Friday, June 17, 2011

How to Find and Replace Space Strings in Excel 2007

1. Open your Excel spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel 2007.
2. Hold the 'Ctrl' key and press 'H' to open the 'Find and Replace' window.
3. Click the 'Find what' field and press the space bar to enter a space in the field.
4. Enter the replacement text in the 'Replace with' field. This is the text that appears in place of the spaces. If you prefer to simply remove the spaces, then leave this field blank.
5. Click 'Replace all' to automatically replace all spaces in your spreadsheet. Alternatively, click 'Find next' to locate each occurrence, one at a time, and click 'Replace' to selective replace the spaces.
6. Click 'Close' to close the Find and Replace window.
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

How to Encrypt a Spreadsheet in Excel 2003

1. Create a strong document password. After opening the file you want to encrypt in Excel, click the 'Tools' item in the menu bar at the top of the screen, then select 'Options.' In the dialog box, click the 'Security' tab. Enter a strong password in the field labeled 'Password to open.' Strong passwords are at least 10 characters in length, not easy to guess, and include a combination of letters, numbers and symbols.
2. Set the document encryption type. Click the 'Advanced' button next to the password field you just completed. Excel presents you a list of cryptographic algorithm collections used to secure spreadsheets. Encryption of 128 bits or more is considered strong, but some encryption types only support 40 or 56 bits. Scroll down the list and click the 'Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider' option, then enter a value of 128 in the field labeled 'Choose a key length.' Click 'OK' to close the dialog box. Click 'OK' a second time to close the Options box.
3. Save your document. Click the 'File' menu at the top of your screen, then select 'Save.' Your Excel spreadsheet is now protected with a strong password and 128-bit encryption.
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How to Use a Cell in Excel As a Checkbox

1. In Excel, click 'File' from the menu bar.
2. Click 'Options' from the left pane. The 'Excel Options' window will open.
3. Click 'Customize Ribbon' from the left pane.
4. Check the box next to 'Developer' in the 'Customize the Ribbon' section on the screen's right side. Click 'OK.'
5. Switch to the 'Developer' ribbon.
6. Click 'Insert' from the 'Controls' tab.
7. Click the check box icon under 'form controls.' You cursor will turn into cross-hairs.
8. Click on the cell you want to change into a check box. A box will appear there.
9. Drag the check box to align it with the cell. Change the box's label, which is 'Check Box 1' by default.
10. With the check box still selected, click 'Properties' from the Developer ribbon's 'Controls' tab. The 'Format Control' window will open, with the 'Control' tab selected.
11. Enter the cell address in the 'Cell link' box. Click 'OK.'
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How to Reduce a Worksheet Size in Excel 2007

1. Open the Microsoft Excel 2007 file on your computer that contains the worksheet for which you want to reduce the size.
2. Click the 'Page Layout' button from the bottom of the application to switch to the Page Layout view.
3. Select the 'Page Layout' tab and then select the '1 page' option from the 'Width' drop-down menu in the 'Scale to Fit' group.
4. Select the 'Automatic' option from the 'Height' drop-down menu.
5. Click the 'Scale' drop-down menu to select a smaller scale size if you want to reduce the worksheet size even more. Click 'OK' to save your changes.
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How to Display All Help Topics for Excel

Microsoft Office Website
1. Navigate to the Microsoft Office support website.
2. Locate and click 'Excel' in the list of applications under the 'Current Product Help' box.
3. Click 'All Categories' at the end of the list of Excel 2010 help topics.
Embedded Office Help
4. Launch a Microsoft Excel window. Click 'File.'
5. Click 'Help.'
6. Click 'Microsoft Office Help' to launch the Excel help menu.
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How to Make a Duplicate Copy of a Word File

1. Launch Word and open the file you wish to duplicate.
2. Click 'File' to view the saving options.
3. Click 'Save as.' A box will open allowing you to choose a location for the duplicate file.
4. Locate the folder to which you want to save the duplicate document. You can browse your computer directory by clicking the folders and drives in the left or right pane.
5. Click the 'File Name' text box and type a new name for the duplicate file. You can also leave the file name the same so long as you save the file in a new folder.
6. Click 'Save' to create the duplicate document.
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How to do a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) in Microsoft Excel

