Friday, June 21, 2013

How to AutoFit Column Width in Excel

1. Open Microsoft Excel using the 'Start' menu or a shortcut. Open the document with which you want to work.
2. Click the column you want to modify. To select more than one column, press and hold the 'Ctrl' key while clicking on each column.
3. Click the 'Format' drop-down menu in the 'Cells' group of the 'Home' tab. Select the 'AutoFit Column Width' option in the 'Cell Size' section.
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Thursday, June 20, 2013

How to Use Excel for a Questionnaire

1. Click the 'Developer' tab, and then click the 'Insert' command on the 'Controls' panel. A gallery of controls for your questionnaire will appear.
2. Click the 'Text box' button, whose icon looks like a rectangle with text. Drag on the current spreadsheet to grow the text box.
3. Right-click the text box, then click 'Properties.' Excel will display a window showing modifiable attributes of the text box control. Type'J5' in the 'LinkedCell' rows of the 'Properties' window. Excel will use this cell reference to insert questionnaire data entered into the text box control.
4. Use the instructions from the Step 2 and Step 3 to create another text box below the first one. However, type 'K5' for the 'LinkedCell' reference this time.
5. Use the instructions from Step 1 through Step 4 to insert a check box control below the second text box. This control looks like a small square. Type 'L5' for the LinkedCell reference.
6. Type the following labels in the cells to the left of your three controls: 'First name,' 'Last name,' and a sample yes or no question, such as 'Check here if you think insects should be given equal rights.'
7. Click in cell 'J4,' and then type the following column labels. Press the 'Tab' key in place of the commas:'First name,' 'Last name,' 'Question.'
8. Run the questionnaire by clicking the 'Design mode' button of the 'Controls' tab. Type your name in the text boxes, and click the check box control. Notice that Excel automatically populates the columns you typed in the previous step with your answers.
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How to Convert Excel 2007 to Excel 97

1. Open the workbook in Excel 2007.
2. Click the 'Office' button.
3. Choose 'Save As'.
4. Click on 'Excel 97-2003 Workbook' from the list of 'Save As' options. Excel will save the file in Excel 97 format. The file can now be opened in Excel 97.
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How to Make a Field Mandatory in an Excel Spreadsheet

1. Launch Microsoft Excel.
2. Click the 'Office' button at the top of the screen, then select the 'Excel Options' button at the bottom of the window. Choose the 'Show Developer Tab in the Ribbon' option, then click the 'OK' button.
3. Press 'Alt F11,' then double -click the sheet in the left-hand column that will have the mandatory field.
4. Type the following VBA code into the window:Sub Button1_Click()If Range('A2').Value = '' ThenMsgBox ('Please insert value in cell A2')Exit SubEnd IfEnd SubYou can replace each instance of 'A2' to correspond to the cell or range of cells you are making mandatory. Additionally, whatever function this button will perform will be defined between 'End If' and 'End Sub.'
5. Return to your spreadsheet, then click the 'Developer' tab at the top of the screen and click the 'Insert' button.
6. Select the 'Button' option from the 'Forms' toolbar, then select a location on your spreadsheet for the button.
7. Click the 'Button1_Click' option from the list under 'Macro Name,' then click the 'OK' button.
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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How to Remove Conditional Formating in an Entire Sheet in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Click 'Start,' then 'All Programs,' then 'Microsoft Excel.'
2. Press 'Ctrl' 'O.' Locate and open your workbook that contains conditional formatting.
3. Press 'Ctrl' 'A' twice to highlight your entire worksheet.
4. Click 'Format,' then 'Conditional Formatting.'
5. Click 'Delete,' then check all three of the check boxes. Click 'OK' to remove the formatting.
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How to Apply Themes and Styles in Excel 2007

1. Open a spreadsheet in Excel 2007. A spreadsheet allows you to enter data in the format of rows, columns and individual cells.
2. Type data into rows and columns. Organize your numerical data or details into an organized spreadsheet.
3. Open the 'Page layout' tab. Click on the 'Theme' group. View options to change colors, fonts or effects.
4. Apply a template theme by clicking the theme under the Built-In tab.
5. Create a custom theme. Click the document theme that you want to use under 'Custom.'
6. Look for more by clicking on 'Browse for Themes' to search for more theme ideas.
7. Change fonts, effects and colors to make your theme become more unique and original.
8. Apply a Quick Style to your spreadsheet. A Quick Style is a collection of formatting alternatives that make designing your documents more convenient.
9. Utilize a cell style. A cell style is a defined set of formatting uniqueness in fonts, font sizes, number formats, shading and borders.
10. Select a built in cell style that is modified immediately after being selected.
11. Create your own cell style by modifying and duplicating a built in cell style.
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How to Hide X on the UserForm Title Bar in Excel 2003

