Friday, December 27, 2013

How to Use Microsoft Excel to Draw Control Charts and Graphs

Excel 2007
1. Open a new file by clicking on the “Office” button and choosing “New.”
2. Type “control chart” into the ‘Search Microsoft Office Online for Templates’ box.
3. Click on the control chart that appears, then click the “Download” button. The file will download and automatically open. At this stage, you can tailor the control sheet to fit your needs, perhaps by changing the titles in the columns or by placing different totals in the boxes.
4. Graph the control chart. Highlight the text by left clicking at the top left corner of the data and then dragging the cursor to the bottom right. Choose “Insert->Chart” from the toolbar and choose your chart type. For example, click on “2D column graph.” Excel will insert your chart automatically.
Excel 2003
5. Go to the Microsoft Office Templates website and then type in 'Control Sheet' into the search box.
6. Click the 'Download' button. The template will download and install.
7. Click on 'File->Open' from Excel and locate the file you just downloaded. Press 'OK.' The control sheet template will open up. You can adjust the template to suit your needs (for example, different numbers in the rows).
8. Click on 'Insert->Chart' and follow the directions in the Chart Wizard to create a chart (for example, choose a column chart to display your data).
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How to Insert a Watermarked Picture in Excel 2007

1. Open your Excel document. Select the 'Insert' tab.
2. Click the 'Picture' icon on the ribbons bar. Search for the file or picture on your computer. A new window will appear; select the file. Select 'Insert' and the picture will appear in the document.
3. Drag and click the picture into the position you would like.
4. Double-click on the photo for the picture toolbar to appear. On the toolbar, click 'Format Picture.'
5. Select 'Watermark' under the 'Image Control/Color' tab. Lighten or darkened your watermark as necessary.
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Thursday, December 26, 2013

How to Get Microsoft Excel Cells to Shade Gray When Highlighted

1. Open the Microsoft Excel program on your computer. It is usually found in the 'Start' menu under 'Microsoft Office' in most computers.
2. Open a new spreadsheet or select an existing spreadsheet to edit. To open a new spreadsheet, click 'File' and 'New' at the top left-hand side of the program. To open an existing spreadsheet, click 'File' and 'Open.' You can then browse your hard drive for an existing spreadsheet.
3. Select the cell or cells you wish to fill. Click on the cell once to highlight it. If you wish to choose a group of cells, hold down the 'Shift' button while selecting cells.
4. Select your fill color. Either click the paintbucket icon in the top toolbar or right-click within the selected cells and select 'Format Cells.'
5. Select the 'Patterns' or 'Fill' tab. Several shades of gray are available to choose from. Pick your preferable shade from the existing options or click 'More Colors' to customize a shade of gray. Click 'OK' to choose your color.
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How to Use the Paste Special Command in Excel

Switching Rows of Cells to Columns or Columns to Rows
1. Select the cells that you want to switch.
2. Open the Edit menu and select Copy.
3. Select the upper left cell of the paste area. The paste area must be outside the copy area.
4. Open the Edit menu and select Paste Special.
5. Select the Transpose check box.
6. Click OK.
Pasting Only Values, Formulas, Comments, or Cell Formats
7. Select the cell or range of cells you want to copy.
8. Open the Edit menu and select Copy.
9. Click the cell you want to paste the information into, or click the upper left boundary of the cell range you want to paste the information into.
10. Open the Edit menu and select Paste Special.
11. Select Formula to copy only the formula of the cell.
12. Highlight Values to copy only the outcome of the formula you copied into the cell and not the formula itself.
13. Select Format to copy just the format of the cell (font, alignment, and so on).
14. Choose Comments to copy only annotations for the cell.
15. Click OK to accept the option you selected.
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How to Copy an Array to a Range in Excel 2007

1. Open Excel and load the worksheet with the data sets you want to use to feed an array formula.
2. Select a cell and enter the array formula. For example, if you wanted to have the formula multiply the number in B1 by the number in C1, you'd enter the formula =B1*C1. Hit 'Ctrl'-'Shift'-'Enter' to make sure it's entered as an array formula.
3. Select the cell with the newly entered array formula. Hit 'Ctrl'-'C' to copy it.
4. Select the other cells in the range you want in the array formula. Hit 'Ctrl'-'V' to copy the array formula throughout the range.
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How to Create Named Ranges in Excel 2007