1. Enable the ToolPak if you have not already done so. Click the 'Office' button, and then choose 'Options.' Click 'Add-In Options,' highlight 'Analysis ToolPak,' and press 'Go.' Highlight 'Analysis ToolPak' a second time, and then press the 'OK' button.
2. Open Excel and create a new spreadsheet file. Add the title 'Time' to the A column, followed by the titles 'Data,' 'FFT Frequency,' 'FFT Complex' and 'FFT Magnitude' to columns B through E respectively.
3. Input the data from your samples into the Data column. Make a note of the number of data points and the sampling rate used.
4. Write the time at which each data point was taken in the Time column. Determine this by dividing the total time by the number of data points.
5. Open the 'Data' tab, and then select 'Data Analysis.' Select the 'Fourier Analysis' option and press the 'OK' button. Set the input range as the information in the Data column and the output as the FFT Complex column.
6. Type the equation '=IMABS (E2)' into the first cell of the FTT Magnitude column. Drag the equation downward to fill every cell of the column. This equation creates real numbers, instead of complex numbers, in the previous column.
7. Fill column F with the corresponding data, from column A, point minus one. Create a separate cell with the equation '=(S/2)/(N/2),' replacing 'S' with the sampling rate and 'N' with the number of samples.
8. Enter the equation '=F2*SG$4' in the first cell of the FTT Frequency column. This time, drag the equation only to the halfway point in the column.
9. Create a graph, using the FTT Magnitude column for the y-axis and the FTT Frequency column for the x-axis. The graph displays the dominant frequencies as peaks.
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How to Do Combination Charts in Excel 2007

1. Launch Microsoft Excel and open the spreadsheet containing data by selecting 'Open' under the Office ribbon, selecting the desired file and clicking the 'Open' button.
2. Check that the data is organized in columns, with the first column containing the categories and the second and third columns containing values.
3. Highlight all three columns by selecting the top of the first column and the bottom of the third column by clicking the mouse button and holding it down to highlight before releasing the mouse button.
4. Click the 'Insert' tab in the top toolbar and click the button for the desired chart type in the 'Charts' group (such as 'Column'). Note: additional options will be displayed for that chart type; select a thumbnail image for the desired presentation of the first data series (the second column).
5. Check that the chart is inserted on the same sheet as the data.
6. Click the second set of data on the chart from the third column (the second colored set of data).
7. Right-click the data series and select 'Format Data Series.'
8. Select the category in the left-hand frame for 'Series Options.'
9. Click the option for 'Secondary Axis' in the section, 'Plot Series On' and click the 'Close' button.
10. Click the 'Insert' tab in the top toolbar.
11. Select a chart type in the 'Charts' group for the selected data series (such as line). Note: additional options for the selected chart type will be displayed; select the thumbnail to present the data series in the third column.
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How to Change the Default Font in Microsoft Excel 2007

Click on the 'Office' button and choose the 'Excel Options' button toward the bottom of the menu.
When the 'Excel Options' dialog box opens, make sure that the 'Popular' tab on the left is selected. In the center of the window you will see the font options. You can select the options you would like to become your new defaults.
3. When you have finished making your selections, click the 'OK' button on the bottom of the dialog box. Your choices will now be the new default font.
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How to Change Text Based on CheckBox Value in Excel

1. Open the Excel 2010 workbook that contains the checkbox that you want to manipulate.
2. Click the 'Developer' tab at the top of the screen. Click the 'Design Mode' button in the middle of the ribbon. This lets you interact with your checkbox.
3. Click on the checkbox to select it. Then, click the 'Properties' button in the 'Controls' area of the ribbon. A small Properties window will open up. Take note of the entry in the 'Name' field at the top of this window, which is usually 'CheckBox1,' or something similar. This is the name of the object, and you will need to know it to write your code. Click the 'X' to close the Properties window.
4. Right-click the checkbox and choose 'View Code' from the pop-up menu. The VBA editor window will appear, with the line 'Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()' already entered into the editor. Place your cursor on the line directly beneath this first one.
5. Enter the following code into the cell:If CheckBox1.Value Then[A1] = 'XXX'Else[A1] = 'YYY'End IfChange 'CheckBox1' to your checkbox's name. Change 'A1' to whatever cell you want the checkbox to manipulate. Change 'XXX' to whatever text you want in the cell when the checkbox has a check in it, and 'YYY' to whatever text you want in the cell when the checkbox is blank. To have one of the options leave a blank cell, just remove the letters but leave the quotes in place.
6. Click the 'X' to close the VBA editor. Click the 'Design Mode' button to turn it off. You can now add or remove a check mark from the checkbox, and your desired cell's text will change.
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How to Break the Y Axis on Excel

