Excel Options' and click 'Trust Center.'
4. Click 'Trust Center Settings' and select 'Macro Settings.'
5. Uncheck the box for the security option 'Trust access to the VBA project object model.'
6. Click 'Apply' and close your settings windows.
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Monday, July 11, 2011

How to Convert to VBA in Excel 2007

1. Open Excel. Click the Office button and select 'Excel Options' from the bottom of the menu that opens.
2. Select the 'Popular' tab from the menu on the left. Click the box next to 'Show Developer Tab in the Ribbon.' This will allow you access the VBA editor function.
3. Click the 'Trust Center' tab and select 'Trust Center Settings.'
4. Choose 'Enable All Macros' under 'Macro Settings' and then check the box next to 'Trust Access to the VBA Project Object Model.'
5. Click 'OK.' After you exit to 'Excel Options,' click 'OK' again to go back to Excel. VBA will now be activated.
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How to Find Duplicate Cell Content on Excel 2003

1. Place the cursor in cell A1 (or the first cell where you want to test for duplicates). Click the 'Format' menu and then click 'Conditional Formatting.' Click the down-arrow in the box under 'Condition 1' and select 'Formula Is.' Enter the following formula into the text box to the right of 'Formula Is.'=COUNTIF(A:A,A1) > 1
2. Click the 'Format...' button on the right side of the window. Click the 'Patterns' tab and select an easy-to-find color such as red or yellow. Click 'OK.'
3. Click the 'Edit' menu with the cursor still in the cell where you entered the formula and select 'Copy.' Press and hold 'Ctrl' and then press the spacebar at the same time to select the entire column. Click the 'Edit' menu again and select 'Paste Special.' Choose the 'Formats' option in the Paste Special dialog and click 'OK.' Any duplicates found in the column will be highlighted with the selected color.
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How to Create New Table Style in Excel 2007

1. Locate the Styles group under the Home tab. Click 'Format as Table.'
2. Choose an existing table. Table styles are organized under light, medium and dark. Each style includes a variety of color choices.
3. Click anywhere in the table to bring up Table Tools. Select the Design tab and click 'More.' Select 'New Table Style.' Type a name for the new table you are creating in the name box.
4. Makes changes to the Table Element box by clicking on each element. Click 'Format' to format or 'Clear' to clear the existing formatting.
5. Click the options you want from the Font, Border and Fill tabs. Press enter or click 'OK' after you make your choices. You can also change the look of a table by turning elements on and off from the Table Tool tab. This allows you to include or omit headers, rows, row banding, column banding, and emphasis on first or last columns.
6. Vary the colors of the table. Look in the Table Styles gallery to choose among sixty different color schemes.
7. Check the formatting changes you made by Previewing. Adjust your changes as needed, and then save.
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tutorial for Solving a System of Linear Equations With Excel

1. Type the equation into a cell, substituting another cell's reference for the equation's variable. For instance, if the equation is '6x 33 = -1,' type '=A2 * 6 33' into cell A1.
2. Click on 'Data' from the menu bar. Click 'Solver' from the 'Analysis' tab.
3. Type the formula's cell reference into the 'Set Objective:' box. With this example, type 'A1.'
4. Enter the equation's target value in the 'Value Of:' box. With this example, type '-1.'
5. Type the cell reference that you substituted in Step 1 into the 'By Changing Variable Cells:' box. With this example, type 'A2.'
6. Click 'Solve.' Excel will change the cells' values to solve the equation. With this example, cell A1 will become '33,' and cell A2 will become '-5.667.'
7. Repeat the process for all your linear equations.
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How to Merge Workbooks in Excel

Preparing a Workbook to Be Shared
1. Open the workbook you want to distribute.
2. Open the Tools menu and click Share Workbook, and then click the Editing tab.
3. Select the 'Allow changes by more than one user at the same time' box.
4. Click the Advanced tab.
5. Under 'Track changes,' click 'Keep change history for.'
6. In the Days box, type a few days longer than the number of days reviewers will spend making changes and comments in the shared workbook.
7. Click OK.
8. Save the workbook.
9. Make copies of the workbook to distribute by using the Save As command in the File menu. Give each copy a different name, such as 'Budget - Sulhi copy' and 'Budget - Marina copy.'
Merging the Shared Workbooks Back Together
10. Open your base copy of the workbook you distributed.
11. Open the Tools menu and select Merge Workbooks.
12. Save the shared workbook if you are prompted.
13. In the box that appears, select one of the copies you made of the workbook.
14. Click OK.
15. Repeats steps 2 through 4 until all copies of the shared workbooks are merged.
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How to Protect Macros in Excel 2003

