Sunday, May 12, 2013

How to Delete Duplicate Rows in Excel Based on One Column

1. Select the entire column of data by left clicking on the top cell and dragging the cursor to the bottom cell.
2. Click on the 'Data' tab and select 'Filter > Advanced.' Click the 'Filter the list, in-place' radio button and check the box next to 'Unique records only.' Click the 'OK' button.
3. Open the Office Clipboard by pressing the 'Home' tab and choosing 'Clipboard.'
4. Hold down the Crtl and C keys at the same time to copy the cells into the clipboard.
5. Click on the 'Filter' tab to restore the original cell data.
6. Paste the modified cell contents from the clipboard into the cells by clicking on the contents in the clipboard.
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How to Make a Gantt Chart Using Microsoft

Open a new Excel worksheet. Enter column headings into Row 1, such as 'Start Date,' 'Amount Completed' and 'Amount Remaining.' Enter your data into the columns for each heading.
Select the cells that contain data. If you are using Excel 2003 or earlier, click the 'Chart Wizard' button on the 'Standard' toolbar. In Excel 2007, go to the 'Chart' section on the 'Insert' tab. Select 'Bar' as the chart type, and then select 'Stacked Bar' as the subtype. Click 'Finish.'
Double click the first color in the chart bars to open the 'Format Data Series' dialog box. Go to the 'Patterns' tab. Select 'None' for both 'Area' and 'Border,' and then click 'OK.'
Double click the 'Category Axis,' go to the 'Scale' tab and select 'Categories in Reverse Order.' Go to the 'Font' tab and change the font size to '8.' Click 'OK.'
Double click the 'Value Axis' and go to the 'Alignment' tab. Enter '45' in the 'Degrees' box. Go to the 'Font' tab and select 'Bold' under 'Font Style' and '8' for the font size. Click 'OK.'
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How to Change Columns From Numbers to Letters in Excel 2007

1. Open Microsoft Excel 2007 to open a blank worksheet. Locate the 'Office' button in the top left hand corner next to the exit button. Click on the 'Office' button.
2. Click on 'Excel Options.' A new menu window will appear in which you need to click on the 'Formulas' tab.
3. Deselect he 'R1C1 Reference Style' check box. Click 'OK'to close the window and save your selections. This will change the columns from numbered to lettered immediately. To change the R1C1 reference style again simply revisit the excel options again and check the R1C1 box.
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Saturday, May 11, 2013

How to Reassign a Macro Button in Excel 2003

1. Open Excel 2003 and locate the macro button on your toolbar. Click 'Tools' on the menu bar and click 'Customize.' The Customize dialog box will appear. Click the 'Commands' tab. Click the macro on the toolbar and click the 'Modify Selection' button in the Customize dialog box.
2. Select 'Assign Macro.' The Assign Macro dialog box appears. Select a macro from the list and click 'OK.' If necessary, you can update the macro image by clicking the 'Modify' button in the Customize dialog box and select 'Change Button Image.'
3. Update the macro description by clicking the 'Modify' button and selecting 'Name.' Type a new name over the previous macro description. Click 'Close.' View the newly assigned macro on your toolbar.
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How to Make Box Plots in Excel

1. Open the Excel file that contains the data you want to represent as a box plot.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the data set and type in five new row headers on the left-hand side of the screen. These headers, from top to bottom, are: “First Quartile,” “Minimum,” “Median,” “Maximum” and “Third Quartile.”
3. Select the cell to the right of “First Quartile.” Type in “=Percentile (XXX, 0.25),” where XXX is the field of data for that sample. Write out the field by typing in the column and row of the first cell in the field, then add a colon, and then type in the column and row of the last cell in the field.
4. Type in “=min (XXX)” next to the “Minimum” cell. Then type in “=median (XXX)” next to the median cell and “=max (XXX)” next to the maximum cell. Finally type in “=percentile (XXX, 0.75)” next to the “Third Quartile” cell. The “XXX” in all of these will be the same data field.
5. Copy and paste these formulas to the cells to their right, if you need to create a box plot for more than one data sample. If your second sample is located in the cells directly to the right of your first sample, Excel will automatically change the formulas to reflect this.
6. Select all of the cells in the chart you just made, including the row headers in the first column. Click “Insert” on the top of the window, then click the “Line” button in the “Charts” area. Choose the “Line with Markers” button, and your chart will appear.
7. Click the “Switch Row/Column” button at the top of the screen.
8. Right-click on any of the data points on the chart. Select “Format Data Series” from the menu that pops up. Then choose “Line color” on the left side of the new window, and click the radial button next to “no line” before clicking “Close.” Repeat this for the other four data lines.
9. Click the Layout tab at the top of the screen, then click the “Analysis” button. Choose “Lines” from the menu and finally click on “High-Low Lines.” Then click “Analysis” and “Lines” again, but this time select “Up/Down Bars” to reveal a menu, and select the “Up/Down Bars” button from this new menu.
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How to Insert a Countdown Timer in an Excel Worksheet

