1. Click the cell at one end of the range that you are analyzing.
2. Drag the mouse to the cell at the other end, selecting the entire range.
3. Click 'Conditional Formatting' from the 'Styles' tab of the 'Home' ribbon. A drop-down menu will open.
4. Click 'New Rule...' from the bottom of the list.
5. Click 'Format only top or bottom ranked values' from the 'Select a Rule Type' pane.
6. Select 'Top' from the first of the drop-down boxes in the 'Edit the Rule Description' pane.
7. Type '1' into the text box in the 'Edit the Rule Description' pane.
8. Click the 'Format' button, which opens the 'Format Cells' dialog box.
9. Click the color that you want to use to highlight the maximum value. Click 'OK.'
10. Click 'OK' in the 'New Formatting Rule' dialog box. The range's maximum value will now appear highlighted in the color you chose.
11. Repeat Steps 1 through 5.
12. Select 'Bottom' from the first of the drop-down boxes in the 'Edit the Rule Description' pane.
13. Repeat Steps 7 and 8.
14. Choose a different color to represent the range's minimum value. Click 'OK.'
15. Click 'OK' in the 'New Formatting Rule' dialog box. The range's minimum value will now appear highlighted as well.