Saturday, March 16, 2013

How to Extract the Last Word in a Cell

1. Open Excel and click 'File' and 'Open,' browsing to the file of raw data. Highlight the file and click 'Open.'
2. Create a blank column next to the first column of raw data you would like to parse. For example, if column 'A' is the first column of raw data, then right-click on the 'B' and select 'Insert.' This will provide you with a new, blank column.
3. Type '=RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND('*',SUBSTITUTE(A1,' ','*',LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,' ','')))))' into cell B2 and click 'Enter.' This formula breaks down the line of text in cell A1 in the following manner:'LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,' ',''))' makes a count of the spaces.'SUBSTITUTE(A1,' ','|', ... )' replaces the last space with a '|.''FIND('|', ... )' finds the position of the '|.''Right(A1,LEN(A1) - ... ))' returns all characters after the '|.'
4. Click and hold the bottom-right corner of cell B1 and drag it down in order to pass the formula down to the remaining cells.
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How to Create a Stock Chart in Excel 2007 With Multiple Stocks

1. Open Excel. Create a new document or open a spreadsheet that already contains stock data.
2. Enter or arrange the stock price data into columns. Each column should represent the changes in a stock's price. For example, if you are creating a chart of daily activity in the stock market for four specific stocks, use the first four columns, A through D. Label the stock name or ticker symbol at the top of each column in row 1, then place the daily price data in the subsequent rows. Do not skip rows or leave any cells blank.
3. Select the entire data set by dragging the mouse from cell A1 to the right through all the stocks' columns and then down through all the rows to the last day of information. When done, the entire data set should be highlighted within the Excel window.
4. Click the 'Insert' tab on the ribbon toolbar at the top of the Excel 2007 window. Locate the 'Charts' group within this tab.
5. Click on the 'Line' chart option and then choose any line chart format that appeals to you. A chart is automatically inserted into the spreadsheet containing all the data you selected. Each column is drawn as a separate line on the chart. The overlapping lines show the different stocks' price moves together in one chart.
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How to Add an XML Map to an Excel Spreadsheet

1. Launch Microsoft Excel and open the spreadsheet to which you want to add the XML map.
2. In Excel 2003, click the 'Data' tab and put the cursor over 'XML.' On the drop-down, select 'XML Source.' In Excel 2007, click 'Data,' then click 'From Other Sources' in the drop-down, then click 'From XML Data Import.'
3. Click on the 'XML Maps' button and then click 'Add.'
4. Locate the XML schema you want to map to the spreadsheet and then click 'Open.'
5. Click 'OK' to map the XML schema to the spreadsheet.
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Friday, March 15, 2013

How to Learn MS Excel Macros

Learn How to Record a Macro
1. Access the 'Macro' menu from the 'Tools' menu and click on 'Record New Macro.' This will open a dialog box in which you will type a name for the macro. When you click the 'OK' button, the macro will automatically begin to record and a small window with a 'Stop' button will appear.
2. Perform the set of functions that you would like to have in your Macro. If you would like to average a set of numbers, add a dollar sign and put a black border around the cell, carry out all of those tasks. The functions and commands you perform will record in the order in which you complete them.
3. Press the stop button to cease recording. You now have a macro that can average numbers, add a dollar sign and put a black border around the call with just one click.
Learn How to Run a Macro
4. Get to the 'Macro' option through the 'Tools' menu. When you click on 'Macro,' it will bring up a list of all available macros saved in your Excel.
5. Make a button for the macro to add to your toolbar. To create the macro button, go to the 'Tools' menu and select 'Customize' from the list. Go to the 'Commands' tab and click 'Macros' under the 'Categories' section. Drag the custom button of your choice to the toolbar. Go to 'Modify Selection' in the 'Customize' window and click on 'Assign Macro'. Choose the name of your macro from the list of macros that comes up and press the 'OK' button. The button will now stay on your toolbar and with one-click will perform all of the recorded functions.
6. Create your own keyboard shortcut. This will allow you to run the macro by pressing a combination of keys on the keyboard. To make a shortcut, click on 'Macro' under the 'Tools' menu. Choose your macro from the list and go to 'Options'. A window will come up with a place for a 'Shortcut key'. Pick a key to use as the shortcut for your macro, keeping in mind that some keys are already shortcut keys in Excel, such as Ctrl P for paste and Ctrl X for cut. After you have entered your key, click 'OK.' Your macro will now run automatically when you press the Ctrl key and the key that you assigned for your macro.
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How to Insert a Comment Box in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel 2007
1. Open your spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel.
2. Click on the cell where you want the comment to appear. Click on the 'Review' menu, and then 'New Comment' in the 'Comments' section. You can also right-click on the cell and click 'Insert Comment.' A text box will appear with your user name in it.
3. Type your comment. When you are finished, click anywhere in the spreadsheet outside of the text box. The comment box will disappear, but will reappear when you roll the mouse pointer over the cell.
4. Click on the cell, and then the 'Edit Comment' button to edit the comment or 'Delete Comment' to delete it. Use the 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons to jump from comment to comment, the 'Show/Hide Comment' button to display that cell’s comment without having to keep your mouse on it and the 'Show All Comments' button to show all of the comments on the sheet. Click it again to hide them.
Microsoft Excel 1997-2003
5. Open your spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel.
6. Click on the cell where you want the comment to appear. Click on the 'Insert' menu, and then 'Comment.' You can also right-click on the cell and click 'Insert Comment.' A text box will appear with your user name in it.
7. Type your comment. When you are finished, click anywhere in the spreadsheet outside of the text box. The comment box will disappear, but will reappear when you roll the mouse pointer over the cell.
8. Click on the cell and then the 'Insert' menu and 'Edit Comment' to edit the comment. You can also right-click on the cell and click 'Edit Comment' to edit it, or 'Delete Comment' to delete it or 'Show/Hide Comment' to display the comment without rolling your mouse over it. Click it again to hide the comment.
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How to Embed Flash Game in Excel Spreadsheet

