Thursday, June 27, 2013

How to Delete a Named Range in Excel 2007

1. Open your Excel file.
2. Click 'Formulas.'
3. Select 'Name Manager.'
4. Highlight the named range.
5. Press 'Delete.'
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How to Make a Decision Tree in Excel

1. Draw a square in a blank Excel worksheet. In Excel 2007, click 'Insert,' then 'Shapes' and then click on a square. In Excel 2003, click on the 'Rectangle' autoshape button on the drawing toolbar and drag the square to your worksheet.
2. Right-click on the square and click 'Add text.' Type the major decision into the box. For example, you might be deciding whether to save or spend a recent windfall, so write 'Save or Spend' in the box.
3. Select a 'Line' shape from the toolbar. Click on the right edge of the square and drag the line to a length of an inch or two (you can change the lengths of the lines at a later time by clicking and dragging on them). In the above example, you would draw two lines of equal length (one for 'Spend' and one for 'Save').
4. Draw two more squares at the end of the lines, repeating the process for inserting a square from Steps 1 and 2 to draw the square and insert text. In the given example, write 'Spend' in one text box and 'Save' in the other. This creates your first set of branches.
5. Repeat the above process to as many branches as you need to your tree.
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How to Upgrade From Excel 2003 to 2010

Office 2010 Installation
1. Place the Office 2010 installation disc into your computer or download Office 2010 from the Microsoft website.
2. Follow the prompts to initiate the installation of Office 2010. If you have downloaded a version of the software, you may be prompted to unzip the files. For CDs, you will have to enter a product key, which can be found on your CD case.
3. Click 'Customize' in the 'Choose the installation you want' dialog box.
4. Right click and then click 'Not available' for all programs except for Excel 2010.
5. Click 'Install now' to install Excel 2010.
Excel 2010 Download
6. Visit the Microsoft Excel 2010 website.
7. Purchase a copy of Excel 2010. Click 'Download' to download a copy of Excel to your computer or click 'Ship it' to receive a disc.
8. Follow the instructions for installation. For CDs, place the CD into your CD drive and follow the on screen prompts. For downloads, follow the on-screen prompts after downloading the file from the Microsoft website.
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How to Transfer Excel VB Data From Range to Array

1. Click the “View” tab on the 'Ribbon' menu. Click the “Macros” icon to display the “Macro” dialog.
2. Select an existing macro name in the list box if you want to add the ability to copy data from a range of cells to an array. Click “Edit” to open the Visual Basic editor. If you want to write a new macro, type the name into the “Macro name” text box and click “Create.'
3. Declare an array variable as a 'Variant' data type. The following example declares the array 'RangeArray':Dim RangeArray As Variant
4. Assign the data cell range to the array. Continuing the example, assign the cells A1 through A10:RangeArray = Range('A1', 'A10')
5. Access the data in the array. To confirm that the example has worked, display the third value in the range with a message dialog:MsgBox RangeArray(3, 1)
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How to Format Drop

1. Open Excel 2010 and select a workbook that will contain the drop-down list. Click the 'File' tab and select 'Open.' Browse your files and select the workbook. Click the 'Open' button. The workbook opens.
2. Highlight the range of cells where the drop-down list will be displayed. Select the 'Data' tab, then select 'Data Validation.' The Data Validation dialog box appears.
3. Click the 'Settings' tab. Change the 'Allow' drop-down list to 'List.' In the 'Source' drop-down box, type 'Yes,No,Maybe.'
4. Click the 'Input Message' tab. The input message will appear as the user uses the drop-down list. Use it to add helpful information. In the 'Title' field, type the title of your Input message. Add additional details in the 'Input Message' field.
5. Click the 'Error Alert' tab. The error alert tab informs the user of data input mistakes when the user manually types the wrong information, instead of using the options from the drop-down list. Select the 'Stop' icon in the 'Style section. In the 'Title' field, type the title of your Error message. Add additional details in the 'Error Message' field. Click 'OK.'
6. Click in one of the fields of the highlighted cells. Notice the drop-down list and input messages that appear.
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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How to Hide Worksheets in Excel 2007