1. Launch Excel and open a new workbook. For illustration purposes, type “10,” “12,” “13,” “500” in the first column from cells A1 through A4. If you created a chart from these values, the last value would overwhelm the chart, making the smaller numbers nearly indistinguishable.
2. Highlight the column of numbers by dragging the cursor over them. Press “Ctrl-C” to copy them. Click cell “B1” and press “Ctrl-V” to paste them in the second column. Click cell “B4” and change the value from “500” to “50.” Adding this column allows you to customize the chart without changing the original data in your worksheet.
3. Drag the cursor across cells “B1” to “B4” to highlight them. Click the “Insert” menu and select “Chart.” Select a “Column” chart and click “Next.” Continue clicking “Next until you get to the “Chart Location” menu. Select “As a New Sheet” and click “Finish.”
4. Click on the background to open the Format Plot Area dialog box. Click the “Color” menu and change it to white. Click 'OK.'
5. Click the “Insert” menu and select “Autoshapes.” Click the “Line” tool. Drag the tool diagonally across the middle of the last bar. Double-click the line. Click the “Color” menu and select white. Type “20” in the Weight text field. Click “OK.”
6. Click the “Text Box” tool. Drag it beside “10” on the y-axis and type “10”. Draw text boxes beside each of the other numbers in the y-axis, typing “500” beside “50.”
7. Double-click a number in the y-axis. Click the “Color and Lines” tab. Select “None” in the “Tick Mark Labels” section. Click “OK.” The numbers in the y-axis disappear, leaving the numbers you typed in the text boxes as the y-axis values.
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How to Convert Multiple Excel Sheets to PDF

1. Create your Excel file sheets. Save all the sheets as a PDF by clicking the first sheet and holding down the 'shift' key and clicking on the last sheet. All sheets in between will be selected.To select some but not all sheets, click the first sheet you want to convert and hold down the 'ctrl' key and click the other sheets to convert.
2. Click 'File' at the top of the Excel screen. Click 'Save As.'
3. Name the file. Choose 'PDF' from the document type drop down menu.
4. Click 'Save.' The Excel sheets have been saved as a PDF.
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How to Print Avery Labels in Excel 2007

1. Navigate to Avery's Avery Wizard website.
2. Click the 'Free Download' link in the center of the page. The download should start automatically. If it doesn't click the 'click here' link.
3. Install Avery Wizard by following the on screen instructions.
4. Open Word 2007, then click the 'Avery' tab.
5. Click the 'Avery Wizard.'
6. Follow the instructions in the wizard to select your Avery product. The wizard will prompt you to tell it where the data is saved. Click 'Merge data from existing file' and select the location of your Excel file.
7. Preview your file and print the labels by completing the rest of the wizard.
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How to Use Indirect in Excel 2007 to Link to Another Worksheet

1. Create a tab for links to external sources by right clicking on the tab named Sheet1 and selecting 'Create New Tab.' Name it 'Links.'
2. Enter an '=' in the formula bar in the cell you want the data imported into, and then switch to the spreadsheet you're pulling data from, and click on the cell the data is in. This will create a formula in the form of ='[Accounting.xls]Sheet1'!$A$1 where '[Accounting.xls]' is replaced with the name of the spreadsheet, 'Sheet1' is replaced with the name of the tab in the work sheet you're pulling data from, and '$A$1' is replaced with the reference to the cell the data resides in.
3. Select the cell you just made the reference in. Click on the Formulas tab in Excel 2007 and choose Name Manager. In earlier versions of Excel, go to the Formulas menu and select 'Names.' Assign a name to Links!A1 that will be easy to remember. For this example, choose 'Accounting.'
4. Enter the following formula to reference the data: '=INDIRECT(Accounting)'. This will display the information in the cell with the name Accounting.
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How to Hide the X Axis on MS Excel

1. Click on the chart you want to edit in Excel.
2. Click 'Axes' on the 'Layout' tab at the top of the Excel application.
3. Click 'Primary Horizontal Axis,' then 'None.'
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