1. Open your Microsoft Excel 2003 document and scroll to the right until you get to the “X” column.
2. Right-click on the column header (“X”) in the user form title bar and select the “Hide” option. The “X” column will now be hidden from view in the spreadsheet.
3. Click and drag from the “W” column to the “Y” column to select both columns and then right-click on one of them. Select the “Unhide” option to unhide the “X” column again.
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How to Revert Excel 2007 to A1 Format Instead of R1C1

1. Click on the Windows 'Start' button and select 'All Programs.' Open the 'Microsoft Office' folder, and then click on 'Microsoft Office Excel' to launch the application.
2. Click on the 'Office' button in the top-left corner of the screen and then click the 'Excel Options' button at the bottom of the menu.
3. Click on the 'Formulas' tab in the 'Excel Options' window. Under the 'Working with Formulas' section, clear the checkbox labeled 'R1C1 Reference Style.'
4. Click the 'OK' button to apply the setting. The change to the cell referencing scheme happens instantly, and you will see the columns are now labeled with a letter rather than a number.
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How to Capitalize the First Letter in Excel

1. Open the Excel 2010 file that contains the text that you want to capitalize.
2. Right-click on the column letter directly above the first cell that contains your text. Choose 'Insert' from the pop-up menu and a new column will appear to the left of your selected column.
3. Click on the cell directly to the left of the first cell that holds your text.
4. Enter the following formula into the cell: =upper(left(XX,1))right(XX,LEN(XX)-1) where 'XX' is the column letter followed by the row number of the cell to the right of the current one. Press 'Enter' when you are finished entering the formula and you should see your text repeated in the formula cell, except with the first letter capitalized.
5. Click the cell where you entered your formula and press 'Ctrl' and 'C' to copy the formula to the clipboard. Paste the formula, using 'Ctrl' and 'V', to an empty cell to the left of any text you want to capitalize this way. You may need to insert additional columns to get an empty cell to the left of your text.
6. Right-click the cell with your formula and choose 'Copy' from the list of options. Even if you already have this cell in the clipboard, it is better to be sure that you are copying the correct cell.
7. Right-click on the cell with the original text. Move your mouse over 'Paste Special' in the pop-up menu and choose 'Paste Values.' Repeat this for any other cells that you are capitalizing.
8. Right-click on the letter above the column you created earlier in the process. Choose 'Delete' from the menu to remove the column, leaving you with just the capitalized text. Repeat this for any other columns you created.
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Sunday, June 16, 2013

How to Make Excel 2003 the Default

1. Click 'Start' and type 'regedit' in the Windows search box. Click 'regedit.exe' from the list of files that appears.
2. Locate the 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options' key and right-click on the 'Options' folder. Click 'New' and 'DWORD Value' and enter 'NoReReg' for the Dword Value. Right-click on the 'NoReReg' value that you created and click 'Modify.' Type '1' in the 'Value Date' box and click 'OK.'
3. Open Excel 2003 and select 'Detect and Repair' from the 'Help' menu. Click 'Start' and click 'OK' when the process finishes.
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How to Delete Cells in Microsoft Excel

1. Select the cell or range of cells you want to delete. To select multiple cells, click in the first cell and drag down or over to the last cell.
2. Go to the 'Edit' menu and choose 'Delete.' A dialog box pops up.
3. Decide how you want your data moved to fill the space of the deleted cells. Choose 'Shift cells left' to have the data in the rows with the deleted cells slide over. Choose 'Shift cells up' to have the data in the columns with the deleted cells move up. All formulas will adjust accordingly.
4. Delete an entire row or column in Excel by choosing 'Entire row' or 'Entire column.' All data under a deleted row shifts up and all data to the right of a deleted column shifts to the left.
5. Click 'OK' to confirm to Excel you want to delete the cells.
6. Clear the contents of a cell without removing the actual cell by selecting the cells you want cleared and pressing 'Delete' on your keyboard. The data is removed from the cell, but all formatting remains. To clear formulas or comments from the cells, choose 'Clear' from the 'Edit' menu and then click what you want cleared.
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How to Combine a Graph