1. Download free flash game online or use one you already have
2. Open Excel and go to the top left option button. Choose excel options in the bottom right hand corner.
3. Click show developer tab in the ribbon.
4. Go to the developers tab and click insert. Choose insert shockwave object.
5. Create an area on the spreadsheet as large as the window you are working on.
6. Right click the area you just created and choose properties.
1. Make the embed movies option 'True'
2. Find the file you want on your computer and paste the path into the movie option. (exit properties)
7. Click design mode and you now have an active game.
8. Right click the game area on the screen and choose play.
9. Save normally and send it to yourself at work. Have fun.
10. Tell me if it works, I have a game or two at
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How to Use the Freeze Pane Command to Create Static Headings in Excel 2003

1. Open your Excel worksheet once you have logged on to your computer. You should be able to locate the program by using your 'Start' button. When you cannot find it there, use your 'Search' or 'Find' function.
2. Highlight the column to the right of the column to be frozen. Go to 'Window'. Select 'Freeze Panes'. A bold line will appear to the right of the frozen column indicating that those panes are frozen.
3. Freeze rows by highlighting the row below the row to be frozen. Repeat Step 3 as needed.
4. Freeze both by highlighting the cell to the right of the column and below the row and repeating Step 3.
5. Enjoy scrolling through your worksheet while your titles stay in place.
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How to Use ActiveCell in Excel Using a VBA

1. Launch Microsoft Office Excel, click the 'Developer' tab, and click 'Visual Basic.'
2. Click the 'Insert' menu and click 'Module' to insert a new code module. Type the following code to start a new sub procedure:Private Sub usingActiveCell()
3. Copy and paste the following to activate 'Sheet1:'Worksheets('Sheet1').Activate
4. Copy and paste the following to add a value to 'A1,' 'A2,' and 'A3:'Range('A1').SelectActiveCell.Value = 3.5Range('A2').SelectActiveCell.Value = 10Range('A3').SelectActiveCell.Value = 20
5. Copy and paste the following to highlight the cells with data:With ActiveCellRange(Cells(.Row, .CurrentRegion.Column), Cells(.Row, .CurrentRegion.Columns.Count .CurrentRegion.Column - 1)).Interior.ColorIndex = 8Range(Cells(.CurrentRegion.Row, .Column), Cells(.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count .CurrentRegion.Row - 1, .Column)).Interior.ColorIndex = 8End WithApplication.ScreenUpdating = True
6. Copy and paste the following to display the values added through the 'Immediate Window:'Range('A1').SelectDebug.Print ActiveCell.ValueRange('A2').SelectDebug.Print ActiveCell.ValueRange('A3').SelectDebug.Print ActiveCell.Value
7. Copy and paste the following to end the sub procedure:End Sub
8. Press 'Ctrl' and 'G' to display the 'Immediate Window' and press 'F5' to run the procedure.
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Thursday, March 14, 2013