1. Access the Excel 2003 workbook that contains the macro you need to protect. Click the 'Tools' menu and select 'Macros.'
2. Click 'Visual Basic Editor.' Click the 'Tools' option and then select 'VBAProject Properties.'
3. Navigate to the 'Protection' tab. Click the check box labeled 'Lock project from viewing.'
4. Type the password you want to use for the macro in the text box. Press 'Tab' and then type the password again in the second text box.
5. Click 'OK' and then save your Excel workbook.
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How to Do an Outline in Excel

1. Open the Excel 2010 file that holds the data that you want to outline.
2. Insert summary columns into your data. These are the columns that will summarize the hidden numerical data when you outline is compressed. Right-click the column letter where you want to place the column and select 'Insert.' Select the cell next to the cells that you want to subtotal and enter in '=subtotal(9,X:Y)', where 'X' is the first cell in the range and 'Y' is the last.
3. Click the letter where you want to start your outline. Hold 'Shift' and select the letter where you want end your outline. If you have a summary column at the end of your data, do not include it in your selection.
4. Select the 'Data' tab from the top of the screen. Find the 'Outline' area and click the 'Group' button. A line will appear above the cells, with a '-' on one end. You can click the '-' to close the outline. Just click the ' ' button to open it again. Because your summary column was not included in your selection, it will remain visible when you close the outline.
5. Select additional columns within the overall outline selection. Click the 'Group' button again to group these columns together. Another line will appear, this time just below the first one.
6. Continue to group columns in the same manner until your outline is finished. Your outline can grow up to eight levels deep.
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How to Copy Paste Row Height in Excel 2007

1. Open an Excel spreadsheet with data.
2. Hover your mouse on the line between two row numbers until you see two black arrows facing in opposite directions appear. Click and drag up or down to adjust the row height.
3. Hover your mouse over the row number you just adjusted until the black arrow pointing to the right appears. Click that row to highlight it.
4. Click the 'Home' tab, and then click the little paintbrush icon in the Clipboard group. Your highlighted row should now have a moving, dashed line around it.
5. Click on a row number to paste the row height.
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Monday, June 27, 2011

How to Make Line Graphs in Excel

1. Enter the values you wish to graph in a single column with no spaces.
2. If you wish to attach a descriptor to each value, enter the descriptor to the left of each number in the column. For example, if you want to see how much weight you've lost over time, list the date on the left and the value on the right for each time you've stepped on a scale.
3. Click and drag to highlight all the information you've just entered, including your descriptors. That should cause a blinking box to surround the data you wish to graph.
4. From the top menu, select 'Insert' and then 'Chart.' Choose 'Line graph' from the list of chart types, then select your preferred style from the thumbnails.
5. Follow the prompts to enter a title for your graph and label the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) axes. Your descriptors should already appear along the X axis. You will then be allowed to choose whether to create your graph within your spreadsheet or on a new sheet.
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How to Import a Macro to Excel 2007

1. Open the Microsoft Excel 2007 file that you want to import the macro code into and then click on the 'Developer' tab.
2. Click on the 'Macro Security' option from the 'Code' group. Click on the 'Macro Settings' option from the 'Macro Settings' category.
3. Click on the 'Enable all macros' option and then click on the 'OK' button. Minimize your workbook.
4. Open the Excel file that contains the macro that you want to copy. Click on the 'Developer' tab and then click on the 'Visual Basic' option from the 'Code' group.
5. Click on the 'View' menu option and then click on the 'Project Explorer' option. Click on the macros module you want to import and drag into the other workbook that you want it copied to. The macro will then be fully added to your workbook.
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How to Consolidate Worksheets in Excel

1. Turn on your computer and open the Excel spreadsheets that need to be consolidated.
2. Consolidate spreadsheets by position, category, formula or by using a PivotTable. For this how-to we are going to be consolidating by category. Begin by making sure the format is identical in each worksheet. For example, 'Annual Avg.' and 'Annual Average' are seen as different and won't consolidate together.
3. Next go to the worksheet that you want to consolidate and click 'Data,' then choose 'Consolidate.' This will open the Consolidate box.
4. Specify the range by using the Reference box in the window. Click 'Add' to move the range to the 'All References' box. Continue adding ranges until all are defined.
5. Check the 'Create links to source data' box to add links back to the original data. Then click 'Ok' to save and perform the consolidation.
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Sunday, June 26, 2011

How to Add New Data to Excel 2007 Charts

1. Open the Microsoft Excel 2007 application and the worksheet containing the chart that you want to work with.
2. Click on the chart that you want to add new data for to display the Chart Tools. Make sure you also have the new data stored in the same worksheet where the chart is stored.
3. Click on the 'Design' tab and then click on the 'Select Data' option from the 'Data' group.
4. Click on the 'Add' option from the Select Data Source dialog box. The Edit Series dialog box will then appear.
5. Enter the name for the new series of data into the 'Series name' box. Click in the 'Series values' box and then select the group of cells in your worksheet that contain the new data you want to add. The new data will be added to your chart.
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