1. Open the Excel Program.
2. Click the 'File' tab on the command ribbon. A list of commands appears.
3. Click 'Open.' Select the workbook to open.
4. Click the 'Insert' tab on the command ribbon.
5. Click and drag on the categories and data cells for the chart.
6. Click the arrow next to the chart style in the 'Chart' group.
7. Click to select the preferred chart type, for example, '2-D Column.' The data converts to an embedded chart. The 'Chart Tools' ribbon appears with three tabs: 'Design,' 'Layout' and 'Format.'
8. Click the 'Design' tab on the 'Chart Tools' ribbon.
9. Click one data series on the chart to display as a different chart type. For example, one color column. If no data series is selected, the whole chart will change.
10. Click the 'Change Chart Type' button in the 'Type' group. The 'Change Chart Type' dialog window opens with a gallery of charts.
11. Click a different chart type. For example, 'Line.'
12. Click 'OK.' The selected data series converts to the new chart type. Two different chart types appear on the screen.
13. Edit the combined chart, if preferred. To bring a data series closer to the other data series, right-click one data series. A list of options appears. Click 'Format Data Series.' A 'Format Data Series' dialog window opens. Select the radio button for 'Secondary Axis.' Click 'Close.' The chart converts.
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Saturday, June 15, 2013

How to Create a Multiple Stacked Chart in Excel 2003

1. Open your Microsoft Excel spreadsheet filled with your data sets.
2. Click your cursor on the 'A1' cell. Hit the 'Control' ('Ctrl') button and then press the 'A' key without letting go of the 'Control' button. You will see the cells where you have typed your data become highlighted. Keep in mind that you need at least two sets of data to create a stacked column chart.
3. Click 'Insert' on your toolbar.
4. Click Column. Select one of the 'stacked' column styles. You can choose, for example, a cylindrical stacked column or a conical stacked column. Excel will turn your data into a chart, and that chart will appear on your screen.
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How to Create a Combination Chart in MS Excel

1. Open a blank worksheet in Microsoft Excel.
2. Create a data table. For instance, enter time values in column A, such as the months of the year. In column B, enter a column heading for your first data series, such as number of items sold, followed by the data values. Enter a second data series in column C, such as average price, with each data value lining up with a value in column A.
3. Highlight all of the data you want to plot in a chart, including both data series.
4. Click the 'Insert' tab. In the 'Charts' group, select the chart type you want to use for the first data series. For instance, to create a basic column chart, click 'Column' and select a '2D Clustered Column Chart.' The chart will appear on the worksheet with the data values you entered.
5. Click the data series on the chart that you want to make into a different chart type. Make sure only one data series is selected.
6. Click the 'Design' tab. In the 'Type' group, click 'Change Chart Type.' Choose the chart type you want. For instance, to change the series to a line graph, select 'Line with Markers' in the 'Line' group. Click 'OK.'
7. Change the second data series to have a secondary vertical axis. To do so, select the data series in the chart. Click the 'Layout' tab. In 'Current Selection,' select 'Format Selection.' Click 'Series Options' in the dialog box. Click 'Secondary Axis' under 'Plot Series On.' Click 'Close.'
8. Add labels to the vertical axes by clicking the 'Layout' tab. In the 'Labels' group, click 'Axis Titles.' Select 'Primary Vertical Axis' and choose a title option. Do the same for 'Secondary Vertical Axis.' Click each axis in the chart and enter a new title.
9. Select the chart by clicking the bounding box around it. Browse through the 'Design, Layout and Format' tabs. You can make changes to the chart style, outline and layout, as well as format specific chart elements.
10. Click the 'Microsoft Office Button' and choose 'Save as' to save the combination chart and data.
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How to Make a Line Graph in Microsoft Excel

1. Arrange the data in either rows or columns. Excel makes the decision as to how to best graph the line based on the data input you provide. You need at least two sets of data to create the axes for your chart. For example, build a line graph using one row or column that provides time periods, such as months or quarters, and the other row or column listing gross sales.
2. Select the data in the rows or columns to include in the line chart. Click and drag your mouse across the data in the Excel spreadsheet to include it.
3. Click the Insert tab and review the available types of Chart. Select 'Line' from the options offered.
4. Review the embedded chart in your spreadsheet. To move the chart to its own sheet, select it. The Chart Tools display, which adds several tabs, including Design, Format and Layout. From the Design tab, click 'Move Chart,' which resides in the Location group. Select 'New sheet' from the 'Choose where you want the chart to be placed' options.
5. Modify the title, which defaults to 'Chart1' by selecting the Layout tab. In the Properties group, click the 'Chart Name.' Enter the name and press the 'Enter' key.
6. Modify the layout by using a pre-determined format from Excel. Select the line chart. The Chart Tools become available. Select from among the options available in the Chart Layouts group from the Design tab.
7. Add titles to the axis. Click the chart to active the Chart Tools. From the Layout tab, review the Labels group. Select 'Axis Titles,' and enter the axis name for the primary horizontal and vertical axes.
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