1. Create data that can be charted. Open Excel 2007, and either open an existing worksheet or use the default. Enter or create some data that supports the creation of a chart, for example the amount of sales by product over a period of time. This data should be in the form of a table, with the element values to be charted populating the left hand column and the data series, or information about the elements, in the cells across from each element. More than one series, for example the quarters in a year, can be included for each element. Title the data series across the top of the table and do not leave any blank spaces in the table.
2. Select the data to be charted. Left-click and drag a box around the data to select it. Make sure to include both the data and the labels.
3. Choose the chart type. Select 'Insert' on the Excel 2007 ribbon and then choose from the chart types listed in the 'Charts' section. For a chart type that's not visible, select the 'Other Charts' icon. The chart will be placed on the worksheet near the table of data. By default, the series will be listed across the bottom, or 'x-axis,' and the elements will be listed to the side. The element values will be listed on the left, or 'y-axis' of the chart.
4. Position the chart. Left-click on any white space on the chart, and move it to the desired location.
5. Format the chart. Right-click on the chart and a variety of options will appear in a dialog. Change the font displayed within the chart, change the chart type and select different chart data by selecting the relevant item from the list. To change the chart's appearance, select 'Format Chart Area,' and then select from the options to change the chart's 'Fill,' 'Border Color,' 'Border Styles,' 'Shadow' and '3-D Format.'
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