1. Open the Excel 2010 worksheet where you want to add a countdown timer. Right-click the cell where you want the timer to go and choose 'Format Cells.' Click 'Custom' on the left side of the window that appears and then select 'h:mm:ss' from the list on the right. Click 'OK' to continue.
2. Hold down 'Alt' and press 'F11' to open up the VBA console. Select your current worksheet from the list on the left side of the console. Click the small arrow next to the 'Insert Userform' button at the top of the screen, which is the second button from the left side, and choose 'Module' from the list of options that appear. Double-click 'Module 1' when it appears in the list.
3. Click the white space on the right side of the screen and enter the following code:Sub Countup()Dim CountDown As DateCountDown = Now TimeValue('00:00:01')Application.OnTime CountDown, 'Realcount'End SubThis code will allow the rest of the code to process once each second.
4. Press enter to access a new line on the page. Enter to following code:Sub Realcount()Dim count As RangeSet count = [E1]count.Value = count.Value - TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)If count
5. Click the 'X' in the upper right corner of the console to close it.
6. Select the cell that you are using for your countdown and enter your desired countdown time. Be sure that you enter the hours, minutes and seconds, even if the hours and minutes are zero. '2:30' is two hours and thirty minutes; '0:2:30' is two minutes and thirty seconds.
7. Click the 'Developer' tab at the top of the screen, and then click the 'Macros' button on the left side of the ribbon. Select 'Countup' from the list and click 'Run.' Your countdown will start and it will continue until it gets to zero, when you will see a message box explaining that the countdown is complete.
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How to Create a Standard Deviation Graph in Excel

1. Open Excel. Open a data file or type the data into a series of columns with one value per column.
2. Click 'Insert' and select 'Scatter.'
3. Select the type of scatter graph you wish to insert.
4. A blank area should be inserted and you should see new tabs as options on the menu bar. Click the 'Design' tab and choose 'Select Data.' Hold 'Shift' while selecting the data and click 'OK' in the pop-up window.
5. Click on the 'Layout' tab and select 'Error Bars.' Select 'Error Bars with Standard Deviation' from the drop-down window.
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How to Calculate Mean in Excel 2007

1. Enter your the data in column A. For example, if you have four numbers to enter, you would enter them in cells A1 through A4.
2. Determine the range for your data. For example, if you entered four data points, your range would be A1:A4.
3. Enter the formula '=AVERAGE(Range)' into cell B1 to have Excel automatically calculate the average of your data. In this example, since your range equals A1:A4, you would enter '=AVERAGE (A1:A4)' into cell B1 and the average will appear.
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How to Embed a PDF File in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Open the Excel document you're editing if it's not open already.
2. Select the location where you want to embed the PDF. When you insert the PDF, the top-left corner of the document will be flush against the top-left corner of whatever cell you have selected.
3. Click the 'Insert' menu at the top of the screen and select 'Object' to open the 'Object' window.
4. Select 'Adobe Acrobat Document' from the 'Object type' section and then click 'OK.' Excel will display an 'Open' window.
5. Navigate to and select the PDF that you want to embed into Excel.
6. Click 'Open.' Excel will embed the PDF into your document and open the PDF in Adobe Reader.
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Sunday, April 28, 2013

How to View Different Worksheets in the Same Workbook in Excel 2003

1. Open the workbook in Excel 2003.
2. Click 'Window,' then 'New Window.' Excel will now feature two windows for the document. You can select a different worksheet in the new window if you like. Repeat this until you have as many windows open as necessary.
3. Click 'Window,' then 'Arrange.' Choose whether to arrange the windows horizontally, vertically or one of the other ways. This will equally split the windows; you can drag their corners to resize them.
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How to Add a Workbook to Microsoft Excel