1. Launch the Microsoft Excel program by double-clicking the program's shortcut on the desktop or by selecting 'Microsoft Excel' from the 'Start', 'Programs' or 'All Programs' menu.
2. Click the 'Office Button' in the upper left corner of the program window and select 'Open.' Click the down arrow to the right of the 'Look in' text box to browse to the folder that contains the file you want to work with. Select the file, and click 'Open.' If you are creating a new spreadsheet, Click the 'Office Button' and select 'New.' Select 'Workbook' and click 'OK.' A blank spreadsheet should be displayed. Enter your data.
3. Select the cells you are interested in using in the named range. Click the 'Formulas' menu on the menu bar. Click the 'Define Name' button on the ribbon to open the 'New Name' dialog box. Click in the 'Name' text box and type a name of your choice. Click 'OK' to define the name and return to your spreadsheet. The name of your range should appear in the 'Name Box' in the upper left corner of the program window.
4. Click somewhere outside the named range to deselect it. Look at the 'Name Box.' The name you created has been replaced by the location of the cell you are in.
5. Click the down arrow to the right of the 'Name Box' and select the name you created. The name reappears in the 'Name Box,' and the name range becomes selected.
6. Click the 'Name Manager' button on the ribbon to view all of the names in your Workbook. Select a name to view the cells it references. Notice that the range of cells that the name refers to can be changed here. Click 'OK.'
7. Click the 'Office Button' and select 'Save' to save the spreadsheet. If you are prompted with the 'Save As' dialog box, navigate to the location you want to save the file in, enter a name for the file in the 'File Name' text box, and click 'Save.'
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

How to Make a Striped Line on a Bar Graph in Excel on a Mac

1. Double-click the Excel icon on the Dock or find the program in your Applications folder and double-click it. Open the Excel graph through the File menu. Alternatively, find the graph on your hard drive and double-click it.
2. Click on the a bar in your graph and click the 'Format' tab on your toolbar.
3. Click the down arrow on the 'Shape Fill' button. Click 'Texture' and then 'More Textures.' Click the circle by the label 'Picture or texture fill.' Click the 'ClipArt' button. In the search box type 'lines' (without quotes). Press 'Enter.' A selection of graphic lines will appear on your menu. Double-click one and hit the 'Close' button. Your bar graph will appear striped.
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How to Print or Page Setup in Excel 2007

1. Click the Office Button at the top left-hand corner. Select 'Print' from the options available and then select 'Print Preview.' In the Print Preview view you will see how the printed copy will look, as well as view and adjust the margins and view page setup options.
2. Select 'Page Setup.' In the dialog box that appears you can set the spreadsheet to print in Landscape mode instead of Portrait. Click the 'Margins' tab to adjust the margins of your spreadsheet as well as vertical and horizontal alignment.
3. Click the 'Header/Footer' tab. Enter any information you want to appear in the header or footer. Click on the drop-down menus below to insert special fields, such as 'Page x of y.'
4. Click on the rightmost tab, labeled 'Sheet.' You can select whether to print gridlines and/or row and column headings here. Click 'OK' after making changes to the page setup.
5. Click the Office Button at the top left-hand corner, then click 'Print,' and 'Print' again. There are several Print options you can choose from.
6. Choose the printer you want to print to by clicking the arrow beside the printer name to view a drop-down list of printer options. Select the printer you want to use.
7. Select the number of copies you want to print. You can also choose whether to print all of your workbook or just part of it under 'Print what.' Define which pages you want to print under 'Print range.' For example, you can choose to print pages 2 to 7 by entering '2-7'. After you make any necessary changes to print options, click 'OK' and your workbook will begin printing.
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How to Make Drop Down Fields in Microsoft Excel

Start Microsoft Excel. Open a new blank spreadsheet, or open the spreadsheet to which you want to add a drop down list.
Select the cell or the range of cells in which you want to make a drop down list.
Open the Data Validation dialog by going to the 'Data' menu in Excel 2003 and selecting 'Validation,' or by clicking the 'Data' tab of the ribbon in Excel 2007 and selecting 'Data Validation.'
Go to the 'Settings' tab. Click the drop down arrow under 'Allow' and select 'List.'
Type each list item into the 'Source' box, placing a comma between each word in the list. Click 'OK' to apply the list.
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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