How to Create a Two X Axis Chart in Excel

1. Create a chart that measures two data series against a set of variables using the Chart Wizard. Click 'Finish' and the chart will appear in your worksheet.
2. Click anywhere on the chart. In the top navigational menu, click the 'Format' tab. Click the arrow in the 'Chart Elements' box, and then select the data series you wish to be the secondary plot.
3. Click on 'Format Selection' in the 'Current Selection' section of the 'Format' tab.
4. Click on the 'Series Options' tab in the pop-up window, and then select 'Secondary Axis.' Click 'Close'. You will see a secondary vertical axis appear in the chart.
5. Click anywhere in the chart, then click the 'Layout' tab in the top navigational menu. Click on 'Axes'.
6. Click 'Secondary Horizontal Axis' and then choose your desired layout from the display options. Your secondary plot will change to a horizontal one.
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How to Insert an Excel Drop Down Menu Box Into a Word Document

1. Select the Excel cell with the drop-down box by left-clicking it with your mouse.
2. Click 'Ctrl' and 'C' to copy the contents of the box to the clipboard.
3. In Microsoft Word, click on the 'Home' tab.
4. Click the down arrow beneath 'Paste' at the far left of the ribbon (the toolbar). Select 'Paste Special' from the options list.
5. Choose 'Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet Object.' This inserts the object into Word.
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

How to Insert a Calendar Into an Excel Spreadsheet

1. Download a calendar template from Microsoft Office Online. Search through the available templates and, after you find one you like, click the calendar link and select 'Download.'
2. Click 'Accept' to agree to the service agreement and click 'Save' to save the template to your computer.
3. Open the Excel workbook that you want to insert a calendar into. Click the 'Insert' button at the top of the page and select 'Object' from the menu that drops down.
4. Select 'Create from file' in the Object box that opens and click 'Browse' to search for the calendar template. When you find it, select the template and click 'Insert.' The calendar will then appear in your spreadsheet.
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How to Convert XLXS to XLS in Microsoft

Convert With Excel
1. Launch Microsoft Excel 2007 or Excel 2010. Open the '.xlxs' file that you want to convert to '.xls'.
2. Click 'File' from the main program menu. Select 'Save As' from the drop-down menu.
3. Select 'Excel 97-2003 Workbook' from the 'Save As' context menu. This converts and saves the '.xlxs' file to an '.xls' file.
Convert With Office Compatibility Pack
4. Launch your Web browser. Navigate to the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack download page.
5. Click the 'Download' link toward the top of the page. Select 'Save' from the on-screen download prompt to save the 'FileFormatConverters' installation file to your computer's hard drive. Wait for the download to finish.
6. Locate the file in your computer's 'Downloads' or 'My Downloads' folder. Double-click the file to install the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack. If prompted, restart your computer during the installation process.
7. Open Microsoft Excel. Click 'File' followed by 'Open' to open the '.xlxs' Excel file that you want to edit or view. Excel now converts the workbook document into a format that is compatible with the older version of Excel.
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How to Add Hours in Microsoft Excel

1. Create or open an Excel workbook that has hours that need to be totaled. The hours are formatted as h:mm.
In the example at the left, the sum of the column results in an inaccurate number since Excel ignores hours that exceed 24. By reformatting the cell that holds the sum formula, we can correct this situation.
3. Right click in the cell that holds the sum formula, and then click on Format Cells.
4. On the Format Cells dialog box, click on the Number tab if it's not already displaying.
Edit the custom setting, placing brackets around the 'h' as: [h]:mm .
Click OK and you will see that the revised formatting has corrected the display value.
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How to Hide Password Protect a Sheet Within Excel

1. Open the Excel worksheet you want to password protect and hide.
2. Place your cursor on the worksheet tab at the bottom of your spreadsheet.
3. Right click over the tab and choose 'Protect Sheet' from the pop-up menu. The “Protect Sheet” dialog box will open.
4. Add a check mark to 'Protect worksheet and contents of locked cells.' Insert the password you want to use into the 'Password to unprotect sheet' text box.
5. Choose the options you want to allow and press 'OK.' Re-enter your password in the “Confirm Password” dialog box and press “OK.”
6. Right click on the worksheet tab again and select 'Hide' from the options. The worksheet will be hidden from view.
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How to Use Excel to Find Duplicates in a Long List

1. Open Microsoft Excel and the file that contains your list with duplicates.
2. Highlight the entire column (or columns) that contain the list(s) you want to examine for duplicates by clicking on the column letter(s) ('A,' 'B,' etc.) at the top of your data.
3. Click the 'Conditional Formatting' command in the 'Styles' group under the 'Home' tab, choose 'Highlight Cells Rules' and then choose 'Duplicate Values.'
4. Choose the color scheme you want the duplicate values to be highlighted with using the drop-down menu on the right of the 'Duplicate Values' dialog box that opens, or just click 'OK' to accept the default color scheme and highlight all duplicates.
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