Sunday, August 11, 2013

How to Make All Excel Rows the Same Height

1. Open Microsoft Excel.
2. Hold the 'Ctrl' key and press 'A' to select all cells.
3. Right-click any row number and select 'Row Height...' from the pop-up menu.
4. Enter a point size for the cell in the 'Row Height' window and click 'OK' to set all rows to that size. Alternatively, you can click and drag the line between row numbers to change them visually. When you release your mouse button, all rows will appear at the selected height.
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How to Calculate the Percent Change in Excel

1. Open Microsoft Excel.
2. Click the cell where you want the calculation to be performed.
3. Type '=(B-A)/A' and press 'Enter' to calculate the decimal change from 'A' to 'B.' Replace 'A' with the original number, and 'B' with the new number. As an example, to calculate the decimal change on a sale which reduced the original price of $120 to the sale price of $80, you would enter '=(80-120)/120' and press 'Enter.' This produces 0.3333. You can also use cell references, such as '=(A2-A1)/A1' where 'A1' references the first row of the 'A' column.
4. Right-click the cell, and select 'Format Cells...'
5. Click 'Percentage' under the 'Category' list of the 'Number' tab. Select the number of 'Decimal places' and click 'OK' to change the decimal change into percent change. The default number of decimal places is two. In the example, 0.3333 is converted into '33.33%.'
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How to Create Check Boxes

Set Up Word or Excel
1. Click 'Start' > 'All Programs' > 'Microsoft Office' and then either 'Microsoft Word 2010' or 'Microsoft Excel 2010.'
2. Select 'Options' from the 'File' tab in Microsoft Office or Microsoft Excel's ribbon. Select 'Customize Ribbon.'
3. Select the 'Developer' check box under 'Main Tabs.' Click 'OK.'
Check Boxes in Word
4. Select 'Design Mode' from the 'Developer' tab of the ribbon.
5. Click the place on the document where you want to insert the check box.
6. Click the 'Check Box Content Control' icon in the 'Controls' group of the Developer tab.
7. Select 'Properties' in the 'Controls' group of the Developer tab. Enter an optional title or tag. Change any other optional settings pertaining to formatting and click 'OK.' Enter labels and instructions.
8. Add more check boxes if you desire groups. Select the group of check boxes by pressing the Ctrl key and clicking on each you want. Select 'Group' from the 'Controls' group of the Developer tab.
9. Select 'Save' from the 'File' tab.
Check Boxes in Excel
10. Select 'Insert' from the 'Developer' tab of the ribbon bar. Select the check-box icon in the 'Form Controls' group.
11. Select the cell of the Excel worksheet where you want the upper left corner of the check-box control located.
12. Select 'Properties' from the 'Controls' group of the Developer tab.
13. Select one of three initial states for 'Value' for the check box: unchecked (default), checked or mixed (applies for groups of check boxes where one or more values may be checked initially).
14. Enter the cell reference that contains the initial value of the check box under 'Cell link,' e.g., $C$1. You may click the icon and then click the cell in the spreadsheet if you prefer. Click 'OK.'
15. Click to the right of the check box to edit the label text. Select 'Save' from the 'File' tab.
Protect the Word Form for Distribution
16. Select 'Restrict Editing' on the Developer tab in Word.
17. Check the box for 'Allow only this type of editing in the document' in section two of the 'Restrict Formatting and Editing' pane located on the right of your screen. Select 'Filling in forms' from the drop-down list in section two 'Editing restrictions.'
18. Click 'Yes, Start Enforcing Protection' in section three 'Start enforcement.' You may enter a password or leave the password fields blank. Click 'OK.'
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Sunday, July 28, 2013

How to Change Row Colors in Pivot Table

1. Open Microsoft Excel 2003, then open the workbook containing the pivot table you want to change the row colors.
2. Click the tab in the Excel workbook for the sheet that contains the pivot table. If workbook tabs are hidden, click the 'Tools' link in the menu bar, then click the 'Options' link in the drop-down menu to open the 'Options' dialog box. Click the 'View' tab in the dialog box, check the box next to 'Sheet tabs,' then click the 'OK' button.
3. Select one of the rows in the pivot table you want to change the color. Click the first cell in the row, then drag the pointer to the final cell. Do not select the row by clicking on the row number as this will result in the row color you apply extending beyond the limits of the pivot table.
4. Right click over the row you have selected and click the 'Format Cells' link in the context menu.
5. Click the 'Patterns' tab, then click the color you want from the set of colors displayed in the 'Cell Shading' section.
6. Click the 'OK' button to close the 'Format Cells' window and apply the color you chose to the row you selected. Repeat the process to apply color to other rows in the pivot table.
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How to Remove Excel From Shared Mode

1. Click the Windows Start icon and select 'All Programs.' Click 'Microsoft Office,' then click 'Microsoft Excel.' The spreadsheet software opens.
2. Press the 'Ctrl' and the 'O' keys to open the 'Open' dialog window. Double-click the file you want to edit.
3. Click the 'Review' ribbon tab, then click 'Protect and Share Workbook.' This button opens a sharing configuration window.
4. Remove the check mark next to the 'Allow changes by more than one user at the same time.' Click 'OK' to save the changes.
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How Do I Change Margins on One Page of a Document in Microsoft Word?