1. Select the worksheets you want to hide. Click the worksheet tab, such as Sheet1 or Sheet2 to select one sheet. To select at two or more adjacent sheets, click the first tab then hold the 'Shift' key and click the last tab. To select more than one nonadjacent sheets, click the first tab then hold the 'Control' key and click the other tabs you want to hide. To select all sheets, right-click any sheet tab then choose 'Select All Sheets' on the shortcut menu.
2. Click 'Format' in the Cells group located on the Home tab above the worksheets.
3. Select 'Hide and Unhide' under Visibility and click 'Hide Sheet.'
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How to Make an Invoice in Excel 2007

1. Click the round 'Office' button in the top left of the Excel worksheet. A drop down will appear with a list of icons on the left and a list of 'Recent Documents' on the right.
2. Click 'New,' the first icon at the top of the list on the left of the drop down. A new screen will pop up automatically defaulting to 'Blank and recent' in the box on the left of the screen and 'Blank Workbook' at the top of the middle box.
3. Click 'Invoices' in the box on the left of the screen under the header 'Microsoft Office Online.' The middle screen will change to show thumbnails of various invoice designs.
4. Click through the various invoices to view the different options available. If this is your first time using a template, information to the right of the middle box will appear asking you to accept using these forms. Click 'I Accept' if you accept the terms of the templates. Once you've clicked that, you will never need to click it again and instead will see larger thumbnail views of the template you currently have selected.
5. Click 'Download' once you have found a template that fits your business needs. The template will download and open. Modify appropriate areas to show your company name and information.
6. Click the 'Office' button in the top left. In the drop down, click 'Save' to name and save your template where you will remember it.
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How to Calculate the Percentage Change From the Previous Year in Excel

1. Enter previous and current year information in columns side by side. Give the column headings to indicate the first is the current year information and the second is the prior year information.
2. Name the next column 'Percent Change,' and click on the first row in that column that has data in the fields for current and previous years.
3. Enter the following formula into the cell; '=(cell with current year info)-(cell with prior year info)/(cell with prior year info).' For example, if the first row to have data in it is Row 6, the current year information is in Column C, the prior year information is in Column D, and the column being used to show the percentage of change is Column E, the formula '=(c6-d6)/c6' would be entered into Cell E6.
4. Format the result to a percentage. Right-click on the cell and choose 'Format cells.' Choose 'Percentage' from the list along the left of the next window. Choose the number of decimals to show.
5. Copy the formula for the cell down to the rows below. To quickly do so, place the cursor in the lower right corner of the cell until a ' ' appears. Press the left mouse button and hold it down as you drag the mouse down to the final row for which the formula is needed. Notice that the formula adjusts itself to each row; therefore, the cell below e6 shows the formula as '(c7-d7)/d7.'
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How to Create Labels in Microsoft Office 2007 From Excel 2007

1. Open a new Excel spreadsheet. Type 'Last Name' into Cell A1. Move right across the first row of cells labeling each new cell with the information you need in order, such as 'First Name,' 'Title,' 'Address,' 'City' and 'Zip Code.'
2. Type in the relevant information for each mailing label you need on the column below the row heading. For example, type in the last name for each contact underneath the 'Last Name' column.
3. Highlight the entire section of columns and rows with the mailing label information, including the top row headers. Navigate to the 'Formulas' tab and click 'Define Name.' Type in a name for the address list, such as 'Invitations' or 'Mailing List.'
4. Save the spreadsheet and close the Excel 2007 program. Open a new Word 2007 document. Navigate to the 'Mailings' tab and click 'Start Mail Merge.' Select 'Labels.'
5. Use the drop-down menus to select the specific type of labels you are using. Check the code on the back of the label's packaging if you aren't sure what type you have.
6. Click 'OK' and then click the Microsoft Office button at the upper-left end of the window. Select 'Word Options.' Choose 'Advanced' and then click the check box labeled 'Confirm file format conversion on open.'
7. Click 'OK.' Navigate back to the 'Mailings' tab and click 'Select Recipients.' Choose 'Use Existing List.' Click the name of the Excel spreadsheet you saved earlier and choose 'OK.'
8. Click 'Match Fields.' Use the drop-down menus to match the headers you created in the Excel spreadsheet with the various fields that will appear on the mailing label, such as 'First Name' and 'Last Name.'
9. Select 'Preview Results' to ensure the mailing labels look correct. Click the 'Finish Merge' link and then select 'Print Documents' to print the labels.
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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How Can I Overlay Graphs?