How to Find Duplicate Entries on Excel

1. Launch Microsoft Office Excel 2007 on your computer.
2. Select the rows or columns where you want to find the duplicate entries. Point your mouse in the first cell and continue to hold down the mouse while you drag over the cells you wish to search.
3. Click the 'Home' tab and then click 'Conditional Formatting' under 'Styles' in the top menu.
4. Select 'Highlight Cells Rules' from the drop-down menu. Click on 'Duplicate Values.'
5. Select 'Duplicate' under 'Format cells that contain:' in the Duplicate Values dialog box.
6. Select a highlighting style from the drop-down menu in the Duplicate Values dialog box. Styles include a variety of fill and text-color options.
7. Click 'OK.' All duplicate values will be highlighted in your Excel spreadsheet.
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How to Have Three Secondary Axes on Excel 2007

1. Open the chart you want to work with by clicking the Office button, 'Open,' and selecting the file.
2. Click the chart you want to add the additional axes to. This brings up the 'Chart Tools' tab in the top right corner of Excel.
3. Click the 'Format' tab. Select the arrow under 'Chart Area' (in the 'Current Selection' group on the left side of the toolbar). This brings down a selection box. Choose the series you want to add an additional axis to.
4. Click 'Format Selection.' Format Selection is directly below the 'Chart Area' tab.
5. From the 'Series Options' tab (this should be the first one displayed), click 'Secondary Axis' and then click the 'Close' button.
6. Click the 'Layout' tab and choose 'Axes' from within the Axes group. Click on 'Secondary Vertical Axis' and choose a display option.
7. Repeat Steps 2 to 6 to add another axis.
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How to Convert Excel 2003 to PDF

1. Open the Microsoft Excel 2003 spreadsheet that you want to convert to PDF.
2. Click the 'File' option from the top navigation bar.
3. Select 'Print' from the context menu.
4. Select 'Adobe PDF' from the 'Printer Name' drop-down box. A file dialog box will appear.
5. Type a new name for the new PDF file.
6. Specify a new location for the file, if desired, using the drive and folder navigators.
7. Click the 'Save' button. The Excel 2003 file has now been saved as a PDF.
8. Open the new PDF file in Adobe Acrobat or Reader and verify that it has was converted correctly.
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How to Create a UserForm in Excel 2007

1. Start Excel 2007 and open a new workbook. Click the Microsoft Office Button (on the upper left corner of your task bar), and select Excel Options. In the new pop-up window, click Popular, and check the box titled 'Show Developer tab in the Ribbon.' In Microsoft Office Excel 2007, click Visual Basic in the Code group on the Developer tab. You should now see the Developer Tab on the top of your screen.
2. Click Visual Basic on the Developer tab. Visual basic can be found under Code group on the Developer tab. Now go the Insert menu and select User Form. You can now customize your User Form according to the task you want it to accomplish. If necessary, draw frame controls and label controls. Labels make data entry easier by naming columns and are often needed for data-driven forms.
3. Type the macro code. Double-click the user form to bring up the code window, where you will insert the macro code.
4. Save the user form. When you are finished with the macro, save it and return to Excel. Now go to the Developer tab and click on Macros. In the new pop-up window, click on Show User Form, and press Run to activate your User Form.
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How to Calculate Variance in Excel 2007

1. Enter your data into one row in Microsoft Excel.
2. Type '=VAR(' in a cell that does not have data. For example, if all of your data is in column A, then use cell B1 for the variance function.
3. Highlight your data by clicking on the top of the data and dragging the mouse down to the bottom of the data.
4. Type ')' in the cell with your variance function to close the function and then press Enter. The cell now displays the variance of your data.
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How to Use Microsoft Excel COUNTIF

1. Open or create a Microsoft Excel worksheet with columns or rows of text in which you want to tally the number of cells containing a single word and nothing else. For example, you could have a column labeled 'Trip Date' and another column labeled 'City.' Let's say you want to find out how many times you went to Detroit in a month.
2. Click the cell at the bottom of the City column. Although you can place the Countif formula in any location, for this example, we will be placing it beneath the City column to count the occurrences of the word Detroit.
3. Type '=COUNTIF(range,criteria),' where the range equals the cell range in which you want to count and the criteria equals the word. For example, you could type the following to count the number of times Detroit appears between cells B2 and B12:=COUNTIF(B2:B12,'Detroit')
4. Press 'Enter' to get your result.
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