1. Open Excel and search for a file that you want to protect. Open the file by clicking the 'Open' icon on the Quick Access Toolbar. Browse your computer and locate the file. Click 'Open.' Select a cell to lock. This cell will not be accessible by people who use this spreadsheet. Right click on the cell and select 'Format Cells.' Select the 'Protection' tab and make sure 'locked' is selected. Click 'OK.'
2. Select the 'Review' tab on the ribbon. Select 'Protect Sheet.' Verify that the 'Protect worksheet and contents of locked cells' is selected. Remove the check from the 'Select locked cells' option. This will prevent any users from accessing the locked cells. Add a password. You will be prompted to confirm this password. Write it down in a secure location. Click 'OK.'
3. Add an additional level of security by password-protecting the file from any access without the password. Save the file by clicking the 'Office' button and selecting 'Save As.' Locate the 'Tools' button in the lower left hand corner of the Save As dialog box. Click the 'Tools' button and select 'General Options.'
4. Add your password to allow you to open the file. You will be prompted to confirm this password. The file is password-protected from entry now. Users cannot open this workbook without knowing the password.