1. Highlight all of the text on the page where you want to change the margins.
2. Open the 'Page Setup' dialogue box.
3. Enter your desired margin sizes in each corresponding margin field.
4. Click the drop-down arrow next to 'Apply to' and choose 'Selected text.'
5. Click 'OK' to finish adding margins.
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How to Create a Chart in Excel 2007

1. Create data that can be charted. Open Excel 2007, and either open an existing worksheet or use the default. Enter or create some data that supports the creation of a chart, for example the amount of sales by product over a period of time. This data should be in the form of a table, with the element values to be charted populating the left hand column and the data series, or information about the elements, in the cells across from each element. More than one series, for example the quarters in a year, can be included for each element. Title the data series across the top of the table and do not leave any blank spaces in the table.
2. Select the data to be charted. Left-click and drag a box around the data to select it. Make sure to include both the data and the labels.
3. Choose the chart type. Select 'Insert' on the Excel 2007 ribbon and then choose from the chart types listed in the 'Charts' section. For a chart type that's not visible, select the 'Other Charts' icon. The chart will be placed on the worksheet near the table of data. By default, the series will be listed across the bottom, or 'x-axis,' and the elements will be listed to the side. The element values will be listed on the left, or 'y-axis' of the chart.
4. Position the chart. Left-click on any white space on the chart, and move it to the desired location.
5. Format the chart. Right-click on the chart and a variety of options will appear in a dialog. Change the font displayed within the chart, change the chart type and select different chart data by selecting the relevant item from the list. To change the chart's appearance, select 'Format Chart Area,' and then select from the options to change the chart's 'Fill,' 'Border Color,' 'Border Styles,' 'Shadow' and '3-D Format.'
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Saturday, July 27, 2013

How to Calculate IRR

1. Set up a new spreadsheet with each row showing the cash inflows and outflows by year. For example, Row 1 would have the cost of the new equipment at time zero (the date of purchase). Row 2 would have the expected manufacturing cost savings in year 1. Row 3 would have the savings in year 2, etc.
2. Choose 'Insert/Function' from the main menu. Select 'All Functions' and choose 'IRR' from the list.
3. A box will appear that asks you to define the values, and for a guess. Highlight your cash inflows and outflows in your spreadsheet to be the relevant values. For a guess, choose the default of .10. There will almost never be a need to make another, different guess, unless you are dealing with multiple IRRs.
4. The formula calculates your internal rate of return (IRR) in percentage format and inserts the answer into your chosen cell. If you do not wish the formula to round the percentage, choose 'Increase Decimal' on your toolbar to add decimal places.
5. Compare the calculated internal rate of return (IRR) to your benchmark rate for investments. For example, if your other alternative is to invest that initial capital outlay in another investment, you would compare the IRR to the rate you would earn on another investment. If the rate of return is higher than your benchmark rate, you would choose to invest in the project. If you are calculating IRRs on multiple potential projects, you would choose the project with the highest IRR.
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How to Convert Mac Office 2003 Excel to Windows Excel 2003

1. Connect the flash drive to your Mac computer. In a moment you are going to see a desktop icon appear for the device.
2. Open Microsoft Office 2003 and load the file you want to convert over to Windows.
3. Click 'File,' 'Save' and select the flash drive as your save location.
4. Eject the flash drive by dragging it down to the trash can in the lower right corner of your desktop dock. Once the icon is gone you can safely remove the device from your Mac.
5. Connect the flash drive to your Windows computer. Launch Microsoft Office Excel 2003.
6. Click 'File,' followed by 'Open.' Select the flash drive and choose the Excel file you saved from the Mac. Click 'Open' and the file is opened into the program.
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Friday, July 26, 2013