1. Open the Excel worksheet that contains the data series.
2. Click and drag the cursor on the range of cells that will convert to a chart.
3. Select the “Insert” tab on the command ribbon.
4. Click the arrow in the lower-right corner of the “Charts” group to launch the dialog box. The “Insert Chart” dialog box opens with a gallery of sample charts.
5. Select a 2-D chart. For example, choose the bar, column or line.
6. Click “OK.” The worksheet data converts to an embedded chart. The “Chart Tools” ribbon appears.
7. Click one data series in the chart’s plot area.
8. Click the “Design” tab on the “Chart Tools” ribbon.
9. Click the “Change Chart Type” button in the “Type” group. A gallery of sample chart types appears.
10. Click the preferred 2-D chart type. The data series converts. Two different chart types display in the same chart area.
11. Edit the chart with the commands in the “Design,” “Format” or “Layout” tabs. The “Design” tab contains “Chart Styles” and “Chart Layouts.” The “Format” tab contains “Shape Styles” and “Shape Effects.” The “Layout” tab contains “Labels” and “Axes.”
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How to Fix a Faded MS Office Menu

1. Click 'Save' on your document. Sometimes this is all that is needed to move your cursor from a place (such as editing a cell in Excel) that blocks certain menu commands. If 'Save' is one of the faded items, click anywhere in the document to move your cursor from its current position.
2. Examine the title bar at the top of your Office program window. This will tell you the title of the document as well as the program and other information. If the title bar contains the words 'Read Only,' you can save the file under a different name to allow access to the toolbar items. In this case, click 'File,' 'Save as,' change the file name, and then click 'Save.' Close the document, and then re-open your renamed document. Your menus should be available as normal.
3. Click 'File,' then 'Info' if your grayed out menus are in Word. Select 'Protect document' under 'Permissions.' Click 'Restrict editing,' and then click 'Stop protection' and deselect any boxes that restrict specific types of editing. Close the menu by clicking the 'X' in the upper-right corner. This also works for read-only files. You may need to type in a password if one was set to protect the document.
4. Click 'Format' on the 'Home' tab if your grayed menus are in Excel. If 'Unprotect sheet' is an option, click this. Enter the password to unprotect the sheet, if required.
5. Check your menu tab to ensure you are in the correct menu. One common misconception in Word is that the alignment features are grayed out, making it impossible to center or make other changes to your text alignment. This is only true if you are trying to use the 'Align' function under 'Arrange' in the 'Page Layout' tab. Click the 'Home' tab instead and position your cursor on the line you want to center. Click the center paragraph icon in the 'Paragraph' section, or click the popout arrow next to 'Paragraph' and select 'Center' from the drop-down menu next to 'Alignment.'
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How to Add Borders to Multiple Cells in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Select the cells to which you wish to add a border. Left-click on one cell, then hold and drag the cursor across the entire group of cells to highlight them. When you release the mouse button, all the cells will stay highlighted.
2. Right-click on the group of highlighted cells to access the Cell Properties menu. Select “Format Cells” to access the border menu. Then scroll to the “Border” tab to change the border.
3. Under the “Border” tab, you can select a premade border under “Presets.” Or you can devise a custom shape and size for the border by clicking on the different border shapes that will appear inside of the “Preview” box when you select these elements.
4. Under the “Line Style” drop-down menu, you can scroll to and select the line style of your choice.
5. Activate the “Color” drop-down menu and choose the desired border color from a proffered palette.
6. Once you have made the desired border selections, click on the 'OK' button to implement the changes.
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Monday, June 24, 2013