Excel 2003
1. Log on to your computer and open Microsoft Excel. Open a new or existing spreadsheet.
2. Place your cursor to the right of where you want the new workbook to appear. Click on the 'Insert' menu.
3. Choose 'Workbook' from the menu and click 'OK.' You will now see a new tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
4. Click on the 'Format' menu and choose 'Sheet' from the menu. Choose 'Rename' and give the new workbook a descriptive name.
Excel 2007
5. Log on to your computer and open Microsoft Excel. Open a new or an existing spreadsheet.
6. Locate the bar at the bottom of the spreadsheet that lists the existing tabs. Click on the 'Insert' button to the right of the last tab. A new worksheet will be added to the right of the last existing one.
7. Select an existing tab to place a new workbook in front of that tab. Then click on the 'Home' tab in the 'Cells' group and choose 'Insert' from the list.
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How to Open Excel Without Macros

Starting Excel from the Desktop or Start Menu
1. Press and hold the 'Shift' key on your computer's keyboard.
2. Click on the Excel icon on your computer's Desktop or click 'Start,' 'All Programs,' 'Excel.' Excel's splash screen will appear and the program will open.
3. Release the 'Shift' key once the default blank workbook appears on your computer's screen.
Starting Excel from the Office Shortcut Bar
4. Click on the Excel icon on the Office Shortcut bar on your computer's Desktop.
5. Press and hold the 'Shift' key on your computer's keyboard immediately. Excel's splash screen will appear and the program will open.
6. Release the 'Shift' key when a blank workbook appears on your computer's screen.
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How to Print Continuing Row and Column Headings in Excel 2003

1. Open the Excel file that you want to work on. With Excel open, go to 'File > Open' and find your file.
2. Click on 'File > Page Setup.'
3. Click on the Sheet tab.
4. Click on the chart icon next to the box for 'Rows to Repeat at Top.' This will take you back to your Excel sheet. You can now click on the row that you would like to appear on subsequent pages. For example, if there is a row with headings you'd like to repeat, choose that one. After you click each row, your choice will appear in a box on the main screen. Hit 'Enter' to return to the dialog box.
5. Click on the chart icon next to the box for 'Columns to Repeat at Left.' Click on the column that you want to see repeated. In this case, choose the column that contains your headings. Hit 'Enter.'
6. Click 'OK' to save your settings.
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How to Make Bold Letters in Excel

1. Open the Excel file in which you want to make bold letters. Enter text in a cell or multiple cells.
2. Click the cell or group of cells in which you want to add bold font. If you want an entire row or column to contain bold font, select the entire row or column by clicking the letter or number at the beginning of the cell or row.
3. Click the 'Home' tab.
4. Click the 'Bold' button. The Bold button is represented by a 'B' and is located in the Font group.
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Saturday, April 27, 2013


1. Click the Windows 'Start' button, and select 'All Programs.' Click 'Microsoft Office,' then click 'Excel 2003.' The software opens on the computer to the main window. Excel automatically starts a new spreadsheet for you, if you want to create a new worksheet.
2. Click the 'File' menu item, then click 'Open.' The 'Open' dialog window lets you open an existing spreadsheet. Double-click an XLS file to load it in the Excel software, if you want to edit an existing spreadsheet.
3. Create the data in your spreadsheet. The type of data you enter into the spreadsheet is determined by what you intend to create. You can type text and numbers into the Excel cells. To create formulas, you must enter only numbers in a cell. For instance, if you want to make a spreadsheet of revenue, type 'Revenue' in the 'A1' cell. Excel marks each row with a number and columns with a letter, so 'A1' is the first cell on the spreadsheet.
4. Type your revenue data under the A1 cell. For instance, type '30' in A2 and '40' in A3. The following is what the spreadsheet should look like:Revenue3040
5. Create a formula to add the two revenue values. You can add two or several values in a formula. You prefix a formula with the equals sign. For instance, to add the two values typed in step four, type the following in A4:=sum(a2:a3)The formula above tells Excel to add cells A2 through A3. After you press 'Enter,' notice the value in the cell is the total sum of the two cells.
6. Highlight any cells you want to format. Click the 'Format' menu item, then click 'Cells.' A configuration window opens. The configuration window lets you set up the font, colors, background color, borders and alignment. Make you changes in the window and click 'OK' to see the changes.
7. Click the 'Save' toolbar button at the top of the window after you complete all of the spreadsheet changes. The file extension used for Excel 2003 is XLS. To open the file in the future, click 'File,' then view the files listed in the 'Recent' list. You can open the file using this method, if you forget the file name.
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