How to Learn Excel for Free on the Computer

1. Click 'Start,' click 'All Programs,' click 'Microsoft Office' and then click 'Microsoft Office Excel 2007' to display its Book1 - Microsoft Excel window.
2. Click the blue question mark — Microsoft Office Excel Help — button to display the Excel Help window. Scroll to 'Training' and then click on it to display a list of Training Topics. Click on 'Excel 2007 training courses' to display its window, which is subtitled: A roadmap to Excel 2007 training. Click on the title of any course listed here to display its website, read its title page, click 'Start this course' to display page 2, and then click 'Back' and 'Next' to navigate through its web pages. Most of these courses include practice exercises and self-evaluation tests. When you have finished a course, simply close your browser to redisplay the Excel 2007 training courses window in help.
3. Scroll to '1. GET FAMILIAR WITH EXCEL,' click 'UP TO SPEED WITH EXCEL 2007' to display its web page and then work through the course as described in step 2. Click 'Get to know Excel 2007: Create your first workbook' and then work through its course. Click 'Get to know Excel 2007: Enter formulas' and then work through its course. Click 'Learn how to figure out dates using formulas in Excel 2007' and then work through its course. Completing these four courses should help learn how to use the basic features of Excel 2007.
4. As needed, you can continue with the other courses in: 2. CREATE CHARTS IN EXCEL, 3. CREATE PIVOTTABLE REPORTS, 4. SHARE DATA WITH OTHER PEOPLE, and 5. LEARN GENERAL OFFICE SKILLS.
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How to Spell Check Multiple Worksheets in Excel

1. Open Excel by double-clicking on the program's icon. Open the document with multiple worksheets that you want to spell check.
2. Click on the first bottom tab while holding down the 'Shift' key. Continue holding down the 'Shift' key and click on the remaining tabs to highlight all worksheets that need checking for spelling or grammatical errors.
3. Select the 'Tools' menu option and then choose 'Spelling.' A popup box appears asking, 'Do you want to continue checking at the beginning of the sheet?' Click 'Yes.'
4. Review each word that the computer doesn't recognize. The spell check takes you through each worksheet. The popup box gives you options for each spelling mistake: 'Ignore,' 'Change,' 'Add,' 'AutoCorrect,' 'Ignore All' or 'Change All.'
5. Choose the option that fits your needs for each word. Clicking on that option takes you to the next error.
6. Go through each potential error that pops up. A popup box then appears stating, 'The spelling check is complete for the selected sheets.' Click on 'OK.'
7. Hit 'Save' to save any changes you made to your worksheets. Then, click on one of the tabs highlighted so further changes you make don't affect multiple worksheets.
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How to Calculate Compound Interest for Excel 2003

1. Title cell A1 'Principal,' cell A2 'Compounding Periods,' cell A3 'Yearly Rate,' cell A4 'Time Period,' cell A5 'Periodic Rate' and cell A6 'Total Interest.'
2. Enter the value for the amount of money you started with in cell B1, the number of times interest compounds each year in cell B2, the yearly interest rate in cell B3 and the number of years you will leave the money in the account in cell B4.
3. Enter the formula '=B3/(B2*100)' in cell B5 to calculate the periodic interest rate. You have to divide by 100 to convert from a percentage to a decimal.
4. Enter the formula '=B1*(1 B5)^(B2*B4)-B1' in cell B6 to find the total interest. Once you have entered the formula, the total interest for your specified time period will be displayed.
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How to Merge or Split Cells Data in Microsoft Excel

1. Open Excel 2010. Type some random numbers in cells A1, B1 and C1. Highlight cells A1, B1 and C1.
2. Click the 'Home' tab and select 'Merge and Center.' The cells will merge as one large cell displaying information from cell A1.
3. Split the merged cells by selecting the newly merged cell. Click 'Merge and Center' icon. The cells will split displaying three separate cells again.
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How to Create a Dropdown List in Excel 2007

1. Type a list of entries for the drop-down list in a single column. For example, if you want a drop-down list for the days of the week, type 'Monday' in cell A1, 'Tuesday' in cell A2, 'Wednesday' in cell A3, 'Thursday' in cell A4, 'Friday' in cell A5, 'Saturday' in cell A6, and 'Sunday' in cell A7.
2. Click on the cell where the drop-down list will go.
3. Click on the 'Data' tab, then click on 'Data Validation,' then click on 'Data Validation' again.
4. Click on the 'Settings' tab in the dialog box.
5. Click on 'List' from the 'Allow' box.
6. Enter the cell references into the 'Source' text box. In the above example, you would type '=A1:A7.' The 'in-cell dropdown' check box should already be checked. If it isn't, make sure to check it.
7. Click on the 'OK' button. Excel will insert a list into the chosen location.
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Thursday, July 25, 2013

How to Create a Spreadsheet Template in Excel

1. Create a workbook file with all the basic settings you use: sheets, default text (such as column and row labels and page headers and footers), formulas, macros and anything else you want in new workbooks based on the template. You probably don't want to enter a lot of data into the template, but you might.
2. Open the File menu and select Save As.
3. In the 'Save as type' box, click Template (*.xlt).
4. In the 'Save in' box, select the folder where you want to store the template. To create a normal template, select the Templates folder, which should have automatically opened when you chose the Template type in the previous step.
5. To make this template the default (so that it's automatically selected), save the folder in the XLStart folder. The XLStart folder should be located in the following place: C:\Windows\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLStart.
6. In the 'File name' box, type a name for the template (like 'Budget template'). Use the name 'book' if you want this template to be the default.
7. Click Save.
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