How to View or Hide the Toolbar in Excel 2007

View or Hide
1. Open Excel 2007. You will notice three distinct parts of the Excel 2007 window: The spreadsheet, the formula bar and the toolbar. The toolbar includes seven different tabs: Home, insert, page layout, formulas, data, review and view. The traditional functions such as file, save, save as and print are under the Office button in the upper left corner.
2. View the toolbar located near the top of the screen. This will be your default option. On Excel 2007, the toolbar is referred to as the ribbon. Rather than just a list of headings with drop down menus, Excel 2007 toolbar has a visual ribbon which is separated by tabs but clearly visualizes each of the options to better help you recognize the features you want to select. An added bonus to this layout is that you can see icons for each of the features without having to select a drop down menu, as they are located in your sight at all times.
3. Right click on the toolbar if you would like to hide it from your screen. If you are conducting data entry and do not plan on using the multiple features the toolbar provides, you may wish to maximize your spreadsheet working area and hide the toolbar. Each tab is broken into categories that are each labeled at the base of the toolbar. Right-click any base labels. Select the option to minimize the ribbon. This will hide the toolbar.
4. View the tab headings. With the toolbar minimized, these headings appear to be drop down menus, but they still function as tabs. Click on the tab headings and the toolbar will temporarily appear again. If you move your cursor away from the temporary toolbar it will return to hiding. This feature is especially useful if you need to maximize your available workspace and know where to find icons on the toolbar.
5. Right-click on the tab headings and remove the check mark next to hide ribbon, by selecting it. This will return to the toolbar to its default setting so it stays active and visible while you are working. New users might prefer to see the toolbar at all times, as they may be unfamiliar with many features or shortcut keys experienced users may know.
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How to Disable the Security Warning in Excel 2007 Macro

1. Open Excel 2007 and click the 'Office' button. Click 'Open.' Browse the files and locate the workbook. Click the workbook and the 'Open' button.
2. Notice the security warning across the top of the Excel workbook. Click the right 'Options' button on the security button.
3. Select 'Enable Content.' Click 'Ok.' The security warning is disabled and the macros are functional in the workbook.
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How to Create Excel Spreadsheet of Folder Subfolder Directories

In Excel 2003 and Older
1. Log in to your computer as an administrative user.
2. Open a command window by holding down the 'Shift' key on your keyboard while you right-click anywhere on your desktop. A menu will appear. Click 'Open a Command Window Here.' A command window will open on your desktop. You will see a few words followed by a blinking cursor.
3. Type “CD\' after the blinking cursor (do not type the quotation marks). Press the “Enter” key on your keyboard. A new command line will appear below. It should read 'C:\>' followed by the blinking cursor.
4. Type 'dir /ad /s >c:/directories.txt” (do not type the quotation marks). Press the “Enter” key on your keyboard.
5. Type “Exit” and hit the “Enter” key.
6. Open Excel. Click “File” and “Open.” Choose “Text Files (*.prn; *.txt; *.csv)” from the “Files of type” drop-down box. Select the file “c:\directories.txt.” Click the “Open” button.
7. Click the “Delimited” button. Click the “Next” button.
8. Check “Tab” in the “Delimiters” area of the “Text Import Wizard” window. Click the “Next” button.
9. Click the “Finish” button. Save the file.
In Excel 2007
10. Log in to the computer as an administrative user. Open a command window by holding down the 'Shift' key on your keyboard while you right-click anywhere on your desktop. A menu will appear. Click 'Open a Command Window Here.' A command window will open on your desktop. You will see a few words followed by a blinking cursor.
11. Type “CD\' after the blinking cursor (do not type the quotation marks). Press the “Enter” key on your keyboard. A new command line will appear below. It should read 'C:\>' followed by the blinking cursor.
12. Type 'dir /ad /s >c:/directories.txt” (do not type the quotation marks) . Press the “Enter” key on your keyboard.
13. Open Excel. Click the “Office” button and “Open.” Choose “Text Files (*.prn; *.txt; *.csv)” from the “Files of type” drop-down box. Select the file “c:\directories.txt.” Click the “Open” button.
14. Click the button for “Delimited.” Click the “Next” button.
15. Check “Tab” in the “Delimiters” area of the “Text Import Wizard” window. Click the “Next” button.
16. Click the “Finish” button. Save the file.
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